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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Tan would not allow me to use a chainsaw! After I have seen the outcome of protective work-cloths that should be worn when using a chainsaw I can understand the need for them and recommend anyone intending to use one to get all the gear. Regards Alan
  2. Hello Peter, In my mirror is still this old git looking back at me, where did all the years go to. Regards Alan
  3. I too like the program for the skills of the repairers but the presentation is the way most broadcasting companies are going these days, they dictate the flow of the program to the way they think the audience wish it to be; sadly they are wrong with directors having too much american influence. The production is standard BBC, an hours program that could be condensed down to a little over 30 minutes.
  4. Hello Gio63, Welcome to the forum. I would wait until the pandemic is over, this could be 3 or 4 months if we are lucky. Regards Alan
  5. Good afternoon Please find attached Great Yarmouth Notice to Mariners No 07 2020 Suspension of Haven Bridge openings. Kind regards. Karen Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS – No. [07 2020] PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH Suspension of Haven Bridge openings – Covid-19 MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that we have suspended Haven Bridge openings to nonessential passage, with immediate effect. This decision has been taken in the interest of safeguarding our employees, by limiting their exposure to others and maintaining social distancing, where practically possible. Access to commercial vessel traffic for “key worker” status businesses and pilot boats, life boats and similar will be permitted, where possible. Leisure crafts will unfortunately be denied passage as they are considered non-essential. It is our plan to resume normal service when Government advice suggests it is safe to do so. On behalf of Harbour Master 02/04/2020
  6. I tend to use silver sand, it is very fine and fills the joints if dry. Regards Ala
  7. Sadly all of the syndicated owners on the Broads based boats will be effected for some months to come. Owners that have their shares for sale will have to wait until the situation is eventually over and the market has stabilised. Regards Alan
  8. I saw that Ian, it is good to see a range of companies helping out with the situation.
  9. Brian Ward's also do instrument panels and may be able to give you advice, they are only contactable by phone during the present situation.
  10. Hello Ian, The only time I have used hand sanitizer is when visiting in hospital. As you know I spend a fair amount of time in our kitchen and wash my hands constantly during preparation, cooking and washing pots, pans etc. It would be interesting to record how many times we all wash our hands in a average day. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Helen, Looking at your picture the travelling boat also has a chimney for a wood burning stove so could be a live-aboard, we do not have sufficient information to make a judgement. Regards Alan
  12. You and me both Helen, I managed to go up the Stracy Mill being as it was all internal stairs, at the lighthouse at St. Mary's Island in the northeast the stairs are open internally I only managed the first 8 foot and had to come back down, my sister in law had to do the same. Tan & Jon didn't have an issue. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Peter, For any of your colleagues to talk down to you they would have to be at least 7 foot tall Regards Alan
  14. There is a bit of a delay but it is working.
  15. I can be contacted anytime for shares on Ranworth Breeze or for advice on boatshare in general. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Geezercdg, Welcome to the forum. At the moment I would hold off buying any boat in the current situation, boatyards and mooring may be closed shortly, there may be travel restrictions. This could last for up to 3 months or longer. I would address your dilemma in the near future, these days very little gets under Potter Heigham and I have known Freeman 25's owners that have not been able to get back to their home moorings above Ludham Bridge because of the tides. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Peter, With regards to our syndicate we will leave it down to individual owners if they use there allocations or not. With the likes of Richardson's and NBD cancelling their current hires or deferring them to later in the year some of the smaller operators may follow suit such as Brooms, if the hire side of their business is closed how long will the fuel station remain open bearing in mind that it only re-opened a couple of weeks ago. Other fuel stations on the rivers will follow suit and toilet pumping will cease. If the government tightens down the lock-down or restricts travelling or classifies boating in the same light as Caravan Parks then all of our time on the Broads will be restricted. Regards Alan
  18. Morrison's said they would have the extra opening hour for NHS staff wearing their badges. Regards Alan
  19. There are also a few shares available on Ranworth Breeze. Regards Alan
  20. I have still got all my Rawl tools and Star drills but using a star drill through a wall with up to 2 inches in diameter to put a conduit through a wall took hours, Conduit or Trunking runs all had to be fixed using a Rawl tool making the holes, when the first plastic plugs and scotch 3M insulating tape (it was in a round tin) came out you would have thought we had found the Holly Grail! Regards Alan
  21. Hello Floydraser, The one on the left is a screwdriver bit, as you say the three on the right are countersinks, the second and third from the left could be used for drilling peg-holes being they are tapered. When I started work and if we were house bashing all the holes for cables had to be drilled by brace and bit, we used a ratcheted joist brace, which is still in my tool chest and rarely used. All bits were sharpened by hand by filing them after they had been forged. Regards Alan
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