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Broads Authority Footing Bill For New Railway Signs?


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3 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

This does nothing for this forums reputation of balance and fairness. When we need to raise our eyebrows at Dr P, let it please be for good reason, and for something he has actually done.

I quite agree MM and I hope I have not done this in my posting but it is a bit "in your face" isn't it? Who thought up this one?

The railways used to have a lot of posters, on the platform and on the trains, which advertised other places to visit. There seems little point in spending money advertising the Broads on Beccles station, since it follows that Beccles - on the Broads - was your destination anyway!

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As Andy has said the Authority is duty bound to do its book work at the sharp end but there is no doubt that there is intentional confusion and manipulation at the top end, obfuscation is an oft used term. This has lead to justifiable confusion and distrust along the rhond, there is no doubt that raids have been made on tolls money. That money is being wasted on these pointless signs must mean that there is spare money in the kitty, money that could be better spent.  

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1 hour ago, Vaughan said:


The railways used to have a lot of posters, on the platform and on the trains, which advertised other places to visit. There seems little point in spending money advertising the Broads on Beccles station, since it follows that Beccles - on the Broads - was your destination anyway!

Not all visitors to Beccles will be aware that it is indeed a gem adjacent to one of the most beautiful stretches of broadland. So a friendly welcome sign pointing out it's assets does no harm at all.

Who should pay for the sign I don't have an opinion, but it seems to be a disappointing trend on social media to follow/support the opinions of those who shout loudest.

That said, on our forum there is normally a few who will raise an alternative view point which hopefully helps to create a more balanced discussion.

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42 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

That said, on our forum there is normally a few who will raise an alternative view point which hopefully helps to create a more balanced discussion.

My view is based on my memory of the railways, and I am sure that you would never have seen a poster for the Broads (such as Adnams Girl's avatar) in the waiting room in Beccles, on the Great Eastern Railway. In Liverpool St., yes, as well as in Edinburgh, Leeds or York.

I still see no point whatever in advertising the Broads on a Norfolk railway station.

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Well at least I got the railway company right, didn't I? 

I hope my point is not to be buried by small border disputes. The fact remains that it is a waste of time to advertise a place for tourism, in the place itself. The message should be posted further afield, and this is what the railways always did, with great success, as it was the railways that made the Broads into the holiday paradise that it became. They knew what they were doing, in those days!

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Dr Phallus I presume? Okay, puerile humour and maybe a spot of light-heartedness is out of place on what really is a deadly serious topic. We are talking about the possibility of serious obfuscation in regard to the use of funds on one hand and on the other what really amounts to an abuse of position. I am not privy to the putterings  behind locked doors but I would ask who is the driving force behind the BNP lie? Then I would ask who's behind the erection, if I dare use the term, of the BNP notices at local railway stations? I can only guess but I'm pretty damned sure I could get it in one, the answer is glaringly obvious!

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9 hours ago, grendel said:

I suppose its like telegrams, you pay more for the extra words 'National Park' Being cheaper than 'A member of the National Parks Family'

Everything is already in place with the term 'A member of the National Parks Family', the expense is in departing from the truth.

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I was quite tempted this evening to have all this and my toll increase out with the Dr when I noticed he was also in the supermarket doing his shopping,  but being english I bit my lip (remembered the CCTV!) and acted with dignity.

It was an oppurtunity well missed though im properly gutted that the wife was with me or they'd be down a few dozen eggs and a couple of bags of flour now!!



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Joking aside, I did actually see him in the Supermarket this evening.  I did think I should convey my dislike to the toll increase but It wasnt the place really was it. 

And also for a man who his reported to be used to getting his own way what is anything I have to say going to achieve......

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Just now, dnks34 said:

Joking aside, I did actually see him in the Supermarket this evening.  I did think I should convey my dislike to the toll increase but It wasnt the place really was it. 

And also for a man who his reported to be used to getting his own way what is anything I have to say going to achieve......

Absolutely nothing, and there lies the problem.

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Actually, DNKS, had you spoken the Dr Packman then I am sure you would have been received with courtesy and offered an opportunity to visit his office for a coffee and a chat. Credit where it's due, he generally welcomes visitors.

I did remember you had said before he was actually quite a welcoming man and had I visions of becoming brainwashed to the cause down the teabag aisle!!

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When you arrive at Leicester Station, which is, for those who have not used it, built below ground level, a dark and somewhat forbidding place you are greeted by signs saying "Welcome to Leicester". They tell you a little about the city which really has a lot going for it, and not just Richard III. They were paid for by the city council. That's fair. They are seen not only by those alighting at Leicester, but by those passing through, bored nobodies sitting on a train taking the opportunity to "enjoy" a different view for the minute or two the train sits at the station. Maybe one or two of those bored nobodies might be tempted to visit Leicester and see what a great city it is, maybe not. Either way they convey a message of welcome to a city which is indeed very welcoming. If you haven't been, then come and see for yourself. 

So the Authority decide to erect similar signs at Beccles, Beelzebub Incarnate is suddenly vilified for wanting to make visitors to this lovely Suffolk market town feel welcome, or to promote it's charm to those passing through. The sheer cheek of spending the odd iota of authority funding on something that isn't dredging or mooring solicits howls of indignation from the pack of slavering hounds intent on tearing him limb from limb. The audacity of using the "N and P" words, which had, or so I thought been approved some long while ago for advertising / promotional use? 

This thread suggests two things, to me at least. Firstly, that the broads, or those who inhabit or use it regularly doesn't wish to be welcoming, it doesn't want "outsiders", this is our playground, you go and find your own. That's not far from the feeling on the ground in recent years, especially around northern rivers. It is the reason we don't visit anymore, we keep our excursions southern based. There at least a sense of the old broads, and old broads welcoming attitude still remains.

And secondly, well I always feel that the louder you have to shout, or think you have to shout, the weaker your argument. Take a long hard look at yourselves. Some of you are positively screaming.

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