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Everything posted by Maxwellian

  1. Last year I fished a bag of rubbish that was floating down the river thinking that it was disgusting that someone would just throw their rubbish in the water. I put it on the back of the boat as it was wet. when we got to somewhere to put it in the rubbish bins with our own rubbish it was not there. It must have dried out and blown overboard. At that point I thought that perhaps they had not thrown it into the river but that the same thing had happened to them. So sorry to whoever had to fish it out, it was accidental. I did make sure that our own rubbish bags were securely tied to the boat.
  2. It is difficult (not being a saily type) to second guess which way to pass. It is most helpful when the skipper gives a visible indication of which way they want you to pass. I find most of my problems arise when there are several travelling in convoy zigzaging across the river out of sync. Best advice is to relax and take the chill pill. slowly pass when safe hugging the bank side. we all have to live together. The problems occur when some are inconsiderate of others, so the more of us that show consideration the better. So chill your beans and don't add to the problem by adding to the inconsiderate behaviour.
  3. There is a couple of photos of your stay at Barnes in the recent shots part of the webcam page. You can download them when you get home. We found a couple from previous visits to OBYS.
  4. I don't mean to be selfish but I do wish people would stop encouraging more visitors to the Southern Broads If I want nose to tail boating I GO NORTH. JUST REMEMBER that the Northern Broads is a much nicer place to visit everyone.
  5. Welcome to you both from me
  6. I opened this thread thinking it was going to be a serious discussion full of good advice. I then saw the YouTube link and had my suspicions. I have seen some boaters use a similar approach on the broads though usually at a slight angle to the bank.
  7. Not sure a post at 02:42 is a sensible one, but I enjoyed reading it.
  8. Gently swinging on the mud weight on Bargate Broad.
  9. Five mins, Pesky is off Form at the mo. He is usually a bit quicker than that.
  10. Have you not forgiven him and reinstated him to first mate yet then Alan? Bit mean.
  11. If you watch the video clip it looks like it is taken from the pub garden looking at the back of the boat. If that is correct then it got in somehow. I have seen well over 8ft at that bridge last time we moored there.
  12. They may have been working on the principle that what went in, must come out. Never gave the tidal change a thought. Then again they may have been complete Numpties. I am sure they would love anonymity though and must be really happy about this hitting the press. There but for the grace of God go I.
  13. A couple of years ago in May we wanted to moor within walking distance of the steam fair. Swan was one of the suggestions. I gave them a call and they could not have been more helpful. Excellent service and very pleasant too. I wish them well for the future.
  14. Very sad news. Another one bites the dust. Always well turned out boats. Are they staying in business but just ceasing to hire?
  15. I like the talc idea. Another option that I used at home for a difficult to find leak was food dye. Talc did not work as the leak was spreading via the grout in the tiles, don't know what they used for grout. In the end I started putting food dye in the bowl to see if there was a leak and then the cistern. It was then I found it was very slowly leaking right round the back of where the close coupled cistern sits on the pan. A little bit of dirt meant it flowed slowly down the back onto the grout. When I was feeling for water it was dry. Food dye in the cistern helped me find it. Try it in the shower drains first. If all else fails the water tank and then try the taps closest to furthest. Standing by to be shot down and burned.
  16. Welcome from me too. I aspire to gaining the dizzy heights of Forum Idiot. Must practice more.
  17. Full credit for sharing Robin. This has given us all something to think about and prepare for when we are afloat. I must admit I am impressed with the way you handled it.
  18. I love the south side. I also love the upper reaches of the northern rivers and Horning. I just don't like to number of boats during the school holidays. My personal preference is for the quieter parts, but we have to go during the holidays as my wife works school terms. We will spend some time up North next year.
  19. Maxwellian


    Trial by Forum is wrong where the comments are supposition or tied up in a legal process. Often only one side of a story is know or implied. In this case there is proof that a potentially dangerous act was committed. The kind of behaviour and lack of consideration shown can have serious consequences to innocent people. I have no problem with this video being shown and hope that by bringing an irresponsible act committed in a public place to the attention of the general public it might just make the boatyards and BA take action to stop this. Just my view.
  20. Too late, I am heading your way in August. Boat already booked in August for 2015 and 2016 from Maffetts.
  21. Enjoying the tale. Lovely photos.
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