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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Good afternoon Divers will be operating at Swan Quay on the Lower Bure in Great Yarmouth on Friday 14 February 2020 between 8.30am and 15.00pm. This is to raise a sunken vessel. Vessels are asked to exercise extreme caution when navigating in the area and follow any instructions given by the safety crew. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  2. Hello Helen, We have a couple of fan heaters aboard Ranworth Breeze also a small oil filled radiator that we use overnight in the galley for keeping the boat aired during the out of season weeks. A fleece on top of the bedding keeps the condensation at bay and this can be dried during the day. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Woodie welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  4. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 9 2020 – Lake Lothing – Mutford Lock Road Bridge – Maintenance Works. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS LAKE LOTHING – Mutford Lock Road Bridge – Maintenance Works Mariners and Port-Users are advised that Maintenance Works are scheduled to be undertaken on Mutford Lock Road Bridge, commencing on or around the 10th February, lasting for approximately one week. The work will be undertaken between 08:00hrs and 17:00hrs daily. During the period of work a Pontoon (2.5M x 3.5M) will be deployed to assist with the maintenance, which will obstruct the Navigation Channel. The Pontoon will be able to move if required, for a vessel that needs to pass under the Bridge to Mutford Lock. Prior agreement MUST be arranged with Oulton Broad Harbour Master’s office, who will monitor VHF Ch73 for the duration of the work. These works are dependent upon good weather & visibility, so timings and duration may vary. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required. Harbour Master 5th February 2020.
  5. Hello batrabill, The speed restriction had nothing to do with Sandford, it was perceived over 30 year that there was an issue with speedboat and jet skies in the last 5 years prior to the introduction of the ban. Even though the lake was policed the quango would not be swayed by public opinion over 20 years plus of campaigning against the ban. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Neil, I think you will find it was Burt Lancaster who was a former circus acrobat. Looking at Kirk Douglas films lists I had forgotten how many films he had stared in. A sad loss, there are not many of what I would call stars around these days. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Derinr welcome to the forum, I hope you find a suitable mooring. Regards Alan
  8. Our first File Server in the early 80's only had 1GB of Ram all of it was plug in chips, we increased to 2GB by adding a expansion card for the pricey sum of over £1600.00 and of course the workstations booted from floppy disks. Regards Alan
  9. Tim, all I can say is you were lucky! Regards Alan
  10. Being so cold on a winters morning, dark and ice on the inside of all the windows. Clothes warming in the bed ready to put on, rushing into the bathroom (we were lucky at lest we had one) a small oil heater was at the side of the toilet to keep the pipes from freezing.
  11. Maybe the topic ought to be "what you don't miss from the old days" Regards Alan
  12. Hello MotorBoater, Welcome to both your wife and yourself to the forum. Please let us know how your trip on the Broads goes. Regards Alan
  13. Whilst forum members have the right to reply to all posts and carry on debates the responses should be in a civil manner by all parties.
  14. The 40 minutes average is of course dependant on the number of walls to fall over
  15. I have cut four rings off of people, three women and one man, you can guess who acted like a baby. All of the rings were made good by a jeweller once the swelling had gone down.
  16. Hello Minigem, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  17. I am sure the Russian soldiers that liberated Auschwitz never forgot what they encountered on entering the camp. Rarely soldiers who encountered the horrors of war will speak of what they saw. Tan's uncle Neil would not talk about his time in the army nor would his brothers, he did however visit the trenches with his son.
  18. I watched Picard last night on catchup, it looks as if the series could be interesting. It was sad to see that Patrick Stewart was looking all of his age.
  19. From what I have seen you are not missing much.
  20. I tend to use both of the Co-op's as well for the items we require when first getting to the boat. I have never used the Church-Fen mooring for walking up to the village but I understand the path brings you out by the Church Regards Alan.
  21. Hello marshman are you thinking of Treadmaster, if so please see the following link:- https://www.treadmaster.co.uk/ Regards Alan
  22. The section regarding the Broads makes interesting reading Regards Alan
  23. I would have thought that the Broads Authority had enough on its plate dealing with the Broads without acting as the press office for all the National Parks! Regards Alan
  24. Good afternoon Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 8 2020 – Lowestoft Outer Approaches – Current Meter Recovery. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS LOWESTOFT – SOUTHERN HOLM SANDS – CURRENT METER RECOVERY Mariners and Port Users are advised that a seabed mounted acoustic monitoring device will be recovered by the vessel ‘Jumbo’, deploying Divers into the water. This device will be recovered on the 23rd January 2020 with work commencing from 06:00hrs and to continue throughout the Daylight hours. Notification will be provided once the equipment has been recovered and removed from the area. The device will be recovered from the following approx. position at a depth of 8.6m: 52°27.370 N 001°47.580 E (Shown on chart extract by ) All vessels and small craft are requested to Navigate with extreme caution in the vicinity of the ‘Jumbo’ and at a slow speed so as to reduce the effects of vessel’s wash. Additionally please give the ‘Jumbo’ as wide a berth as safely possible. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch 14, Tel. 01502 572286, if additional information is required. Harbour Master 22nd January 2020
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