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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. When I was young my Uncle Roy had moved from Sheffield to Scotland chasing work on the railways (he also emigrated to New Zealand again chasing work on the railways). In the years in Scotland he lived by the railways in Motherwell, Wishaw and Law. My reflections travelling to Scotland were the long journey in first the Combination (we had a two seat sidecar) and then the Ford Popular and finally the A35, we had quite a few stops so it took many hours, I well remember the Scotch Pancakes, our trips including to Loch Lomond (which was very shallow at the southern end of the loch) and going through the Trossachs. One of the homes at Law was at Station Cottages at the side of the line, looking at steam trains going pass at night was magical for me at that time of life. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Neil, I think that is a good idea but it is all down to the availability of members of the forum to attend, if I had a suitable allocation then I would certainly attend. Regards Alan
  3. I am sorry but the May meet is out for me none of my allocations fall into May this year. Regards Alan
  4. Like Grendel I buy old tools, mostly cast planes and agree that the older blades when set up correctly out perform the new versions of these planes, my preference is for the Stayset blades used on some of the record planes. There is great satisfaction by planing a piece of hardwood with a well honed plane by hand rather than using an electric plane. Please see a picture of the dresser I made from scratch. Regards Alan
  5. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 36a 2019 – Lowestoft South Pier Head Fender Repairs. Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 1 2020 - Lowestoft Notice to Mariners in Force. Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 2 2020 – Lowestoft Harbour – Bathymetric Survey. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 ABP Lowestoft N to M No.36a 2019 - Lowestoft South Pier Head Fender Repairs.pdf ABP Lowestoft N to M No.01 2020 - Lowestoft Notice to Mariners in Force.pdf ABP Lowestoft N to M No.02 2020 - Lowestoft Harbour - Bathymetric Survey.pdf
  6. It would certainly be a NO from me.
  7. I think we need to see what is listed in the (see below) to get the full picture. Regards Alan
  8. I quite like him the program is informative and is easy viewing. I do wonder at times that people will pay good money for some of the items that I would regard as tat and leaving some of them in a distressed state tends to go against my grain. Regards Alan
  9. Good afternoon Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 36 2019 – Lowestoft South Pier Head Fender Repairs. Kind regards Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY NOTICE TO MARINERS LOWESTOFT - SOUTH PIER HEAD FENDER REPAIRS Mariners and Port-Users are advised that works are schedule to commence on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th January 2020 to replace some of the fendering around the South pier head. The works will be undertaken from the Vessel ‘Sheerkhan’ with support craft ‘Cargo of Dreams’. All craft will monitor VHF Ch.14. Vessels wishing to enter or leave the port should contact Port Control to obtain information and get updated information on works. Vessels should only pass the work site/piers once permission has been granted. Small vessels should be able to pass through the piers during the works, however, should afford as wide a berth as is safe and practical, and pass at slow speed to reduce vessel wash. For large vessel movements, port control will liaise with the contractor to arrange a suitable time for the work vessels to clear the worksite to allow safe vessel transit. Timings for the works will be subject to suitable weather and tidal conditions. For further information please contact Lowestoft Port Control, (VHF Ch.14, Tel. 01502 572286). Harbour Master 30th December 2019
  10. The first Arcade Video Game I encountered was The 1975 Boot Hill it was a variant of the Gun Fight, I was working for an amusement company in Leeds at the time. The price of the video game was more than a standard Ford Escort at the time. Ping or Pong came next or the more popular Super Break Out were produced and were common in most pubs, these black & white monitor games, including the later Space Invaders had coloured overlays under the glasses to provide some colour to the games. Regards Alan
  11. Its Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone. Regards Alan
  12. We chatted on the phone and on the forum, sadly missed.
  13. Family and friends have been with me on the boat this year, I managed to get down for all four weeks of my allocations and managed to get some extra days as well as a bonus. Looking forward to next years season and seeing who is available to join me on the boat. Merry Christmas to everyone. Regards Alan
  14. Thank you Peter, Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards Alan
  15. Sorry to hear of your's and Mrs G's sad loss, this time of year is never easy for anyone who has lost someone during this time. Our hearts go out to you both at this sad time.
  16. Neil & Karen enjoy your weekend away and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards Alan
  17. Happy Christmas and best wishes to you all for 2020 I would like to thank our Members, staff and volunteers for the fantastic work they have delivered this year. This is my last day in the office before Christmas and I am leaving with a real spring in my step because of the progress we are making on a number of fronts. Last week I went to see the Woven Waters exhibition at the Hostry at Norwich Cathedral. I was really impressed and suggest you try and get to it over the Christmas break. The availability of moorings and electric charging points for boats is an ongoing concern and I have been really pleased with the progress we are making at a number of sites. Please see below for the latest on Stalham Staithe. Our office is closed for the Christmas week from Friday evening. We return on 30 December. Please see this month's Broads Briefing below: December 2019 Woven Waters Last Thursday evening I attended the preview of the modern art exhibition Woven Waters in the Hostry. This is part of our Water, Mills and Marshes programme of work funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Over 30 artists submitted proposals for artworks which were to “capture the essence of the landscape and its seasonal changes”. Six were selected from the proposals to form the basis of an exhibition at the Hostry. The aim of the exhibition is to inspire the public to explore the landscape for themselves and engage in greater depth with this outstanding area of beauty, and the cultural and ecological diversity it holds. I think it absolutely does that and can recommend it to you. The artists were required to demonstrate a tangible link to specific places within the Water, Mills and Marshes area and that each artist spent time in their selected location(s) over a period of a year, from late summer 2018. The transfer of responsibility for Breydon Water was a big enterprise for the Authority – so do have a look at the mud print by Niki Medlik and listen to the soundscape inspired by Breydon Bridge. I particularly love the two landscapes of the River Waveney at Geldeston by Kate Walker. Many thanks to all of the artists and Anna (Collingbourne) who project managed it for us and to Caroline Fisher who curated the exhibition. It runs until 19 January. 'Dog days' by Kate Walker, one of the works on show during the exhibition Stalham Staithe I am absolutely delighted with the progress we have made to upgrade the Staithe at Stalham working in partnership with Stalham Town Council and Norfolk County Council. This has been a long running problem and the source of numerous emails, but like many issues connected to the Broads it has taken time to resolve. The expensive repairs needed at the Staithe has meant that a phased approached was required with phase one being the re-piling of a damaged and eroded section. Phase two is currently underway with Norfolk County Council creating a footway, installing drainage and creating a shorter section of grass verge. Works are progressing well and as you can see from the photograph, the improvements to this area are significant. Many thanks to the Town Council and Norfolk County Council – it has been a real pleasure to work with them both on the project. We are looking forward to the end of December when the works are scheduled to have finished. Refurbishments underway at Stalham Staithe Well-earned retirements We have welcomed a number of new faces to the Authority during 2019 although this means we are saying farewell to a number of employees who will be retiring at the end of this year. Edgar Hoddy retired in the autumn following 17 years of service as a Broads Ranger and volunteer. Edgar was known for his commitment and enthusiasm for the Broads, and at this time of year in particular we will be remembering his talent for playing a very convincing Santa Claus during our Christmas events. We are delighted that he will continue to help us look after the Broads as he has signed up be one of our volunteers. We are also bidding a fond farewell to Steve Birtles, our Head of Safety Management, as he leaves us in December to enjoy a well-earned retirement. In his 13 years at the Authority Steve has been firmly committed to improving our approach to safety management both on and off the water. In particular he has forged a number of important partnerships with the RNLI, BSS and more to raise awareness of water safety in the Broads. Finally, we are also saying a (partial) goodbye to Tony Risebrow, one of our Compliance and Implementation Planning Officers, as he retires from his post. Tony spent 24 years as a River Inspector/Ranger, originally working for the Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Commissioners before the Broads Authority was formed. He then moved into his role within the planning team in 2011. We are pleased that Tony will continue to work part time in his role as Hire Boat Licensing Officer as of January next year. I would like to thank all of our retiring members of staff for their dedication and hard work, and wish them the very best for the future. Climate change I promised you a regular update on the Authority’s response to the challenge posed by climate change and following the Authority’s commitment to reducing its CO2 emissions we are making some real progress. This week electric charging points for vehicles have been installed at our Dockyard in anticipation of changes to our fleet of vans and cars. I have also had a very thought-provoking meeting at the Hethel Innovation Centre regarding electric charging points for boats which I hope will lead to the development of an innovative project in the new year. Keep an eye out for more details. Electric van and new charging point Dredging works Aside from Hickling, other dredging this winter includes work at Tyler’s Cut, which at the time of writing has been completed. Remaining work over winter 2019/20 includes returning to South Walsham earlier than originally planned, to carry on with dredging from the Fleet Dyke into priority areas within the outer broad. A return was planned in March 2020, but this can now be brought forward by at least two months. Prioritisation of this work is two-fold, in that the dredging is required to meet Waterways Specifications and the setback area where the sediment is being placed is required by BESL/EA for future floodbank work near the mouth of the River Ant. Tree management Tree management work at many locations along the River Ant have now been completed this winter. Staff and volunteers are now working on planned tree management at prioritised locations on the Bure as well as some additional prioritised locations on the River Ant. The tree shears are to be used on a number of stretches of the River Yare between Bramerton and Brundall this winter, removing overhanging growth and tree removal. On the River Waveney, contractors are also lined up for two stretches upstream of Beccles. Tree clearing at Hoveton Moorings A tender process has been opened to re-pile a 110-metre length of Acle Bridge 24-hour moorings. This work is scheduled to start early next year with completion due in the spring. Refurbishment of the capping and waling at Neatishead turning basin and Paddy’s Lane 24-hour mooring will be carried out this winter by contractors. At South Walsham slipway and Irstead Staithe 24-hour mooring, minor repairs to furniture and fittings have been completed. Furthermore, following tree inspections by staff, the appointment of tree surgery contractors has been arranged for hazard removal at Paddy’s Lane, Horning Marshes and Wayford Bridge moorings, so please be aware if you are in the area. Vessel refits Programmed vessel refits this winter include the workboat Didler, the Authority’s mud pump, two ranger launches and the two weed harvesters. In addition, the Plant and Equipment team have been fitting several new engines to vessels. These include a hydraulic engine for the welfare vessel and new diesel engines for the ranger launches Spirit of Breydon and ML Yare. Breakdown of practical works I thought you might be interested in the allocation of the Construction and Maintenance Teams’ time on navigation tasks between five main categories. In ranked order of total person days allocated for 2019/20, the categories are dredging, 24-hour mooring maintenance, riverside tree management, reactive repairs & maintenance, and water plant management. The chart below shows the proportions of these allocations. The time spent on navigation tasks is 70% of the total available time for the Construction and Maintenance teams. The other 30% is divided between 20% for conservation tasks (fen management, lake restoration, invasive species control, etc.) and 10 % for recreational management tasks (public rights of way cutting, visitor site and TIC maintenance, etc.). ‘Other’ in the chart includes maintenance of signs and boards, wreck and obstruction removal, maintenance of ranger billets and replacement of channel markers. Percentage of Construction and Maintenance staff time allocated to navigation tasks in 2019/20 Apprenticeship progress Eloise, Emily and Becky our three level 2 apprentices have completed all of their planned training as part of their Practical Environmental and Conservation Apprenticeship ran in partnership with Easton & Otley College. All three are now working day-to-day with Operations Technicians on all tasks across the work programme, giving them a wide range of skills and experience. As always please remember you can contact me directly if you have any questions, I'll try my best to get back to you after the Christmas break. If you know of anyone else who would like to receive my briefings please pass on this link. Best wishes, John Packman Chief Executive
  18. We were in the Yare having a drink and a meal, we left the pub and one of our owners managed to get one stuck under the back of his car. Four guys from the pub saw what was happening and just lifted up the back of his car and the problem was resolved. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Tim, I bet you are looking forward to the chairlift details coming through the door. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Mark, You look like a couple of book ends. You end up taking that test every few years, also take the aorta scan if they offer it to you. In Sheffield the bus pass is now 62/63 and rising before you can apply for one, my guess being as Griff is in South Yorkshire it will be the same. Usually there is a site where you can put in your details to find out when you can apply for one. Regards Alan
  21. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 34 2019 – Bascule Bridge Marine Closures. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS LOWESTOFT – BASCULE BRIDGE MARINE CLOSURES Mariners and Port-Users are advised that further maintenance works are scheduled for Lowestoft Bascule Bridge which will result in a series of overnight Marine closures. All these closures will run from 2000hrs until 0600hrs on the following day. Details for these closures are as follows:- Friday 13/12/2019 to Sunday 15/12/2019 (all dates inclusive) – 3 consecutive nights Restrictions as follows:- • Road closed to vehicles and pedestrians • No small boat openings. • Commercial vessel openings will be accommodated with a minimum of 12hrs notice, one hour either side of the HW period. Every attempt will be made to accommodate commercial requirements, including temporary allocation of berths in the Outer Harbour area. It may be possible to accommodate small boat transits with any essential commercial vessel openings, although small boats will only be permitted to transit with a large commercial vessel if in the same direction of travel. Agents, Owners and Vessel masters are advised to bear these closures in mind when planning vessel movements in or out of the Port of Lowestoft. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required. Harbour Master 11th December 2019
  22. Hello sakibanski, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Grendel, I have a small stock of cards in my boat kit, I top this up usually by contacting the Broads Authority and asking them to send me £20 worth. We also have a few in the boats log for emergency use by owners. Regards Alan
  24. Good afternoon Please find attached Broads Authority Notice to Mariners No 33 of 2019 – Dredging Work on South Walsham Broad and Disposal Operations at Horning Hall, River Ant. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 Notice to Mariners No. 33 of 2019 Dredging work on South Walsham Broad and Disposal Operations at Horning Hall, River Ant Notice is hereby given that dredging operations on South Walsham Broad may restrict passage during weekdays from Monday 9 December 2019 until Friday 24 April 2020. During this period, dredging and haulage operations will be taking place between 08:00 and 16:00 daily, excluding weekends. During operations, delays may occur with the dredging rig and wherry movements restricting the navigational channel. Mariners must exercise great care whilst proceeding past the works operations. All equipment will be lit and signage will be in place to warn of restrictions. © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2019 OS 100021573. You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. The vessel movements will take place between the following approximate positions: TG371141 and TG375162 (shown in red on the plan extract). Vessels should ensure that the new position is taken into consideration for passage planning and when navigating in this area. Please contact the Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1RY Tel (01603) 610734 if additional information is required. Rivers Engineer 03 December 2019 https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/notices-to-mariners
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