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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Snow for us and no doubt Griff, 3 to 4 inches on the Sheffield hills in the early hours this morning.
  2. John I feel for you and the predicament you now find yourself in, you must be torn at what to do next. At least now being as the situation in now in the hands of the solicitors, it give you time to reflect.
  3. I would agree Sapele by the look of it.
  4. Don't ever change John, the forum would be a duller place without you.
  5. I seem to recall that there were various experts at the time that seemed to think that the Thames Barrier was built in the wrong place.
  6. Good afternoon all, Just a reminder that navigation is currently closed on the River Bure between Acle New Road Bridge and the mouth of the Bure. This is due to a combination of JBA Bentley Flood Defence Works (who are working in the middle of the channel) and Broads Authority dredging works. The closure due to JBA Bentley is expected to end on 29 January. More information on the works can be found on Notice to Mariners 10 (PDF) and Notice to Mariners 16 (PDF). Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Mobile 07986003359 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY Please note that my normal working hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
  7. I would guess both Peter also a wing & a prayer
  8. Hello Helen, It could have been earlier but there used to be a couple that owned the Staithe & Willow the wife did the cooking and the husband acted as the waiter, the quality was great and at the time was IMHO the best place to eat at Horning. When we first started going in there in the early 2000's the waitresses all wore mop caps and aprons and style was very much the cottage garden effect. Regards Alan
  9. This clip keeps getting featured on the forum from time to time.
  10. I always use the Broads Authorly tide tables because they also predict the height of the low water, a must if your boat has a bigger air draft. Regards Alan
  11. Ignore the dragons at your peril The only issue is getting the timing right for going under the Yarmouth Bridges about half an hour after slack water. consult the tide table and you will not go wrong. Regards Alan
  12. Sorry to hear about the old lady you were looking after John. a lot is dependant if she died at home under a doctors care or in hospital. I the case of being under hospital care you contact the bereavement officer in the hospital, they will give you the information you require, if under care from a doctor, then ask the doctor for details of the way forward. I do not know of your situation with regards to the old lady and her son that is under nursing home care, do you have power of attorney at all or are you listed as an executor? If not her son would have to deal with the situation with your help. You will have to deal and inform loads of people, whoever you contact ask to speak to the bereavement office, be it the local authorities, her bank, insurance companies etc. As others have said take your time and do it all one step at a time.
  13. Most if not all of the National Parks are in remote area's that public transport can never provide services other than piecemeal; as already stated it is the local residents that have to pay for these services or in some cases lack of them. Lets face it these quangos that run the National Parks are not interested in what the the people think; the Lake District is a prime example.
  14. Men verses women's brains Man's Brain vs Women's Brain.mp4
  15. So true Griff, sadly advice given is usually ignored no matter how much mates/customs can afford.
  16. I should be on the boat from the 30th March for a week and I usually go down the the boat at the end of February to make sure all the winter servicing and upgrades have been completed. My guess is that I may not get down again until April.#
  17. Hi Howard with that little snow its not worth a Yorkshire man changing out of their shorts and wellies
  18. Hi Griff, its been snowing here for about two hours now and the sky looks full of it, local Facebook groups are reporting the usual that happen every time we get an inch of snow; buses stuck on the hills etc. Regards Alan
  19. Sadly Ian you can not educate stupid no matter how hard you try.
  20. Usually a manual bilge pump pumps out water from a lower level than the float switch activated automatic pump can operate from. It does in our case, one manual pump, a forward and aft automatic bilge pumps. Regards Alan
  21. Being able to hug family and friends again rather than talking to them from a safe distance, being able to drive to other places other than Morrisons or Screwfix.
  22. One of Tan's workmates and a close friend was in Sheffield Northern General Hospital for well over 12 weeks after the first lockdown most of time in hospital her kidney functionality was under 10% because of COVID. One of my goddaughters felt under the weather so she had a test which proved to be positive, it effected her sense of smell and taste, now some 10 weeks later her sense of taste has not yet returned.
  23. Chris fishing at Oulton Broad Yacht Station on the outer pontoon last year was dismayed to catch an eel about three foot in length, he was not happy, after being a fishing widow for most of the week, I could not see what the fuss was.
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