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Pilot Moorings Wroxham Bridge


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Both boats double moored moved, I was watching on the webcam at the time, there was a lot of going backwards and forwards with at times the boats almost coming into contact.

Maybe they were put off that they would have had to move before 8.30 an in the morning.



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10 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Both boats double moored moved, I was watching on the webcam at the time, there was a lot of going backwards and forwards with at times the boats almost coming into contact.

Maybe they were put off that they would have had to move before 8.30 an in the morning.



can't see a problem with an early start to be honest

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33 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

We love going to Wroxham,but moorings are few and far between for private boats.Last year we moored at the cafe.Its nice to be there,but it's 20 pound for 24 hours.

That makes it cheaper at the Hotel then.

We always used to love mooring there and one year the AGM's of both Southern Crusader & Ranworth Breeze were held the same weekend, both boats were moored outside of the Hotel and made a great sight.

Nothing better than a good mooring whilst being overlooked by critical gongoozler's, 



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Hi Bob,

Like Eric we love an early morning start, there's nothing quite like a sun rise on the Broads, with low lying mist, it's the most peaceful and calm time to be out on the rivers. As long as you're quiet and mindful of other people sleeping on their boats, you shouldn't have any problems

I would love to see Crusader and Breeze moored together, what a sight for sore eyes, as for gongoozling, you my lovely Alan, are the worst culprit for doing exactly that :naughty:


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While we were still working there were many occasions when we simply couldn't bear to head back to the marina to go home ready for work the next day. This was when we moored on the Great Ouse and in particular a mooring at a village called Hemingford Grey which was  idyllic on a warm Summer evening making it very hard to leave so we used to set the alarm for 5.30am and push off about 6.00am. the river at that time was magical and I wouldn't have missed it for anything. We'd get back to Hartford marina with me having packed and cleared  the boat while on the move, we'd be back in London By 8.30 ready to get to work.



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It all depends on what you call an early start. Fishing season I'm up well before sunrise, out of season...I might snooze till just before sunrise. I can't for the life of me understand folks that go boating to sleep while it's daylight...or will soon be daylight.:shocked

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hmmmm Pilots at Wroxham couple of years ago we were on Broads Suncharm from Richardsons and as it was a reasonably new boat we used the Pilot, the moron was so agressive with the boat i ended up on my backside across the ally strip where the front door closes  i wish i had filmed it as im sure a claim was going to be forth coming but heinsight is a wonderfull thing never take for granted these Pilots know what they are doing   

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11 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

We love going to Wroxham,but moorings are few and far between for private boats.Last year we moored at the cafe.Its nice to be there,but it's 20 pound for 24 hours.

Twenty pounds ! my god in heaven , i don't want shares in the place .

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