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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Simon, If you have a look at our bridge information you should see the rise and falls, if not I can send you a file we use on Ranworth Breeze. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Steve, Ludham bridge air draft is normally 8 ft 6 inch at high tide and there is a rise and fall of 12 inches. just aim to be at the bridge for low water, but check the bridge height boards when you get there. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Cliff, Most of us take our boats out over the winter period to repack the stern glandes and check the running gear, antifoul we have done every other year or at least by the third year. It is good for glass fiber boats to dry out, it also reduced the boat weight. Wooden boats do not want to be out of the water for long periods because the planks dry out and chalking can be an issue. I suggest that you leave it alone until the end of next years season. Regards Alan
  4. This flooding is nothing new, didn't webntweb fashion some wellingtons by putting cardboard into his boots to undo the mooring ropes that were well under the water a couple of seasons ago. Low lying land and high tides flooding is bound to happen. Regards Alan
  5. What has always been needed at Yarmouth is some off river pontoon moorings that rise and fall with the tides, if only from a safety point of view. Regards Alan
  6. I know the Ferry Marina well, we used to moor there up until 2008. Part of our boat kit was wellies so we could get to the boat, if the road was not flooded the fixed moorings could and have been under water. From the aerial shot it appear that there are still no floating pontoons. No doubt the service area's are better now they are on the river rather than when we were there the service area was right at the back near the rental cottages, it was the same for fuel, we however used Boulters (already commented on and the Richardson moorings). Brundall far better moorings. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Chris, The routes near your daughter's will more than likely be the Tissington Trail and the Manifold Valley, of the two I prefer the Manifold Valley, the track here was tarmaced over with a wide path which is great for all users, there is a cycle hire shop and a number of picnic area's, part of the route takes you through a tunnel, this is now used for traffic and pedestrians. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Chris, I am not sure about signs of old tracks but on the Southern Broads you can see the pillars of the swing bridges that used to be at Haddiscoe and Beccles. Regards Alan
  9. This is a sad decision for Norwich and would be the end of an era. Far too many well known manufacturing names have been taken over for the brand name and then asset striped, big business is not always good business. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Richard, I was told that staff hours had been reduced and it was debatable what hours the fuel station would be open. My advice would be to phone Malcolm or his fellow member of staff especially if you require fuel on Saturday or Sunday. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Moosey, Some locations are worse than others, the green at Horning and the outer pontoons on Oulton Broad, we have only moored at the Bell Inn once and we were glad to moor up, it was very dark by the time we went under St Olaves Bridge. I would think because of this area having very fast tides you would get a lot of slap on the hull. Regards Alan
  12. Looking at the link to the auction, it would appear that it is the freehold that is up for sale with a tenant agreement in force until 2020 with a rental of £90,000 per year. Regards Alan
  13. The pub is in a prime position with regards to the river, but is off the beaten track with regards to the rest of Horing, the road down to it is very poor and is prone to flooding. Yes the marina and holiday lets adjacent to the pub may use the pub, but with the new bar/eatery in the Marina complex is now competition to the pub. The pub looks good on the outside with good riverside seating and good mooring space, sadly the inside of the pub is not very inviting, it has a cold and dark feel about it. Ferry Marina would be better off buying it, doing a total revamp and using some of the land to extend the marina. Regards Alan
  14. I recon Griff should be given a warning just for his jokes alone Regards Alan
  15. When we have hired on the canals we have fixed small faults, catches not fitted correctly or loose. We have had to call out engineers for props becoming loose, heating not working etc. Smaller faults that you can live with but require repairs before the next hire we have informed the yard prior to our return so they can be scheduled in the turn round. Talking to engineers you may be surprised by the call outs they get. One of the more common calls they get is that there is no water. Regards Alan
  16. Here is the Ebay link. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wooden-Wood-Boat-Trailer-Renovation-Project-Garden-Feature-Collection-Bolton-/172891189704?hash=item28411e31c8:g:HiMAAOSw1TNZzWIE Regards Alan
  17. Hello Dreamer, Our last three BSS inspections have all been £100 including the one we had done 2 weeks ago. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Ian, Are they having a laugh or what. I suggest that you go to your doctors and camp out until they see you and give you a referral to a hospital to sort out these breaks in your arms, you need pots on or some other support on them now, not in 10 days time. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Ian I hope you get sorted out soon at the clinic and get comfortable. Hopefully this is not number two of three. Its not that long since you were wearing that boot for your last fracture, try and stay safe mate. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Dreamer, Here is a link to BSS inspectors loosely around your area. https://www.boatsafetyscheme.org/boat-examination/arranging-the-examination/find-an-examiner/?counties=Humberside Regards Alan
  21. The thing that I find somewhat over the top is the time that charges are based especially the overnight mooring time. The charges on the post are 8.00 am to 5 pm for £5 & 5.00 pm to 8.00 am for £10 this all sounds OK however everywhere else on the Broads charges a daytime or overnight charge. The daytime charge is fair enough but not everyone wants to set off before 8.00 am. In my honest opinion if they have to use a standard parking meter then why not adopt an hourly rate so you can leave when it is convenient to you. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Steve welcome to the forum. Have a great holiday and if you can share your photos and memories with us. Regards Alan
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