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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Ian, Dependant on your circumstances I would be inclined to bring your retirement forward and make your plans to move to Norfolk. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Glen, Welcome to the forum. I see you are contacting a few of the boat syndicates such as Southern Crusader and Ranworth Breeze. Because of the lock down and social distancing it is difficult to show anyone around said boats. Our boats can only be used by local owners until the rules concerning sleeping on the boats overnight are eventually lifted. Both Jon or myself and other syndicate Chairman's would love to accommodate enquiries such as yours. Regards Alan Hood Chairman Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate
  3. After Tan's brain stem tests were performed, the two doctors pronounced her clinically dead. We as a family discussed the possibility of Organ Donation with the organ donation team. Tan carried hepatitis B which was only discovered 40 years ago when she worked at BT many of the staff gave blood at the drive. The result was that her medical card had a red spot on it and any medical procedure including the dentist had to take precautions. This didn't effect us much as a family. We had to spend a long time with team and the consultant, filling in many forms resulting in Tan's organs being put on the national register, sadly all were rejected because of the hepatitis B. After waiting a few days for any response from hospitals we allowed the doctors to take Tan off of life support and we all said our goodbyes. I think the new legislation is a good way forward but it should only be used with the thoughts of the deceased and their families. Regards Alan
  4. Not our Green Bin Poppy the service was withdrawn about three to four years ago by our council, you can of course pay for the service, but they only collect 8 months of the year. Needless to say I declined so I have two green bins that I use just to rot down the grass cuttings. You are correct with regards to the black, brown and blue bins.
  5. Hi Tim I would be inclined to have used brass butterfly hinges on the outside of the box, you could also use a corresponding clasp/lock on the front of the box. Regards Alan
  6. Time is now unimportant I took my watch off when I got back from the boat in late March and not worn it since (I tend to do this when on holiday). Weekdays in the morning I am in the shed doing customer repairs, after lunch I go in the garden and it is in the garden all weekend. I was only out there for a couple of hours today it was rather cold.
  7. No but Brian Ward's might do and then there is the NBN discount. Regards Alan
  8. Never mind London, if I had been forced to work in the centre of Sheffield I would have retired years ago. Travelling for work is only any good if you are on the clock! Regards Alan
  9. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 24 2020 – Advice on Harbour Use During Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Lowestoft – Information Relating to Harbour Use During Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions Mariners and Port Users are advised that ABP Lowestoft has been working with the Government, other harbours regionally and national associations, to allow a phased return to the water without increasing risk to public health and placing extra burden on our emergency services, including Coastguard Rescue Teams and RNLI. Subject to ongoing clarification, which is being sought from the Government, the harbour is maintaining its statutory open port policy by continuing to facilitate use of the harbour by commercial and now leisure vessels that comply within the COVID-19 restrictions. For leisure vessels at yacht clubs and marinas, please check with your mooring provider before leaving home for access restrictions. If you are planning to use your craft in Harbour areas or at sea, please make extra effort to ensure that all maintenance and pre-season checks are completed. Please don’t put additional strain on our emergency services by risking a coastguard response or lifeboat call-out. Please ensure that government guidelines relating to social distancing are followed when accessing craft and when afloat. Mariners should be aware that the Police have issued fines to individuals not adhering to the law on social distancing or public gatherings. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required Harbour Master 14th May 202
  10. Broom's fuel & pump out station will be open from Monday 18th May but is limiting the opening hours from 9.00 am to 15.00 pm. At least this will make day trips for our local owners viable. Regards Alan
  11. Hello John Have a word with Christine or Mark at Tingdene. Regards Alan
  12. Hello John, Are you looking for a Northern or Southern rivers mooring? Regards Alan
  13. Hello John, Welcome to the forum. Being as the marinas on the Broads are only open for owners to attend their boats from this morning, you might find it a while before you can start viewing suitable moorings. these marinas are manned but are generally not open to the public or berth holders. passing electric cards through windows is not uncommon. Regards Alan
  14. Below is a message we received from our Marina last night:- Dear Berth Holder, Following the announcements from the Government this week about unlimited outdoor activity with effect from Wednesday 13th May 2020, we would ask you to please follow all guidelines with regard to the safety of you and your family, other marinas users, and our own marina staff team when visiting the marina. Many measures remain in place and we ask that you adhere to all current guidance please, including maintaining social distancing (a minimum of 2 metres), staying at home as much as possible, and keeping up regular and frequent hand washing. If you have any symptoms of coronavirus or have been in contact with anyone who has please do not visit the marina. Please may we ask that you do not have any direct contact with the staff team at the marina. For the time being our offices remain manned but locked, and we are available on the phone and email as usual. Current guidance does not allow for overnight stays on your boat. Please may we ask you to adhere to this guidance. At the time of writing we are awaiting clarification from the navigation authorities with regard to use of the rivers. We shall continue to monitor all guidance received. Further updates may follow as applicable. Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation. Myself and fellow owners of our syndicate have been conversing on WhatApp during the last week the implications of what would have to be introduced to allow our owners to visit the boat. Unlike a boat being used for a single family we have twenty families safety to think about. The boat was mothballed after the lock-down notice was declared, I was the last person on the boat. We can now visit the boat for maintenance by ourselves or contractors. The boat however was winter serviced and ready for the season start when I was aboard in March. We are having a contractor in to clean the outside of the boat. So what is the plan for allowing use, be it day trips when we are allowed to full use hopefully in the future. Our changeover days are going to be of a longer duration, with a regime of scrupulous cleaning and sanitising of all surfaces of the boat. Hire companies will have to do a similar process with ever one of their boats when they are allowed to operate again. My next allocation is in the first week of July, I have almost become resolved to the fact that this will not happen. Not only do we need to be allowed to go on the river, but we also need to be able to stay overnight on the boat (other than local owners), we also need services such as fuel and pump out services. Broom's are still on lock down and unless they start operating again it is doubtful that they will open the fuel station for some time. Until support services are again working, recovery and dive insurance services (already paid for) could not be relied on. Until we are officially allowed to use the rivers be it only for day trips any unauthorised use would invalidate our boat insurance. I like many boat enthusiasts am eager to resume boating however this has to be done in accordance with the rules we have been given by the Government for the safety of us all. Regards Alan Chairman & Trustee Ranworth Breeze Boat Syndicate
  15. Yes it looks like the Rockland St Mary Staithe moorings on the longer side.
  16. The ferry hardly needs the support of the pub. I can fully understand why it has closed down and surprised it was not closed weeks ago. Regards Alan
  17. I would also say it is on the Chet near to the bend with the heavy steel piling and the no mooring signs.
  18. My day yesterday was laying 30 metres of new turf on the front garden, Mike did the fetching and carrying I was on my knees most of the day. I had finished the preparation two weeks ago but most of the suppliers were not working or overwhelmed with calls. I ended up getting it direct from a producer near Doncaster. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Grendel, Cut a V out of a block to match the bow,; you can then use sash clamps for holding the stern rubbing rail. Regards Alan
  20. I repaired a sound to light unit and a jukebox amplifier today, one parcel taken to the Post Office and the amplifier is ready for collection tomorrow. I am currently working from home and spending some time in the shed and some time in the garden. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Adele & Steve, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  22. Grans & Nans knew a thing or too.
  23. I made sure that there was plenty of credit on our electric post before I closed down the boat after the lock down was announced. all lines checked, gas turned off etc until owners are next on the boat. The marina will put credit on the posts if paid for over the phone, like most marinas they are being manned on reduced hours by staff.
  24. Hi Tim, Buy or use some coach bolts that more than likely you may have through the hinges and hasps for extra security. I had to do this on my shed on both sets of doors with some decent padlocks three on each set of doors. I have three bulkhead lights with low energy dawn till dusk lights (6 watts each). Jobs like these are a pain, cost money and time, just because some scumbag who has never worked acts like a vulture. You have my sympathy. Regards Alan
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