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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. It is also good for the odd drip from a stitched seam, you can buy wax blocks. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Charlie please give Inge my regards for her birthday. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Charlie, I am glad you have been sorted out with the items, it could have lent you my band saw and not too far away to drop into south Sheffield. If you need any other tools please give me a shout. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Carole, All of our fenders are blue (blue fender socks) other than the four spare in the racks. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Mark & Jules welcome to the forum. As Grace says a birthday or honeymoon on a boat takes some beating. Regards Alan
  6. We drop our fenders on both sides. If the location has a high rise & fall we may stagger our fenders, we will use some from the river side and substitute these with our shorter spare fenders. Regards Alan
  7. After setting off I go around the boat and lift ours so they above the water level, dragging them in the river uses more fuel and there is also the danger of loosing a fender, mind you it would never be a blue one Regards Alan
  8. Hello Richard, I am so sorry to hear about your scooter accident, as if you needed to have any more misfortune at this time. Regards Alan
  9. Hello Snowy, Congratulations to both of you. We always wave Regards Alan
  10. ranworthbreeze


    Hi MM, I think you will find that Meg is female. Regards Alan
  11. ranworthbreeze


    Hi Meg, The tide table that Howard has given in the post above is the Shorebase table which is among the ones we have listed in our tide tables, personally I use the Broads Authority table because it gives us the height at low water which is relevant to us for passing through Yarmouth. You can look at all of our listed tide tables which is in the Handy Information tab at the top of the screen. Here a link to the tide tables:- http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/handy-information/tide-tables/ Regards Alan
  12. Wow that is a blast from past, it just struck a chord, I can remember that. Radio back in the day was used more than the TV; well at least in our house. Regards Alan
  13. Here you are Grace just for you http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/broads-suncharm/ http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/broads-sunray/ Here is a link to Pacific:- http://www.pacificcruisers.co.uk/large-boats.html Regards Alan
  14. My first taste of Coke Cola was in the mid to late 50's in a thick glass bottle from a cooler dispenser in Roberts Brother restaurant in Sheffield , to be honest for many years I have chosen not to drink the stuff. Regarding crisps in those days there was only Smiths and all the kids just wanted to find the bags that had more than one twisted blue salt bag. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Peter, I would have thought you could have substituted the fish for chicken or beef, I would fully cook the chicken or beet fully before adding to the other ingredients. Usually I cook chicken in water prior to putting into a stir fry. Regards Alan
  16. No matter what we or the media think; Princes Harry & William loved their mother and that is all that matters. Regards Alan
  17. No matter what the courts have thrown at Mr Barrett in the way of fines or the suspended sentence will be nothing compared to the guilt that he must be feeling with regards to his family . Regards Alan
  18. Hi Q, I am sure that Grendel can fix you up with a scaled down ball to suit, not so sure of a scaled down price however Regards Alan
  19. I was looking on YouTube and came across our Tim and Royal Tudor, I am sorry if it has already been featured in a thread. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Richard, Being as we still have canal holidays and have skippered up to 70 foot narrow boats, I can testify that the results when moored can be dramatic. As you say the boat is pushed all ways, in many cases you will have only just managed to moor up for lunch or the evening often with the aft or bows away from the bank and the use of the plank. Looking at from the point of the skipper passing you; many do far too fast, we find however that these days with long term mooring on both the towpath and the other side of the canal, we have struggled to maintain an average of 2 mph. Some of the villages we have hoped to moor at can at times unobtainable and often we have had fairly long walks on the towpath to the pub, which is OK on the way there but somewhat of a problem on the way back in the dark, six people with wind up torches frantically winding away as the torches dim. On the water no matter where it is can not be beaten. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Sue, I know you were a member of Ranworth Breeze syndicate from the early days like ourselves, we were on the boat from its second week after launching. I hope Glenn had brushed up on his putting through paces by later in the year, all we had was figure eights on Hoveton Little Broad (Black Horse Broad) a new boat and I was in charge. Glenn was a great chap and I got on with him very well. Woe betide anyone who was ready for departure from the boat by 9.00 am. He had to come out to us at Salhouse once, with a battery on a little cart because we could not start the engine, I ended up a large quantity of distilled water into the batteries (far too much I thought). Hows it going on your current boat? Regards Alan
  22. Hi Charlie, I am sorry but we can not condone such wayward behavior, my father in law would classify you as a speed-ace Regards Alan
  23. My Sat Nav keeps telling me to turn left or right (she gets in a right paddy) because I choose to stay on the river. Regards Alan
  24. I believe that most crews will help anyone with a boating problem, helping them start their boats or even swap mooring to get to that charging post. When on the rivers I think it brings the best out in us, it should do, we should be relaxed after all we are a boat, how better can it get. Regards Alan
  25. They can always be seen near to the Bramerton moorings or near to Commissioners Cut, this used to be a great location for Dragon Flies. Regards Alan
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