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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. I saw earlier the forum was off line, now back up and running once more - That was quick eh? Well done BTW Griff
  2. I take 'B.A' through regular if the pilots office gauge states 6ft5" or more. That gives me a 2" clearance to play with. The tallest point on 'B.A' is 6ft3" being the mast bracket, so in theory I could take her through with 6ft4" showing on the gauge. 'B.A' is 40ft x 12ft. She was constructed in 1966 by Jack Powles. Like many boats of that era, the boats were designed and constructed for the Broads and Broads bridges, the holiday maker adapted themsens to the boats. Nowadays sadly this has changed. The boats are constructed / designed for the holiday maker and the boats have to adapt themsens to the Broads Hope this helps Griff
  3. I'm sorry Griff, but I had to laugh So did I, some considerable time later I will add. Plus I now have bragging rights at being outside the channel with 'B.A' and getting away with it! Not that I wish to add a 'Bar' to that particular medal of honour you understand Griff
  4. We have the Blessed Authority:- The 2017 toll increase was a zillion percent, well it was for most of us private motor craft owners. The forecast for the 2018 toll rise is 'Only' 3 percent but 3 percent on top of the 2017 rise is still substantial, but the Blessed Authority knows that don't they? I think they hope we are supposed to be grateful for the forthcoming rise being 'Only' 3 percent Then we have Richo's or Richardson's to be precise. As many of you know we keep 'B.A' in their wet shed. They run a large empire and need to make a profit to reinvest, keep their employees in jobs etc. They also need to keep their many customers happy too. The wet shed berthing fees for 2016 rose by 0:8% This year we have just renewed our berth, yes the prices have gone up, this time by 0:85% Richo's can manage their empire with a below inflation increase, without any grants from central government too. I suggest the Blessed Authority talk to Clive / Paul / Richo's and learn how to do it! Many of us are real quick to complain when service is not up to standard, or expectations are not met. We are not so quick to commend and say thanks though when service is exemplary. Credit where credit is due. Well done Richo's and Thanks Griff
  5. Just get yersen some Burmese Teak, the stuff is plentiful, falling over it, cheap as chips too Griff
  6. Respect for fessing up the Breydon incident, it can happen to anyone. 'B.A' has been outside the posts and got away with it by the skin of our teeth and sheer luck. A experienced helm (One of our Lads Week crew) who has been afloat every year since about 82 took us outside the marked channel as he got confused or just plian and simple wasn't paying attention. I was in t galley as I mistakenly assumed I could trust him, just goes to prove assumption is the mother of all cock ups. I came up to wheelhouse had a look round, it seemed to take ages for my eyes / brain to compute that we were outside of the marked channel, in reality eyes / brain just would not believe the information they were receiving. I didn't know whether to faint or have a canary fit. As it was, once said sensors had confirmed my worst nightmare, muscles sprang into action, grab engine control bring to dead slow, swing helm fast and hard over to a direct course back towards marked channel, then commence prayers to Neptune. We got away with it, once back in safe water, me and the helm had a 'discussion' Can you just imagine if we had got stuck on the putty? There's one thing for sure, I would not have contacted any emergency services at all. Being skipper it would have been my responsibility (Fault), and my responsibility to rectify the situation. The Mudweight would have been chucked as far as I could manage in the direction of the channel and we would have waited it out for high water, then kedge oursens back to the channel. There would have been the name of the guilty helm taped to the side of 'B.A' for all to see, he would also have been tasked with going onto the mud to have a washdown of 'B.A' below waterline where possible. I would then (Signal permitting) have notified forumites passing to take photo's as evidence - No use trying to hide it. 'B.A's cloaking system only seems to work when there are rag-n-sticks present. Oh and BTW - Enjoying reading your holiday tale - TVM Griff
  7. If you hover over the letters BA a box comes up and says Broads Authority. I am sure Griff uses some other way of typing Broad Ambition, by using - or something. I do too:- BA = Blessed authority 'B.A' = Broad Ambition Griff
  8. We have taken disabled folk onboard 'B.A' before now, one Lady was particularly disabled but we managed, we had more preparation issues to deal with, special chair, measuring the steps / passageways etc. Basically it took three able bodied blokes to cater for her needs and make sure she was safe and enjoyed her time afloat. It was considered a success but it was no picnic for three of us but we knew what we were getting into beforehand. One of our close friends here at home have a disabled son both physically and mentally. We are planning to get him afloat for a long weekend, that will take the combined effort by his parents, me and MrsG to achieve success but we all want to have a go at it for the lads sake. 'B.A' is not the ideal boat for someone with physical issues either, I would suggest that Bath Tubs are more suited, but owts possible with pre-planning. If there is a will there can usually be a way. My point is I suppose, agreeing with the previous post, as long as there are able bodied crew onboard to deal with berthing and any unforeseen boat handling issues onboard then it shouldn't be a problem. Oh and of course the able crew onboard need to know beforehand so they are all pulling in the same direction and are volunteers, not press ganged or embarrassed into a situation that they just don't know how to deal with or is out of their comfort zone. Griff
  9. Sufficiently lit whilst alongside - Need to remember that one although we have only been alongside (MTB102) once overnight and can't see it happening again anytime soon. As for the 7kts speed limit = 8mph, we would have to be only a few hundred rpm short of flat out in still water to achieve 7kts. With the tide of course then it would be a breeze Griff
  10. Here's a photo of Spar Auckley this Halloween, (my MrsG on the left) Nowt unusual about seeing Laureen at her work place, as per the norm she went to work on her broomstick. What is unusual is that she is at work not in her Spar uniform but wearing her normal everyday attire. Angie seems to be doing the same too! Anyroadup I asked MrsG if she could keep this attire for 'Later Tonight' To which a firm and frosty 'No' was received, no surprise there then - Not! Griff
  11. 08:41 - 31st October 2017: "I am pleased to say that your offer has been accepted..." And about time too, well done, congratulations Welcome to the penniless boat owner society. He is already a fully paid up member of this society along with the other owners of 'B.A' So, sort out diary dates and prepare to roll my sleeves up once again, hang on a mo, I can't remember rolling them down much lately Griff
  12. a crane sounds fun bring it on as they say, as long as that Griffin chap is not on the controls. Gimme Gimme Gimme, just gotta film that one I think your clip board will be needing several new sheets of paper added to it - but fear not, your not be fretting over it unless you wish How could I possibly refuse? - Bring it on, Have you not dunnit yet? Is that all? Griff
  13. I don't for the life of me understand why BA can't operate a system like the DVLA, Well I can - It's called daylight robbery as per previous post, plain and simple Griff
  14. Well 'Ours' wasn't a penalty bird, it was being hand fed with the farms chickens. It even had a name, No, I can't remember what it was but definitely not 'Funky Chicken' before any smart Alec suggests such a thing, As if you would! Griff Edit - that was why the fine was placed so high to try to ensure that it was left alone
  15. December afloat is magical, especially a night nav down through Potter Heigham / Horning / Wroxham viewing the riverside properties with the Christmas lights up - It's to die for. However onboard a Hireboat sadly you can't night nav so I now don't know why I said that! One thing to watch out for is river ice though, it's a boat stopper, well it certainly is for us woodies and should really be so for the tupperwares too. I have berthed up at Malthouse Broad only to find ducks walking across the Broad next morning. The upper reaches of the Ant have stopped us getting away from home berth and back to it before now, it makes me very wary, not being able to get back on time is a logistical nightmare. However don't let this put you off Griff
  16. Robin - I note they now do larger filters to keep up with the fuel demands (litre per hour) the Trader engines would require. This is certainly now on my list of things to look into. That'll no doubt another item on the Traders 'To Do' list, which no doubt I will have my very own copy of Griff
  17. We had one a few years back on our shoot. Not specifically bred as white, it just appeared so a quirk of mother nature in our case. All the guns were under strict instructions not to shoot it, there was a £100 fine to pay if anyone did. As it turned out it went missing after being with us for ages. We suspected Mr Fox got it. Which was proper annoying as our keeper / assistants put a lot of time and effort into keeping the fox numbers as low as possible Griff
  18. Same thing happened to us with 'B.A' Launched in September, engine / drive train fitted October then recommissioned. Had to pay for a full years toll, only to have to pay for another year 5 months later. Only in Norfolk or should I say only the BA. I agree, legalised / daylight robbery, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask where as the good Dr has a daft hat Griff
  19. I do wish they would report correctly, it's a pet gripe of mine, in fact I must remember to put it in the 'Let of Steam' thread. Why do the media constantly say a river / waterway has 'Burst' it's banks? They water hasn't burst anything, what has happened is that the high water levels have over-topped the banks or flood defences. It's the normal exaggeration / sensationalism thing once again that newspapers especially like doing A burst bank is a wholly different thing altogether and requires major machinery / manpower and finances to repair Griff
  20. Pheasants now oven ready in t freezer as per the norm. Today is clay shooting at the village of Wroot, then Wednesday - night clay shoot followed by game shoot this coming Saturday Griff
  21. What cracks me up is the soundtrack, that of the ducks laughing Griff
  22. When I'm cutting wall / floor tiles be they of a man made material or provided by mother nature, I work to a tolerance widely known as a 'Gnats Knacker Sack' Whether this is more accurate than 'Gnats Cock' is open to debate Griff
  23. We were fortunate enough in the sixties to have an inside loo and a proper bath too. No central heating , loft insulation, double glazing or shower. We had a coke fired boiler in t kitchen and open fires elsewhere, even in the bedrooms. Bath water was shared. Bath night was Sunday evenings whether we needed one or not! Griff
  24. Cracking post, written in Yorkshire speak too, and for what it’s worth I agree. Well done. To add to it. For years n years the port commissioners had the lower Bure dredged both sides year on year, especially the corners / bends. There were two grab an chuck it cranes on station all year round. Resulting in PHB being easily navigable most of the times at LW. We used to take Broom Admirals through regular. Older Broadsmen have told me many times again and again that since the regular dredging stopped, the result has been increased water levels at LW. There were no increased salt surges above the ‘Norm’ either. They should know, they live and work here. The cynic in me thinks the BA won’t dredge it properly or even tackle the shoaled corners for fear of craft grounding elsewhere at LW forcing them to admit they are not holding their end up and maintaining levels they inherited. Rocket science? Indeed it is not. Griff
  25. And I'm not exactly one of the first either! Welcome all the same Griff
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