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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Just reflecting on the fact that I swore an oath of allegiance to the Queen, some 55 years ago, as a young cub scout. I often remember the event and have never regretted it and had occasion to renew it in later life when appointed to a post. I still have my cub scout cap that was returned to me a few years ago by my old leader.
  2. The Queen is dead, long live the King. That term will take a lot of getting used to for anyone under 75.
  3. 70 years of service to her subjects world wide. I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service
  4. The sad news has been announced of the death of our Queen. Such sad news.
  5. Mikeyboy, no apology necessary, happy for discussions to take place, I just wanted to clarify our position .
  6. As a forum we are not a campaigning group or a pressure group. Individual members of course are free to band together independently to follow their own path, under their own banner.
  7. Brundall Gardens Marina own them.
  8. The helm in the real one has more grey hair 😁
  9. If it is easy and doesn't disrupt the sponsors, fine.
  10. I have seen these about a lot over the summer and all except one was well helmed. They are very popular.
  11. It was, all heading home or to the Ferry House.
  12. Thanks TheQ, that was the ones, probably 15 + went past.
  13. I was treated to the sight of quite a number of classic looking yachts of the same style ( sorry no idea of class ) returning up the Yare towards Norwich last week.
  14. My sink waste has no trap, one cabin basin has and one hasn't. To be honest there is no difference between the two as far as smell and flow are concerned. The only reason for a trap domestically is to prevent smells from the sewer. I do wonder if smell would be more of a problem in a marina where they is less change of water as compared to a river mooring.
  15. Carefully There does seem to be an awful lot more about this year.
  16. Went last night and had a table in the old stable block fronting onto the courtyard. The food was good and a reasonable price. The service was stretched at times but the staff kept smiling, staff shortages are an issue everywhere and something we have to accept at the moment, even people like me who are not renowned for patience. 😁 I would happily visit again.. Sad to see the Mermaids Slipper shut as it looked an interesting venue with a good catchment area. Thanks for all the recommendations.
  17. Hemsby Lifeboat station is having a BBQ Saturday and Sunday. Brooms also have one scheduled. The danger is from disposable units in fields and wooden quays not off the ground gas units.
  18. I have just checked onboard, looks like it got taken home after the Jubilee.
  19. Eva Cassidy and Karen Carpenter, two fantastic vocalists who passed too young. We will never know their full potential.
  20. A much under appreciated artist. I still listen to her album.
  21. Z list celebs from Hate Island and other non entities that last for 15 minutes.
  22. To cut back that far is ridiculous and an over reaction and to cut a tree in a pot is plain stupid. The main trees could have been lowered to 3 metres. A lot of properties have some cracking, particularly when we have a couple of dryer seasons. The rule of thumb is no closer than 7 metres for a large tree with deep roots and become concerned if you can get a 50p coin 75% into a crack. Insurers over react as they like to avoid claims in the future and usually employ assessors rather than Chartered Surveyors.
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