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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Peter, I am sorry to hear about your wife's condition, I hope she recovers quickly. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Andy, While you are at it I would check the brakes on each wheel. Regards Alan
  3. I saw Warren at the bar who was ordering their meals, drink in hand I found a table next to Julie and the two furry gentle giants. we chatted away about their times on the Broads and boat syndicates of course and the way that they are differently managed. It was good to get a opinion on the way that the forum members switch off on certain topics on the forum. The food arrived but we chattered whilst eating, the well trained furries hardly paid attention to our food. It was good to meet you both, just a pity that it was your last day and that you could not take advantage of the next allocation. Regards Alan
  4. I might see you in the Yare tonight. I am going there after a shower. Regards Alan
  5. I too had a set of these which I carried and used, they were good and got you home, but as soon as you managed to get back to clear roads you had to remove them.
  6. Hi John, I once went to a company who tried to do that, after telling them what I thought I never used that company again. Regards Alan
  7. Congratulations Paul & Elaine on your forthcoming wedding . Regards Alan
  8. Because of the bypass there is no need for the bridge other than pedestrians and of course these could be catered for by a newer pedestrian bridge similar to the one at the Herbert Woods marina entrance.
  9. I have always had winter tyres on the two Saab 93 convertibles I have owned, I have had chains & grips on a number of vehicles in the past but the winter tyres proved to be the best option. Now I have an Audi S3 convertible I am going to see how I get on with the four wheel drive this year and decide on rims and winter tyres if needed. Regards Alan
  10. We used to call in at the Kings Head whenever we were moored in Loddon when the Robinsons rented the restaurant and kitchen from the pub. We had some great meals there at this time. Since they left a few years ago we tend to go to the Queens or White Horse. Regards Alan
  11. I know that a few forum members who have had the condition have posted that they have taken with them some form of nebuliser on board a boat during their visits to the Broads, and have contacted the likes of Richardson's regarding on board power on their boats. Regards Alan
  12. Our Mike had the fight on (or its highlights) to be honest you could see more fighting by those robot toys.
  13. Hello Vanessan, These surveys are usually carried out by a towed unit that will map out the depth and condition on the rivers that are surveyed, these surveys are also carried out on harbors, marinas and estuaries as byetherivers suggests prior to dredging or filling voids, operations Regards Alan
  14. Hello Andy welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  15. Good afternoon A Contractor (GEOSIGHT Limited) is undertaking hydrographic surveys from 24 February until mid-March. The surveys will not affect navigation. Further information, including maps, is available on the following link:- https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news/hydrographic-surveys-2020/ Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  16. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 11 2020 – Outer Harbour – Borehole Operations. Kind regards Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 ABP Lowestoft N to M No 11 2020 - Outer Harbour - Borehole Operations.pdf
  17. My experience of gate valves is very similar to yours at least in domestic environments on the boat we use lever valves especially for the raw water intake. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Roy, I am sorry to hear that your boating days may be over, sadly it comes to all of us at sometime unfortunately. No doubt you have made the most of your boating over the years. It was good to meet you at Loddon. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Chris, when we were moored on the Northern Broads, we would often more outside the hotel being as there is hardly any mooring in Wroxham if you can not get under the bridge. We would also moor on the moorings for the Petersfield Hotel in Horning before it closed down. Personally the only time I was hit by a boat at Brammerton, luckily I was aboard at the time and Richardson's paid for the repairs during our winter service period. Regards Alan
  20. My favorite locations on the Southern Broads are, Brammerton Common, Surlingham, Rockland St Mary and Beccles. On the Northern Broads, Stokesby, Ranworth, Womak Staithe and moored outside the Wroxham Hotel. Regards Alan
  21. Sadly the place now is not what it was, yes there are a lot of boats, some high end, yachts etc put the place even in the height of summer where we had two of of our weeks is almost empty by comparison. boats mooring charges are for 8 months only for electric and water if you require it for the rest of the year it is by negotiation. Several craft were submerged during the 2010 floods with marina staff only being able to cut the lines. I hate to think of the insurance repercussions. because of the downturn after the speed ban the marina had to consolidate to try and maintain their income hence the new buildings and the smaller clubhouse bar. Regards Alan
  22. Good afternoon Divers will be operating on the River Wensum on the southern side immediately downstream of Trowse Rail Bridge and also on the northern side immediately downstream of Carrow Road Bridge on Thursday 20th February 2020 between 8.00am and 3.00pm. This is to deal with two sunken vessels. Vessels navigating in the area are asked to exercise extreme caution and follow any instructions given by the Safety Crew. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  23. Yes I have stayed in Windermere Marina Village, it was buzzing when we bought our two time share cottages in 1997 you had all on getting into the pool, the bar and getting a meal. By 2006 /7 that was all over and when we last went in 2010 even the pool was closed. Regards Alan
  24. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft NTM No 10 2020 – Lowestoft CIRCE North 2 Submarine Cable System Marine Route Survey. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 ABP Lowestoft N to M No.10 2020 - Lowestoft - CIRCE North 2 Submarine Cable System marine route Survey.pdf CIRCE North 2-Notification-UK-UKHO-120220-combined.pdf
  25. You could see if there is a room available at the Premier Inn, I doubt you would get much cheaper. Regards Alan
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