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Fleet Dyke Video From Lord Paul


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I have seen Youtube videos from Broadland where the drone is obviously been flown from a cruiser under way.

Apparently not for the purpose of looking at possible mooring sites.

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I think you will find that you have a legal right above the airspace of your property of a certain metres that I'm not sure off. But if you feel that this has been violated by from one of these drones, you have the right to fire upon one of these drones with a shotgun or airgun if laws allow giving upon your land right.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Its illegal to shoot down an aircraft no matter how high or low it is and as far as the CAA UK is concerned a UAV  is classed as an aircraft,Your altitude does not give him any rights to take such action.Reporting you was legally his only option which would have required him to prove you were operating illegally

Quote above from a legal case in the channel islands - since a drone counts as an unmanned aircraft (according to the CAA)it is illegal to shoot at it, drones are restricted where they can fly (not over or within 50m of a person or vehicle not controlled by the pilot). if the drone is overflying your property lower than 50m, your only recourse is to report it to the police.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

also if you let off an air gun or shotgun and the shot goes outside the bounds of your property, that too is illegal, so shooting into the air is unwise as the shot would almost certainly exit the property.

What about if i shot at it with my Sebastian Flute Forged plus, using an Easton ACC?.

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I would imagine that too would be illegal, now just maybe one of my re-enactment bows with blunts, but that too would probably be illegal.

Now I do know of a case where a drone was taken out by a spear, but then that must have been pilot error as he was way too close to a viking if that happened.

this might work, i cant actually view the video from work.


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If I were to shoot down a drone then surely I could claim that I was protecting my airspace, governments do it all the time? That aside surely I can protect my privacy?  Not long ago we had an individual knocking on the door trying to sell really poor quality 'aerial' views of our house, obviously a picture taken from a drone. Top marks for effort, nil points for the execution though. I was certainly not impressed, not least from a security point of view, 21st century mooching.

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Back in the day we found Sea Dart was a fairly effective method to deal with hostile aircraft. 

Whilst they no doubt serve some purpose, I find drones irritating and intrusive when flown over my boat. This happened several times at Somerleyton last summer. It seems a fair number of people are using them on the Broads.


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