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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Here in Brundall we battened down last night, sadly not much sleep. Unless the wind dies down the boat will remain in the marina today, so it could be a train journey today. Regards Alan
  2. Dear All Please find attached the ABP Notice to Mariners No. 26 of 2017 with updated information regarding sunken wreck ‘Aisha’ in Lowestoft Inner Harbour. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk
  3. Hello Kevin, Welcome to the NBN forum Regards Alan
  4. I fully agree with you John. Most hire craft should not have an issue passing through Yarmouth at slack water, most will be height wise well under the bridges on most stages of the tides. At slack water however the risk of being out of control on the river is almost to its minimum. As you say going across Breydon, just keep between the posts and you will be fine. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Tim, Similar to our bedding for out of season, we however have a topper under the bottom sheet, hot water bottles for airing the bed up to an hour before before we go to bed (if needs be top them up with more hot water before getting in bed) we also have a large fleece to cover the duvet. Any condensation forms on the fleece that can be aired during the day. Leaving the cabin door open also reduces any condensation in the cabin. Regards Alan
  6. Dear All Please find attached the ABP Notice to Mariners No. 25 of 2017 with updated information regarding semi submerged pipes in Lowestoft. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Tel: 01603 756035 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 www.broads-authority.gov.uk ABP Lowestoft N to M No.25 2017 - Lowestoft - Large Semi Submerged Pipes - Updated Information.pdf
  7. You can cook Yorkshire Puddings week on week, they are always perfect, but the first time you have guests they turn out like pancakes. its the law. For a quick meal I used to buy those large Ant Bessie Yorkshires, I would cook off chopped bacon, add baked beans or plum tomatoes into the puddings and top off with grated cheese. Regards Alan
  8. Several years ago when we moored at Ferry Marina, we had to have the windscreen replaced after someone had been using the moored boats as target practice. Regards Alan
  9. One of my fellow owners had the aerial and mast stolen from the boat whilst moored at the New Inn (Horning) a couple of years ago. Regards Alan
  10. Please see the link to the Herbert Woods website and Florida Light:- https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/our-boats/florida-light.html Regards Alan
  11. Brian Wards do the kits, remember your 10% discount for being a NBN forum member. Regards Alan
  12. Hello Douglas, Here is a link to George Clarke's amazing places. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://assets.natgeotv.com/Shows/38693.jpg&imgrefurl=http://natgeotv.com/asia/george-clarkes-amazing-spaces-s2/about&h=720&w=1280&tbnid=cTC41O_-7gvJEM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=199&usg=__OKDv9zvHGSGYWFCWvQPH2TP5sQY=&vet=10ahUKEwj30oKYmZHWAhVCblAKHeDiAKAQ_B0IhwEwCg..i&docid=N4z5Sh7cU-aC_M&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj30oKYmZHWAhVCblAKHeDiAKAQ_B0IhwEwCg&ei=Xz-wWbenJcLcwQLgxYOACg Regards Alan
  13. All that is missing is the obble globble men
  14. Hello John, Have a good meet this weekend; I hope you can post some pictures of the meeting. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Carol, Check the date on the activators, usually there is only a couple of years service on them, ours are due again this year, so I will be checking the dates when I am on the boat next week (I am on the boat from Tuesday) if you want to pop up staging I will have a look for you. Regards Alan
  16. Thank you for all the pictures. If you are stopping another night at the Oulton Broad Yacht Station, I would try and get a mooring on the inner pontoons rather than being on the outside, it reduces the slap you get on the bows. Regards Alan
  17. Can we please get back to the original topic. Regards Alan
  18. Hello cheesey, To be fair to the B.A. any of the hire yards can and may even be on the notification lists. We usually post messages as soon as we can regards to the B.A. notifications. Regards Alan
  19. We have had 24 new forum members join the forum in the last month. Welcome to the NBN forum. Please if you have not already done so, please tell us a little about yourselves and your times that you have had on the Norfolk Broads or your proposed visit. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Les, The Broads out of season is like coming to a different waterway, less busy and you usually see more wildlife. With regards to wife fancying a narrow boat holiday, she can not be knocked for that, we go as a crew of six (three couples, the youngest being 60). If you have not been before I suggest that you check out the Trent & Mersey canal (apart from the first 4 locks) it is a canal having 7 foot wide locks. Also check out the Llangollen Canal (again 7 foot locks). Regards Alan
  21. It looks as if opening has been hit & miss since July. Be aware however that there is a gentleman around to charge you for mooring there.
  22. Hi Q, Can't you have plastic windows stitched into any cover in the relevant places, assuming your panels are flat to the boats roof. Regards Alan
  23. By all accounts this happened at 10 pm last night and there has not been an update from what I can see. Regards Alan
  24. In our syndicate we have a major problem trying to fit in six weeks of allocations during the summer holidays for our School Share owners. Every year I have to check the various regions education department to get an idea of when their terms are, they vary from area to area. We have owners from Cheshire, Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, London etc. To compound this before our AGM in November I have to check this out for the 2019 terms. I fully agree with comments regarding taking children out of school is a no no but any excuse such as teacher training days or playing games to fill in days before an holiday is acceptable. Regards Alan
  25. I agree with that Robin; Carol not even the flatties can be used on some canals, I have seen these pulled from boats that have been caught up on the brickwork by the fenders. we have not used them if they have been fitted to hire boats, they are more trouble than their worth. On the Scottish Canals all locks are manned and the longest of two boats sharing a lock is request to go into a lock first, followed by the shorter boat, both crews have to use the rope rails set into the side of the locks. Regards Alan
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