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This Could Upset The Applecart


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The Broads Boating Company have just started hiring their first two boats. Price looks good AND it includes the waiver, a full tank of fuel and bridge pilot fees. The price you see, is the price you pay. They could either be in for a bumpy ride from the other operators who would do well to learn from them, or they could be very successful. I for one hope it's the latter.



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10 minutes ago, kfurbank said:

 it includes the waiver, a full tank of fuel and bridge pilot fees. The price you see, is the price you pay. 

Just like the old days!

We used to dip the tank when the boat came back and refund the hirer for the unused fuel. They went home with a bit of a refund which was nice. It was some years ago though....

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It is a nice marketing idea to get them off the ground. However they are not big enough to have any effect on the way the "Big Four" sell holidays as they could only satisfy a very small percentage of demand.

I wish them a very successful summer.

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44 minutes ago, JanetAnne said:

Just like the old days!

We used to dip the tank when the boat came back and refund the hirer for the unused fuel. They went home with a bit of a refund which was nice. It was some years ago though....

Ah yes I remember the days when the term dipstick referred to a notched wooden stick to check your fuel level and not some inconsiderate boater :naughty:

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Think they will be fully booked when they get all their boats up and running, I love the all in price, I've always wanted to win the Lottery and buy somewhere like Broadsedge Marina and really cut the mooring prices, it's now getting expensive and take it or leave it basis,

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3 minutes ago, Mowjo said:

Think they will be fully booked when they get all their boats up and running, I love the all in price, I've always wanted to win the Lottery and buy somewhere like Broadsedge Marina and really cut the mooring prices, it's now getting expensive and take it or leave it basis,

That's because the people trying to run their businesses haven't won the lottery, and thus need to actually make enough of a profit to live on.

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Just now, Mowjo said:

Think they will be fully booked when they get all their boats up and running, I love the all in price, I've always wanted to win the Lottery and buy somewhere like Broadsedge Marina and really cut the mooring prices, it's now getting expensive and take it or leave it basis,

It's expensive because people have allowed it to become so. Whilst there are moorers who are willing to pay inflated prices then mooring providers are equally willing to charge for them!  As for the take it or leave it attitude, I agree, but that is human nature, if you don't want to pay then there is always someone who will. On the other hand, unless moorings do provide inflated profits then perhaps there wouldn't be any! Something of a Catch 22 me thinks.

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Regarding all-in-prices, no easy answer. I would prefer one price but then that might frighten some folk off. Lower price plus extras, or a fully inclusive but higher price? If I were to use only half a tank of fuel would I get a refund? If I were to turn up in a taxi would I get a refund because I didn't use the car-park? There is no easy answer. 

As for low cost boating holidays, we've seen it all before, Freddy Lakers who come and go, rarely surviving more than a few years before reality starts to bite, or disinterest sets in.

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Not if anyone has hired recently, but certainly last march at richos I got money back when we returned the boat as we hadn't used much fuel. Ok, they didn't dip it but topped it up from the pump which is probably more accurate. 

I was happy with my secret beer money!!!!

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What is better? paying slightly more for all inclusive fuel or paying over inflated prices for the portion of the tank that you do use? Why does the largest yard on The Broads have some of the most expensive diesel prices? AND the biggest turnover of fuel? with perhaps the exception of Brooms, and even then I'm not convinced they sell more than Rickos.

Let's be clear, this new setup isn't giving away free fuel, it is built into the price somewhere, but hopefully at cost price, rather than the inflated price other yards use.

On the downside, lets just hope that some don't abuse the all inclusive fuel by going flat out everywhere. Then again, there's probably little evidence to suggest that paying for the fuel on return makes any difference. :naughty:

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I have never hired on the Broads other than day boats but have hired many times on the canals, most if not all have an all in price with a waiver.

On the Broads we have to pay for the diesel and pump out charges on every visit, worst case ever was a £186 a weeks cruising and two pump outs.



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Hi Monica,

We went into Norwich, Beccles, Oulton Broad and onto the Northern Rivers to Wroxham, Potter Heigham and all points between.

We also had guests over the weekend so also took them across Breydon Water just for the experience, so we did a lot of cruising in a week hence the fuel.

Usually during our allocations I tend to give new syndicate members their training and I also show potential new owners around the boat.

On our last allocation I trained three new owners and showed two new owners around Ranworth Breeze.



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Wow, 180ltrs is a massive amount of fuel to use in a week! 

How far did you go......rotterdam and back?!

Ranworth Breeze is fitted with a more powerful engine so likely to use more fuel than your standard hire cruiser engine especially if whizzing across Breydon! 

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25 minutes ago, riyadhcrew said:

I did 180+ litres in a week on Carousel last year, but I think that a good portion of that was down to the heating get used a lot.

I don't think you're supposed to try to get the cabin up to Riyadh air temperature (50C)

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1 hour ago, NonTecky said:

Ferry Marina have been doing 'all in' for a few years now, I have been using them for years (before they switched to all in) and on reflection I prefer the 'what you see is what you pay'...

In my opinion if I was hiring I would rather pay for what I used.

Fuel tanks are probably 200 - 250 ltrs in size on hire boats, maybe more.  If they are allowing a full tank in the price on each hire imagine how much they could inflate prices by and what a winner they are on when many hirers probably wont even use half the tank! 

On the other hand I was never really keen on the dip stick and estimate method of fuel calculation either. 

Id rather see a boat filled up on my return and it all squared up equally, we all know whats been reported/suggested over the years! 

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6 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

Id rather see a boat filled up on my return and it all squared up equally, we all know whats been reported/suggested over the years! 

It's been a long long time since any yard we have hired from used the dipstick method ( probably back to the 80s)

always done by the pump now

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We have hired from Ferry Marina and like the all inclusive price. If we go from other yards we have always had a refund on our fuel deposit but ... some of them have very high fuel deposits, especially for a short break, which means that they have your money in their bank account for a number of weeks before you arrive even if you get some of it back!

Plus it's not just about the fuel cost. Ferry Marina are also one of the yards that will let you take the power lead out. Richardson's won't ever let you do that - we did ask and the answer was no. So you can't hook up to electric posts - not a problem in June but certainly a "nice to have" if you're out in the cooler months at either end of the season. 

I certainly wish this new venture all the best and will be interested to see what their boats look like.

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