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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. You are going to be on holiday on a boat forget the TV and enjoy the Broads.
  2. Hi Tim, My mate Chris hates getting an eel on his line, he had one about 18 inches long when we were moored at Oulton Broad last year lucky for him it fell off the line before he could deal with it.
  3. Hello Roy a friend of mine had a pacemaker fitted a few years ago and has had issues since with AF, feeling nocuous, dizzy so much so that he has days in bed. During one of his last spells in hospital he was seen by a consultant he should have seen over a year ago but was transferred to a cardio ward. On seeing this consultant it would appear that his condition is related to crystals in his inner ears. Since new medication he has had an improved condition, it is a pity his GP and other consultants could not have been more proactive over the last four or five years. I hope your condition improves soon. Regards Alan
  4. Why is it that this never used to be an issue when they used to fit the summer rails? I believe that the summer rails are still near the bridge.
  5. Dear all, We have been informed by Network Rail that Somerleyton Swing Bridge is currently not operational. Best, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY Please note that my normal working hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. No doubt it is too warm again.
  6. In the past I have often stopped for lunch and decided to stay for an evening meal.
  7. We have holidayed at Hope Cove for over 30 years, we started with two weeks when the children were small and went every year since, but have not been there for about four years the same goes for our canal trips.
  8. Try the Start Bay Inn at Torcross a must for people who like fish, not too far from Dartmouth.
  9. To be honest I think it should have been deferred until next year.
  10. Hello Andy it is a common problems with all electric post users be they hire craft or private. To help people remember they are still plugged in, if they have an upper helm feed the electric hook up cable through the helm wheel to try and activate the Gray cells.
  11. Vinegar for chips and as far as I am concerned gravy should be left off the menu.
  12. You have to be careful with the rise and fall of moorings near to Yarmouth, I prefer to travel a little further up or down the river to find a better mooring for all of the crew.
  13. Hello Griff we are with Boulters and have been for about 3 or 4 years now. Regards Alan
  14. Good morning all, Please note that Thursday 22 July at 6.00pm is an additional date for Power Boat Racing at Oulton Broad to those listed on the NTM below. An amended notice is attached. Best, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Mobile 07986003359 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY Please note that my normal working hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. NTM 04 2021 Lowestoft Power Boat Racing.pdf
  15. Sadly the legislation regarding the number of divers required by a company increased to 5 divers, this is one of the reasons Maffetts stopped the service they provided.
  16. Dear all, Please find attached details of Notice to Mariners No. 4 of 2021 regarding dates for Powerboat Racing at Oulton Broad, and Notice to Mariners No. 5 of 2021 regarding a special mark at Turntide Jetty (Breydon Water). Kind Regards Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Mobile 07986003359 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY Please note that my normal working hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. NTM 04 2021 Lowestoft Power Boat Racing.pdf NTM 05 2021 Special Mark Turntide Jetty.pdf
  17. Good afternoon, Please see the boating news section of our website for two current boating news items regarding navigation restrictions on Breydon Water (due to channel marker replacement) and Great Yarmouth Yacht Station (due to quay heading repair near the Yacht Station). https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news/navigation-restriction-on-the-lower-bure https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/boating-news/navigation-restriction-on-breydon-water Best, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY Please note that my normal working hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
  18. Tan used to like the salmon and cream cheese sandwiches that they used to do at the Staithe & Willow a few years ago for lunch.
  19. We have the inside and outside cleaned on a fortnightly basis during the season, but expect all owners to clean the boat to a standard preferred by all owners.
  20. I think you will find most cleaning services will clean in inside of your boat but their charges will be £60 to £70 for the job.
  21. We change ours over too, its a case of using the bottle spanner and changing over the regulator from one bottle to the other.
  22. There is always a staff shortage in most of the pubs on the Broads.
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