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So, my new drive belts came in for my band saw, fitted them and cut a 2mm thick plank from a scrap of teak , like a dream, looks like the old belt had been rubbing on the inside of the housing, which was why it was slow and kept binding, if you think it looks cone shaped across its width, you are not wrong.

To the right you see the air vent mount for water rail, after about 6 coats of Danish oil.


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18 minutes ago, Jbx5 said:

Enjoyed a 60th birthday flight over Norfolk on family day RAF Marham 

How cool is that! My wife, Gill was trying to describe an interesting plane that she saw fly over the village and there it is in your first photo 👍

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Back up in Cumbernauld for paving project phase 2.
Made the decision to come up here based on the good forecast for the week, but that of course means I’m missing it on the Broads. I was going to be on the boat from Wednesday 🙁, now not till 17th. 
So all you who are out and about, enjoy it for me too!

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1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

This morning  I was sorting through  my wines.I brought  a bottle yesterday,and I wanted another one from my wine rack in the garage. Very sadly I broke one of my very nice Norfolk  red A £20 bottle no less.At least now the garage smells nice.

Shhhh ... Don't let Gracie know, or she will get into a sulk and not talk to you again :default_icon_eek:

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I spent the entire weekend sorting out the room that used to be my daughters bedroom, I had already added a small work bench in there, but it was time to get the bed out and clear away the junk under it, so I could create a few feet more of workbench, this involved disassembling the bed, clearing 3 big drawers full of junk, a trip to the tip with the mattress (well past its best) and using 6 plastic storage containers as the legs of a new workbench, adding anothe 12feet of shelf on the wall (3x 4 foot) and general tidying and hoovering.

still got some general tidying to be done, but it gives me an extra 4 foot of workbench, which will come in handy. there are still about 20 plastic storage crates stacked at one side of the room, my daughter has nowhere to put these in her flat, so they will stay as deep storage for now.

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Just a weekend to sort out a daughter's bedroom?   Oh if only!  In the days before my daughter moved out it would have taken a great deal longer than that. We used to refer to her room as the Black Hole, where anything missing could be located  from a teacup to  a  lawnmower! (not literally) After she moved out she was burgled and one of the attending police remarked what a mess the burglars had made of her bedroom. Saying it was totally trashed. She was forced to admit that she had disturbed them and they hadn't got as far as her bedroom.



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well it had been a little like that when she had just moved out, I cleared a good 12" of stuff off the floor, and found a dustpan and brush buried in the furthest corner, I had already boxed up 20 plastic storage crates full, just to be able to walk in and use the desk as my alternate office, this just left the area under the bed to sort out and the bed itself to be removed, which was the task that I undertook this weekend

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6 hours ago, grendel said:

I spent the entire weekend sorting out the room that used to be my daughters bedroom, I had already added a small work bench in there, but it was time to get the bed out and clear away the junk under it, so I could create a few feet more of workbench, this involved disassembling the bed, clearing 3 big drawers full of junk, a trip to the tip with the mattress (well past its best) and using 6 plastic storage containers as the legs of a new workbench, adding anothe 12feet of shelf on the wall (3x 4 foot) and general tidying and hoovering.

still got some general tidying to be done, but it gives me an extra 4 foot of workbench, which will come in handy. there are still about 20 plastic storage crates stacked at one side of the room, my daughter has nowhere to put these in her flat, so they will stay as deep storage for now.


36 minutes ago, grendel said:

The new work area 



38 minutes ago, grendel said:

well it had been a little like that when she had just moved out, I cleared a good 12" of stuff off the floor, and found a dustpan and brush buried in the furthest corner, I had already boxed up 20 plastic storage crates full, just to be able to walk in and use the desk as my alternate office, this just left the area under the bed to sort out and the bed itself to be removed, which was the task that I undertook this weekend

I think the smart money would have been for you to sell your house and buy a freehold industrial unit with office accommodation at the front and above.. 

You would then have a big "Manufacturing" area and you could convert the office into your house. A plus being no garden to get in the way of your hobbies.

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43 minutes ago, ChrisB said:



I think the smart money would have been for you to sell your house and buy a freehold industrial unit with office accommodation at the front and above.. 

You would then have a big "Manufacturing" area and you could convert the office into your house. A plus being no garden to get in the way of your hobbies.

It is certainly a prospect under consideration, as is buying 2 boats (one purely for the workshop space)

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19 minutes ago, grendel said:

It is certainly a prospect under consideration, as is buying 2 boats (one purely for the workshop space)

You could probably earn some serious pocket money with a "Cruising" workshop on the waterways.

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30 minutes ago, Bikertov said:

The second boat could be the trailing support vessel, just like all the best Superyachts have :default_stinky:

The superyachts seem to incorporate a garage in the stern these days, Grendel can park his bike in there alongside the SUP, strimmer, spare oven etc. as well as a workbench if there isn’t one already in the engine room!



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I spent my first day back at work after the holidays settling in a bunch of four year olds in their first morning at school and an absolute delight it was too. Some of them were so tiny I'm surprised the parents could get uniforms to fit :default_biggrin: Lots of little lunch boxes with their favourite characters on them, a few tears at having to leave Mummy and Daddy but they soon settled. One little girl informed me that her Nanna has Afteritis. I found out from the parents when they collected her that Nanna had just been diagnosed with Arthritis which I kind of guessed anyway :default_biggrin: How cute and how lucky I feel to work with those little ones all day long x

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When my daughter was in her teens I had spent   a long  exhnausting day restoring some semblance of order to her room and I resolved to find a way to make her keep it that way.. That evening just as she was about to sail out the front door on  a  date a quick glance through her door revealed the room was decidedly messy so I hiked her back to tidy it before she left. That didn't go down too well. The following evening just as she was about to go out  I again had a quick look intending to do the same again however the room was immaculate. This situation  cointinued for about a week and  I and  really thought I'd cracked it. Then I  noticed  something odd about her bed which was a 4 poster with a canopy over the top which had a large bulge in  it. Investigation revealed that this was caused by all the detritus she had been tossing on it to make her room look tidy. Back to the drawing board!




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