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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. We moored at Rockland St. Mary on Tuesday night, there was only one other space left after we arrived, all the electric point moorings were full, so we moored on the opposite side. Steak, roast carrots, potatoes and vegetables for tea. plenty of rain through the night. We watched a DVD before going to bed. We set off Wednesday morning for Bramerton and managed to get in at the moorings. Chris did some fishing off of the back of the boat whilst I made tea, meat & potato pie plenty of rain again a couple of beers, a DVD, I ended up prodding Chris who had nodded off during the film (it was a bit dire) he made a drink to wake himself up before going to bed. We headed back to the marina on Thursday morning after breakfast, one of our fellow owners was calling in with her twin sister who wanted to look around the boat, they are thinking of purchasing one of the shares for sale. The couple liked the boat and we exchanged details with the view of me contacting them on my return home. It was a little after 12.30 when we set off for Loddon, after I took the boat out of the marina Chris took over the helm until we arrived at the mouth of the river Chet, I had only travelled a short distance before the rain came down again. we arrived into the staithe and found one of the two empty spaces, someone took a line for us, it turned out to be a visiting Chaplin who was welcoming all of the boats. Pasty and beans for a late lunch with some French bread. Chris again fished this time from the front of the boat whist I prepared tea, sliced potatoes done in the oven, chopped up sausages and bacon. Plum tomatoes chopped and put into dishes with cooked off carrots and chopped mini corns, topped off with the bacon and sausage and the cooked potato slices liberally covered in grated cheese, popped back into the oven to reheat al the ingredients. I called Chris in and we ate our meal whilst watching two DVD's. We had another early night. Friday morning I decided to make poached eggs on toast for breakfast and followed by fruit for myself, Chris had another slice of toast with marmalade. Chris fished again in the morning whilst I went up to the Co-op. We had an early lunch before setting back to Brundall. We had to be back in the marina before 9.00 am on Saturday morning so I can give one of our owners who bought into the syndicate last year some training. tonight's tea already prepared, it just needs cooking, new potatoes, veg, a large cheese filled mushroom for Chris and Gammon steaks. More later. Regards Alan
  2. Chris and I arrived at the boat about 9.45 we would have been earlier if the A47 had not been closed last night, we had to go via Norwich and the posted directions were very poor. By the look of it the cones are still there so maybe they will close it again tonight. Up early this morning, I was trying to get emails from 6.00am sadly I could not login to the WIFI. We were in Morrisons at Beccles by 8.30 after having some breakfast. All squared away but the fridge is very full, I guess we had better have lunch soon. Regards Alan
  3. Good morning We have been informed Somerleyton Swing Bridge is currently unable to open to river traffic due to essential maintenance being carried out this morning. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  4. Good afternoon We are pleased to let you know that Breydon Water has now re-opened to hire craft. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  5. Good morning 6 July 10:00 – Please note Breydon Water is currently closed to hire craft due to adverse weather conditions. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  6. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 30a 2020 – Lowestoft Bascule Bridge closure. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS LOWESTOFT – BASCULE BRIDGE MARINE CLOSURE Mariners and Port-Users are advised that maintenance works are scheduled for Lowestoft Bascule Bridge which will result in one overnight marine closure. This closure will run from 2000hrs until 0600hrs on the following day. Details for this closures are as follows:- Monday 13/07/2020 – 1 night. Restrictions as follows:- • Road closed to vehicles and pedestrians • No small boat openings. • Commercial vessel openings will be accommodated with a minimum of 12hrs notice at an agreed time subject to maintenance workscope. Every attempt will be made to accommodate commercial requirements, including temporary allocation of berths in the Outer Harbour area. It may be possible to accommodate small boat transits with any essential commercial vessel openings, although small boats will only be permitted to transit with a large commercial vessel if in the same direction of travel. Agents, Owners and Vessel masters are advised to bear these closures in mind when planning vessel movements in or out of the Port of Lowestoft. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required. Harbour Master 3 rd July 2020
  7. Berney Arms was a farmhouse in 1832 but it obtained a licence. Here is a list of the licensees http://norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkr/reedham/reedhba.htm It closed in 1909 and did not reopen until 1954 first with an out sales licence and become a full licence in 1955. Many see this pub with rose tinted glasses Regards Alan
  8. One place that usually catches a number of people out is the Yacht Station at Beccles I have seen a number of boats with bathing platforms or the large rubber D section bumpers hung up there.
  9. Most moorings are charged per foot or by the metre. The year before last we helped out our marina by temporary mooring to a smaller mooring, it was slightly shorter and the space between the next boat was narrower, this presented more care was needed getting into the mooring. We were not charged during this temporary arrangement but we were glad to move back to original mooring, wider between the boats and slightly longer on the finger pontoon. We were asked if we wished to be pay a smaller fee for sing the temporary mooring permanently, or owners replied with a resounding no. At the end of the day we have to moor somewhere and these mooring have to be paid for. You have to choose if it is worth the cost to you.
  10. Hello Ian, I do not think you are being over careful. You are protecting yourself & your family. I also have stuck to the guidelines and only meeting family and friends in respective gardens when allowed. It is hard not giving your loved ones a hug when seeing them. Sadly many think they know better than advice given. Look after yourself and try not to think too much about work, you have after all been working towards retirement next year. From a personal point of view I started working from home after I returned from the boat in March, it took me a couple of weeks to set up a work area with all of my test equipment and parts from work. I should have done it years ago, I am more productive and getting the work out faster and there is also time for being in the garden when it's not raining. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Simon, Other posters regarding using centre cleats and ropes were speaking about the Ferry House at Surlingham, this river section has a fast running tide, you need the mud weight out and usually a central rope on the port side just to keep the boat somewhat straight on their moorings. I try and moor at the furthest mooring from the pub and side moor. If I was mooring at the Oulton Broad Yacht Station I would only use the floating pontoon moorings. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Helen swapping weeks is common practice in most of the syndicates if it helps fellow syndicate owners. The lockdown has effected all boat owners alike and when we were allowed to take out our boat for day trips only this could only be taken advantage of by more local owners. Thank goodness for the sleeping aboard ban being lifted today, I am looking forward to being back on the boat on Tuesday. Regards Alan
  13. We used to go into the candle workshop when it used to be open At Stokesby.
  14. Hi Griff, lets hope they get it done soon, you do not want to delay your journey down to the Broads. Regards Alan
  15. I had one this morning and one from Amazon, both deleted without viewing
  16. Quite right Ian, everyone's boat is their pride & joy. Regards Alan
  17. Good afternoon all, This message is being sent to our Notices to Mariners and boatyards mailing lists (please also feel free to forward to any of your commercial Broads contacts who have not directly received this message). Important information for hire yards From 4 July, the Broads Authority's Yacht Stations at Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Reedham will be open and staffed by Quay Assistants. Our usual mooring fees will apply. Double mooring where permitted and where social distancing can be achieved is still allowed on Broads Authority 24 hour moorings, however it will not be permitted at Yacht Stations in order to facilitate social distancing between Broads Authority Quay Assistants and visitors who wish to moor. As a result of this, spaces at Yacht Stations will be limited. We therefore urge hirers to plan their journey ahead and arrive in good time before dusk, particularly at Great Yarmouth where the nearest 24 hour mooring is a considerable distance away. Hirers are encouraged to contact our Yacht Stations in advance if they are planning to arrive late on in the day to receive advice and check for availability of spaces. Toilet and shower facilities will be open at Yacht Stations with increased hygiene measures in place. Water and electric points will also be available and will be sanitised during/after each day. Visitors should also take their own personal hygiene measures, such as using hand sanitiser, when accessing our facilities. A limited number of people will be permitted to enter our Yacht Station offices at a given time. Quay Assistants will be able to take card payments for mooring fees, tide tables, short visit tolls and other saleable goods that are usually available. Finally, we encourage visitors to our Yacht Stations and 24 hour moorings to please respect social distancing guidelines at all times and be considerate of others, including fellow visitors and Broads Authority staff. Please note that stern-on mooring is now permitted in locations where it was temporarily restricted (e.g. Ranworth and Loddon), but visitors must continue to ensure they properly social distance from those outside of their household(s)/support bubble. Please make your hirers aware of any relevant information above. Finally, if you know of any boating businesses who would like to be added to our lists to receive boating news, notices to mariners and other navigation-related information please let them know that they can email Tom.Waterfall@broads-authority.gov.uk and we will add them to the mailing list. Wishing you all the best for this weekend, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Broads Authority 01603 756034 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  18. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 29 2020 – Lowestoft Harbour and Approaches – Management of Vessel Speed and Wash. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS Lowestoft Harbour and Approaches – Management of Vessel Speed and Wash Lowestoft port has in recent months experienced incidents involving excessive speeds, and/or close passing distances, within the Harbour and its approaches. These have resulted in vessel wash and/or hydrodynamic forces effecting other port users and operations. Mariners and Port Users are reminded that the maximum speed limit within the harbour is 4 knots. However, this should not be regarded as a target speed. Also, at sea the wash from a vessel can be detrimental to other users when it strikes their craft or the shoreline. Passage planning in confined waters should consider safe speed and be compliant with regulatory speed limits. During a passage the speed of the vessel should be closely monitored and adjusted as required. The effects of vessel wash, and/or the magnitude of hydrodynamic forces between vessels, will depend on a complex array of factors, including, but not limited to the following: • The speed of the passing vessel(s). • The passing distance, (with reduced distance leading to greater hydrodynamic forces). • The under keel clearance and variations in depth, (the smaller the under keel clearance the greater the hydrodynamic force). • The design of the vessel hull. • The relative displacement of both vessels. • The orientation of the berth to the passing vessel. Due care should be taken when passing vessels, whether in the approaches or in Harbour limits. Speed should be such to minimise the propagation of wash, whilst maintaining full control over the manoeuvrability of the vessel. Necessary reductions in speed should be made gradually and in good time as circumstances allow. Mariners are advised that it is an offence to proceed at excessive speed where damage or risk of damage may be caused by wash or displacement. Caution should be exercised when passing piers, berth/moorings, beaches, recreational activities and any other areas involving property or persons. All vessels and craft should be operated in a courteous manner with consideration being given to other mariners. Associated British Ports - Lowestoft No 29 2020 (See also http:/www.abports.co.uk/Marine/Short_Sea_Ports/Lowestoft/Notices_to_Mariners/) Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required. Harbour Master
  19. To be honest at times they can be more trouble than they are worth, but I can understand that you may need one for your dog.
  20. IMPORTANT AND URGENT Good afternoon, This email is being sent on behalf of Broads Authority Chief Executive John Packman to the mailing lists used by the Authority for distributing Notices to Mariners to boatyards. It is also being sent to the Chairman and Secretary of the Broads Hire Boat Federation for them to circulate. It has three important messages: Change in Government guidance Broads Authority position on navigation charges for hire boats Concerns about anti-social behaviour 1. Change in Government guidance Today (1 July) Defra published the following information: ______________________________________ "Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government’s priority has been, and remains, to save lives. Following the latest announcement by the Prime Minister on 23 June, which marked a significant further easing of the lockdown restrictions to come into effect on 4 July, the Government has decided to withdraw the guidance on ‘Using a boat inland and on the coast’ from 4 July. Latest government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. Individuals and boating operators are responsible for conducting a risk assessment drawing on the relevant sources of government guidance on COVID-19. In particular operators and individuals should consider: · Working Safely during coronavirus · Staying alert and safe (social distancing) after 4 July · Meeting People Outside Your House · Staying Safe Outside Your Home · Safer transport guidance for operators · Safer travel guidance for passengers · Phased return of outdoor sport and recreation For any further questions please contact: eoc.policyhub@defra.gov.uk" __________________________________________ This means that: There are no specific restrictions on waterways businesses from 4 July. Boating operators are responsible for conducting a risk assessment drawing on the relevant sources of government guidance on COVID-19, available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19 Specifically, this advice supersedes previous restrictions regarding skippered trip boats. 2. Broads Authority position on navigation charges for hire boats There is an interdependent relationship between the Broads Authority and the hire boat companies. The Authority’s ability to maintain one of Britain’s most precious landscapes to be enjoyed by millions of people depends on a thriving hire boat industry, and many of the wonders of our environment can only be seen from the water. At the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, the Authority acted quickly to support the hire boat companies, who were losing bookings and whose fleets were confined to their boatyards. We drew their attention to Section 16 (6) in the Broads Authority Act 2009 specifically designed for boatyards, and stating that, where hire boats are not being used and are effectively in storage, they are not subject to a toll. This meant that the £1.2 million toll income initially forecast from the hire industry for 2020/21 was at risk. Although the restrictions are being eased the Authority recognises that boat hire is a highly seasonal operation in terms of income, but a year-round operation for the maintenance and upkeep of the hire fleets. Consequently, although the hire boat companies’ income is highly seasonal, some costs such as rent, insurance, utilities and staffing are 12-month costs. The business plans of these companies are highly dependent on the reserves built up during the summer season. With a shortened summer season, the cash reserves to survive the winter may not exist for some companies. We are arguing for a Government package to support employment in the industry by key workers through the winter. However, looking at the actions within our control and options to protect the industry the Authority has decided to take a flexible and proportionate approach to the navigation charges that would fall due for commercial craft for 2020/21. Ordinarily, 10% of the charge is payable on or before 1 April with three equal payments of 30% in May, June and July. This standard process has been amended so that: 10% of the charge is due as soon as the boat is hired; 30% would be paid on or before 31 August 2020; 30% would be paid on or before 30 September 2020; and the final payment of 30% would be due on or before 31 October 2020. The easing of restrictions from 4 July is good news but at this point the prospects for the remainder of the boating season are unclear. The Authority has therefore decided that officers, following consultation with the Broads Hire Boat Federation and individual companies and charities, will report to the 3 September Navigation Committee and 25 September Broads Authority meetings on how the season has progressed and what approach the Authority is recommended to take towards the outstanding charges to help the companies survive the winter. The advantage of this approach is that the process allows time to evaluate the season before deciding whether there is justification for providing financial support to the companies. Please contact our Tolls Team on 01603 756080 or tolls@broads-authority.gov.uk if you need any further information. 3. Concerns about anti-social behaviour Rangers report from the weekend seeing lots of groups of young people out on day hire boats including 10 young people on one day hire boat, although others boats have been seen out with more than 6. These groups of young boys and girls are clearly not from the same household. Rangers also report this has not been confined to just one or two operators but have been seen across all areas. I am concerned that we are already starting to see a repeat of widespread anti-social behaviour across the Broads that resulted in very negative publicity for the Broads a few seasons ago. This time there is also the very real risk of a spike in Covid-19 cases in Norfolk/Suffolk forcing local lockdowns if the guidance is not followed. The video of the boat being rocked by a group of youths which is circulating on social media and picked up by the local press highlights the problem but was not an isolated incident this weekend. Videos such as these tend to be spread widely on social media and could harm the reputation of boating on the Broads, just as we are trying to encourage people to visit again. In addition, Rangers have already spoken to several yards about speeding dayboats and we have had several incidents with people swimming from days boats and getting into difficulty/being injured. The handovers must be clear on these matters otherwise we run the risk of a serious incident occurring. With so many people out using the water, hirers need to be especially aware of their actions when controlling vessels. With holiday vessels being allowed out from the 4 July these checks need to be followed rigorously otherwise the risks of a major incident will increase. Both ourselves and British Marine campaigned hard to get boatyards operating again by promising safeguards were in place. It is disappointing to see that to date this has not always the case. Can I please ask you to follow the Government’s advice and do your very best to ensure that your customers respect the local environment, wildlife, other river users and local residents. Please come back to me if you have any questions. With regards and best wishes for the rest of the season, John - ENDS - John can be contacted on John.Packman@broads-authority.gov.uk if you have any questions. Please also see our COVID-19 webpage and Frequently Asked Questions for more information relating to Coronavirus and the Broads. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications OfficEmail/report from John Packer Broads Authority 01603 756034 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  21. Good evening all, Please see the below items of boating news relating to mooring refurbishment/repair/opening works in Beccles and Wroxham. Beccles South Bank mooring path. We are fitting a new path backrail to the mooring path at our Beccles South Bank moorings. The path surface will be raised by 150mm. Work will take approximately 3 weeks to complete but will be carried out in two halves, so half the mooring will be open for use by vessels at all times. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Refurbishment and opening of Castle 24 hour moorings, Wroxham (Caen Meadow) The Authority has recently taken over Castle moorings (next to Caen Meadow in Wroxham) to be opened as a new 24 hour mooring later on in the summer. Before it can be opened to the public we will soon be completing repairs to the quay heading, installing seven new mooring posts, installing safety equipment and erecting mooring signage on-site. Work will take approximately 3 weeks and the site is expected to be opened to the public in late July/early August. Please follow any signage provided whilst works are taking place and we look forward to welcoming visitors later on in the summer. See our boating news page for current notices and future updates: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news Kind regards, Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Broads Authority 01603 756034 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  22. Speaking as myself, I had a late start this morning so my moderators hat has not been surgically fitted yet and unlike Grendel I do not have a moderators cat for help Regards Alan
  23. Hello Paul, That sounds like a normal day apart from not including any idiot call thrown in there. As we all get older our tolerance levels get strained somewhat, maybe its dealing with prats for most of the day. Regards Alan
  24. Good afternoon Network Rail has advised Reedham Swing Bridge is now operational. Kind regards, Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  25. Please keep up with this topic of giving your professional advice to us novices. Tan would have loved your chicken dish sadly I have never liked chicken nor the smell of it cooking. Do you have a good recipe for a Cornish Pasty? Regards Alan
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