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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Ian those Yorkshires are almost as good as mine; I like to see a well used pudding tin, just wiped out rather than washed, yiu rarely get stuck puddings. Regards Alan
  2. Good morning Please find attached ABP Lowestoft Notice to Mariners No 28a 2020 – Lowestoft Harbour and Approaches – Survey Operations. Kind regards Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS Lowestoft Harbour and Approaches – Bathymetric Survey Mariners and Port Users are advised that post-dredge bathymetric survey operations are scheduled for Lowestoft Inner and Outer Harbour Areas, also Lowestoft Approaches, as follows:- Tuesday 30th June to Wed 1st July – Surveying Inner and Outer Harbour area, and Lowestoft Approach Channel – operations by vessel ‘UKD Resolution’. Vessel will be monitoring VHF Ch14 throughout the survey activities. Vessel movements will be monitored and co-ordinated via Lowestoft Port Control. Vessels will be updated with survey activities and location accordingly. Vessels are requested to afford the survey vessel a wide berth and pass at slow speed to minimise vessel wash. Note that timings may vary slightly subject to weather and other vessel activities. Please also note that Dredging Activities at Lowestoft are completed. Notice No.25/2020 is hereby cancelled. Please contact Lowestoft Port Control, VHF Ch14, or Tel. 01502 572286, if further information is required. Harbour Master 29th June 2020
  3. Good morning Please find attached Great Yarmouth Notice to Mariners No 14 2020 – Diving Operations at Great Yarmouth Power Station River Intake. Kind regards. Karen. Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NOTICE TO MARINERS – No. 14 2020 PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH Diving Operations at Great Yarmouth Power Station River Intake MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that survey and maintenance works will be conducted on the power station river intakes between berths 5C and 6 (Port Marks 91 – 96) within the Great Yarmouth River Port between 29th June and 5th July 2020. The works will include underwater diving operations undertaken by Red7 Inshore Diving Ltd between the hours of 0700 hours and 1800 hours daily. Divers will be working from the quay face and within the power station intakes using underwater tools and equipment. The International Code flag ‘A’ will be exhibited when dive operations are taking place and red flags will be exhibited marking the extremities of the works. Masters must obtain information from Yarmouth Radio on VHF Channel 12 before approaching or departing from these berths and before any movement or operation of engines or thrusters close to or adjacent to these berths. Masters are advised to exercise extreme caution when approaching or passing the dive site, to keep well clear of the works area and to pass at the slowest safe manoeuvring speed. Swinging of vessels will not be permitted anywhere within the works area mentioned above. For further information please contact Great Yarmouth LPS on VHF (Ch 12, callsign ‘Yarmouth Radio’) or telephone 01493 335511. On behalf of Harbour Master 26/06/2020
  4. Hello Woodie, Yes it is Rockland St Mary and the New Inn across the road. Regards Alan
  5. Mr Western has not been active on the forum since April 2016.
  6. Hello Griff, I think you had better contact your insurance company now and see if they can five you details of an alternative supplier, their track record up to now could be called poor at best. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Ian, Lets hope that it's only interesting rather than alarming.
  8. Hello CherylL It depends on the boat ours is quite small but you should find most hirecraft will have a small domestic fridge installed, maybe only a small freezer section. it should be big enough for your needs, beer and wine can be placed in upper lockers to keep cool. We always buy bottled water for drinking or for making drinks rather than using water from the tank. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Cal, You can keep the black pudding & mushrooms and it has to fried eggs (but not the cremated style chefs seem to now produce), maybe extra bacon and a fried slice washed down with a large mug of coffee. Regards Alan
  10. Hello Vaughan, My guess is that the French Canals are reliant on tourists and at the moment everyone is or should be wary of being in public. Regards Alan
  11. Reedham Bridge not operable due to heat, the only saving grace is that the clearance under the bridge is nominally 10 ft at high water just enough for Ranworth Breeze to get under. Good afternoon We have been informed by Network Rail that Reedham Bridge is unable to swing due to the heat. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  12. Welcome to the forum, Silverline are good yard and I don't think you will be disappointed, you may be better staying on the Southern Rivers rather than heading to the Northern Broads if you want a quieter time on the rivers. Regards Alan
  13. Hello CherylL, Welcome to the forum. If you prefer to be in less busy environment then I suggest that you hire from the Southern Broads, Pacific at Loddon or Silverline at Brundall are both good hire companies. Regards Alan
  14. That has never happened to me, I guess that you may have too much back pressure coming from the tank or your outlet pipe is too low. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Sam, Try sending a PM to Ian. Regards Alan
  16. If it is a Jabsco toilet I can change one over now in less than 5 minutes.
  17. Good morning Somerleyton Bridge is now operational but advice from Network Rail is that the Victorian bridge will experience high temperatures over the next few days meaning opening cannot be guaranteed. Electronic signage on the bridge is working and Red Flags will be displayed as appropriate. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  18. We have a policy on Ranworth Breeze where all the toilet paper used is supplied by the syndicate throughout the year so we know that only that two ply toilet roll is used, contraband loo roll is not allowed. I agree that the joker valve and the paper used will be the issue, also never allow any kind of wipe to be put into the toilet bowl. Only use smooth wall pipe for the outlet into the tank, ribbed pipe causes problems. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Ian, I am glad to hear that you feel a little better today, it must have been a shock for you and maybe you were afraid that you had caught the virus, I am so glad that this is not the case. As you have said some people are very blase regarding the current situation, a good friend of Tan's is in hospital after contracting the virus and is suffering with less than 10% renal activity, this virus does attack major organs and should never be taken lightly. Regards Alan
  20. A few of the companies on the Canals do similar, one company we went with on the Leeds Liverpool Canal used to have a classroom with all the people going out that day were instructed with models of locks, shown videos before they were allowed on the boats. Speed on the canals was repeatedly mentioned. When we were allowed to set off in staged groups we all headed in the direction towards the summit and we had to go though 4 locks. We were timed by the staff who were waiting at the last lock, anyone who had rushed therefore was retained and given additional instruction (know doubt a slap on the wrists) before being allowed to continue. To be honest the canal is great once you get towards the top, around Skipton and towards Leeds, the other end of the canal is not to pleasant and can be intimidating, similar to the passage through the centre of Manchester where you are advised to make the journey during the day only and stop for nobody, drunks and druggies have made the city almost a no go area, the city basically have let the canal go to pot, lock gear is poorly maintained and the underground built up areas do not help. Areas with shops and waterfront bars are closed or run down; unlike Birmingham where the Gas Street basin area is brimming with life, waterfront bars, restaurants and shops. Regrds Alan
  21. Peter the model is looking well and is a testament to your skills and patience. Regards Alan
  22. The summer season is with us again. Good afternoon We have been informed by Network Rail that Somerleyton Bridge is unable to swing due to the heat. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  23. I watched the three episodes this morning, it was informative, no doubt at the time I would have not been interested in a case in London. If even a small percentage of the production was correct it smacks of corruption and a cover-up. I gather there is a tie up with Norfolk but we as a forum do not need to debate the program on here. Regards Alan
  24. Usually the skiing times are in the early evening and if memory serves me correctly there are no official moorings over the skiing course. It is very close to the Waters Edge however but give people sitting at the tables outside something to look at. The support vessels for the sculling crews are another story if you are moored at Bramerton Green.
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