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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Vaghan, Does that mean that we should all cruise around in rubber boats Regards Alan
  2. It rained in South Yorkshire overnight, still raining this morning and has been dull all day, I am glad the weather in better in Norfolk. Regards Alan
  3. Toilet paper is always an issue on boats and their toilet systems, we provide all toilet paper used on Ranworth Breeze, it is the two ply type, the 3 ply or quilter type is regarded as contraband and is confiscated. Toilets with ribbed pipes or electric toilets can be an issue. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Charlie, I am starting to get a bit worried about you and this thing about shoes Regards Alan
  5. Hi Grace, So how many strippers do you know and I am not talking about the ones in uniforms Regards Alan
  6. Hi Neil, Have a great trip, I hope the fish bite and the beer is cool, lounge away and enjoy. Regards Alan
  7. Hopefully they will have public liability, just in case a member of the pubic injures them selves when on the said land (their moorings). Regards Alan
  8. Happy Birthday Andrew. Regards Alan
  9. Officially born in Yorkshire but have lived in North East Derbyshire until it was gazumped by Sheffield. Glad to hear that Essex does exist and is not just a TV program Regards Alan
  10. Hi Ian, I asked for four adults to Lowestoft when the conductor came around for fairs & tickets, we had an inkling there was an issue when we went through Acle station but stayed on the train into Yarmouth (a dead end) I asked was the train then going to Lowestoft, the answer was no! I went t the Yarmouth ticket office and explained the situation. The lady there said get back on the conductor should be able to help, a quick sprint to the train we arrived on, we had spent 3 minutes in Yarmouth. Back on the train the we explained t the conductor again, he wrote us a short note to give to other conductors we would encounter. We stayed on the train all the way to Norwich and presented our tickets and said note to the next conductor after a 5 minute wait in Norwich. After setting off from Brundall at 10.30 am we arrived in Lowetsoft some two hours later. Out of the station we went straight into Weatherspoons for a well earned drink and a meal. Regards Alan
  11. We went on the train the Lowestoft last week, I asked for a Pensioners discount, none available, it would be rude not to ask. Because there was four of us we got a discount £5.00 each return from Brundall. Mind you we ended up in Yarmouth, but tat is another story. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Ian, Apply for the Saturday show not the Sunday, you may have better luck. I think you may be disappointed if you ever get those tickets, live in your dreams! Better to watch it on TV, watching it now bye the way. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Mark, Welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Dave, Funny you should say that, one of our owners had the aerial and mast nicked a couple of seasons ago whilst moored outside of the New Inn at Horning. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Grendel, Most of the BSS inspectors we have come across tend to visit the boat. Regards Alan
  16. I believe most of us wish only to stay overnight and move onto another location. Last week at Bramerton we only stopped one night and left the next morning to arrive back at the marina. We did stop at Beccles for two nights because of the bad weather, if it had been good weather we would have stopped elsewhere. We have never managed to stop at Whitlingham due to it always being full. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Paws, Have a read on this link, it may help you decide. https://www.puppymatters.com/wondering-what-is-the-best-life-vest-for-dachshund-read-this/ Regards Alan
  18. TV on a boat why bother, a good glass of wine or an ice cold beer and watch the world go bye has got to be far better. Last week I only had the TV on to test it because of a report by one of the other owners. We all talked and played games rather than look at the little box in the corner. Regards Alan
  19. Hello 40something, Welcome to the forum from another Brundall moorer. Regards Alan
  20. I am like many men, I have selective hearing Regards Alan
  21. Hi Mark, Our BSS inspection last week was done by Alan May and I can recommend him for his friendly manor and the work he put into the inspection and his recommendations. Regards Alan
  22. Here is a youtube link showing Zircon. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Thingy, Have a look at this advert and a link to update the Mr Shifta 2 to the 3 version. http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/116961925/mr-shifta-2-caravan-motor-mover-with-battery.html?link=/classifieds/all/uk/mr+shifta+caravan+mover&awc=5834_1505918737_dd4720bfb8694f40ddaeb3eec02d80a8&utm_source=AWin-223481&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=AffiliateWin http://www.shifta.co.uk/caravan_mover/ Regards Alan
  24. We have used a few posts this week on the Southern Broads, there is a mixture of some that have old card repositories and others that do not. The issue I have with the new posts is that because of a card reader and a meter mounted one above the other by the time it gets to the lower meter it is very difficult to read the meter to check what credit is on the post and if the reader has put your additional pound of credit onto the meter. Bramerton Common could do with a fourth post further down the moorings, the three current posts are all in one area. Regards Alan
  25. Debate is good, but lets keep it friendly.
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