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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Ian, That would work for me, if I could I would lock away my phone when on the boat, I have not worn my watch since I was last on the Broads in March. Regards Alan
  2. I never managed to visit this pub in over 19 years on the Broads, maybe it was the state of the tides or the place did not look that inviting. I agree with others that it is hardly viable because of its limited access.
  3. I am also hoping for the 4th July as well, if the restriction of sleeping over on the boats is lifted I will be down to the boat on the 7th July.
  4. Hi Grendel, My first thoughts were why you had taken the picture with a few Fruit Pastels in the shot Regards Alan
  5. Personally I do not get this fishing malarkey, my Brother in law brings some light tackle with him when joining me on the boat. The only fish I am interested in is in batter or a pie. Regards Alan
  6. Hello Andy, Thank you for your candid post. I wish you luck in your next venture. Regards Alan
  7. Lets hope so, I should be down to the boat on the the 7th July.
  8. Hello Agri, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  9. We always loved to see the rabbits at Bramerton at dusk or early morning. Regards Alan
  10. Hello Ian, involving the Police was certainly the way to go. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Poppy, I do not go in for poncy coffee, like many people of my age I have a number of coffee sets, but prefer a decent large mug of coffee be it being filters or instant, I certainly do not have time for all the adverts for so called Italian coffee etc. Regards Alan
  12. Hello Tom, All boat & syndicate owners are waiting with bated breath for your announcement that we can resume sleeping on our boats, when this happens you will be hearing cheers up & down the country. It will present problems for shared boats with regards to sanitation between allocations and change over days more than likely will extended. Regards Alan
  13. I can remember it less than 5 shillings 4 & eight springs to mind at the local garage (one of those old ones with parking in an underground basement, engineers shop at the back and a front apron with with concrete front canopy with old regent pumps and the Castrol oil cans on stands) it was attended service. 1971 when decimalisation came in One garage in Sheffield sold fuel at 29 pence per gallon.
  14. Happy Birthday Pauline. Regards Alan
  15. I was fifteen at the time, I never liked football at school and could not see the fascination of watching it being played. On the day of the match myself and a mate went into Sheffield to a Cinema to watch a film, from our point of view it was more entertaining. Regards Alan
  16. My first Narrow Boat holiday in 1975 cost £305.00 for a 56 foot 10 berth boat, there was 6 of us aboard.
  17. I have learnt that the Muppets that we encounter be it on the media or around us have locally have no idea what is going on. There are some where their lives have not changed at all, they are oblivious to the lost loved ones that have died during these trying times.
  18. If Piers Morgan was on the forum I guess most of us would leave, he is like Marmite and I can't stand ether of them.
  19. I remember him from the How TV program of the mid 60's and the various documentaries he did. His pipe was always with him from what I recall.
  20. I do hope the restrictions are lifted in early July, I am due to go down to the boat on the on the 7th July. If the staying overnight rules have been rescinded. Lets hope for the best. Regards Alan
  21. Ranworth Breeze has also been out with local owners taking day trips only. Owners from further afield will have to wait until we are allowed to resume sleeping overnight on the boat. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Vaughan, Maybe carrying ladders is a thing on the French Canals, I have spent maybe 40 odd years on the UK canals and I have never seen ladders maybe the the odd pair of steps and a plethora of other items on the roofs of many live aboard boats. The tidy one tend to have roof lockers to keep all there good in. Regards Alan
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