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52 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

Bill are you determined to wind someone up ? There's no need for it at all , hylander is entitled to her opinion just as everyone else is   what I found distasteful was the comment " good riddance " it ain't funny nore is it smart and speaking personally I don't see any need for comments of that nature regardless of their intention it will annoy people .

Now as much as I haven't always saw eye to eye with John I wish he'd stay , trust me iv been modded n for 2 months I learned my lesson , but this is slightly different in that you have been reported or so I believe , personally i don't see why but hey I don't see every post , down to me I'd ride it out , true there are alternative's but there's at least one that will stifle debate if you disagree with certain members .

Chin up John stiff upper lip n all that n stop here Thank:default_beerchug:

Thank you Ricardo.   I will not support folk being nasty on here,  for those who initiated this is not Facebook or Twitter on the Forum we have standards.   For those who struggle with this,  try a bit harder


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42 minutes ago, SteveO said:



Yawn ?? Why if a member states they want to leave why is that boring ? Simple rule of thumb don't like the subject don't comment , easy really , comment's of a derogatory nature say far more than some think n I don't understand why you even bothered posting its so unnecessary really IMHO .

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18 minutes ago, SteveO said:



As usual un constructive which was my point that you so obviously missed :default_coat:

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I am at a loss here, I really am.

To me, Batrabills comment was so obviously "banter" it made me burst out laughing. So much so I put the LOL emoticon to the post.

I was absolutely amazed that anyone could conceivably think it was meant seriously, and although I might not have phrased it well,  I  said as much. Obviously the mods also saw it as banter else it would have been chopped pretty smartish.

Bill has been a member here and elsewhere for a number of years, does anybody really think he meant that post maliciously?

Monica has stated she didn't find it funny, fair enough, we all have differing scenes of humour but in that way she has recognised she was in error thinking the worst.

However, seeing as Bill is now in the impossible position of effectively having to say this but preferring not to, I hope he will forgive me for doing so.

The post was said in good faith and with good humour and JohnK has indicated that he knows this and has always known this. and they are the only two people who matter in this... this matter!

Oh, and PS,  SteveO, why don't you go to bed, you look tired. :-)

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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

Yawn ?? Why if a member states they want to leave why is that boring ? Simple rule of thumb don't like the subject don't comment , easy really , comment's of a derogatory nature say far more than some think n I don't understand why you even bothered posting its so unnecessary really IMHO .

Maybe because in a majority of cases having made the "leaving statement" they are back posting after hours or days.

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Oh, and PS,  SteveO, why don't you go to bed, you look tired. :-)

I can hardly keep my eyes open. 

If you are going to flounce off, flounce off. Don't make a lengthy thread of it, because most of us have other concerns and, frankly, don't care.  If you are going to flounce off, close your account and then you won't be troubled by misguided people pleading with you to stay (or is that what you really wanted?) and you won't be tempted to quietly flounce back.

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8 minutes ago, SteveO said:


I can hardly keep my eyes open. 

If you are going to flounce off, flounce off. Don't make a lengthy thread of it, because most of us have other concerns and, frankly, don't care.  If you are going to flounce off, close your account and then you won't be troubled by misguided people pleading with you to stay (or is that what you really wanted?) and you won't be tempted to quietly flounce back.

ditto a toolbox talk saying.....no i can,t!! get a life!! i am fed up ,this forum is a hobby not a place to get heavy , lighten up , opinions of all count, been here a few years , never had this  shite , if your that sensative best you go and shut tfu ,  bye bye

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Fair enough Steve but as is the way with threads the subject evolves. The chat had turned onto whether a post was insulting or banter. I consider it fortunate that John stuck around and saw the problem as some had perceived it. at least we were able to demonstrate that although the humour was not to everyone's taste, it was humour and nothing worse.

As far as 'abdication speeches' go, I tend to agree with you, but John said "I didn't want to just go without saying goodbye" or something of that ilk.

When I stopped posting on the NBF, I made no such comment, I just stopped. That's my way, but I do remember someone making so many abdication speeches' there nobody seemed to notice when he actually left. 

John has burned no bridges, and has made his feelings clear. After this thread, he may have a change of heart, he may not. That's his business, not mine. In this case I don't see it as 'fishing for compliments' which in so many cases it is, I genuinely believe he feels unfairly treated. I genuinely think he's wrong.

I once had to tell another now regular poster that he needed a thicker skin. I would say the same to John. Usually the mods get it right, but sometimes not. Which it is in this case that's upset John I neither know, nor want to know. All I would say to John is sometimes you're the dog, sometimes you're the lamp-post. Live with it.

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25 minutes ago, quo vadis said:

Oh dear

Agreed!  There is a toxic atmosphere developing here which the moderators seem unwilling or unable to curb, whilst at the same time penalising certain members for the flimsiest of reasons. 

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I'm sorry you're leaving JohnK, it's not nice when members feel the need to go.

There are times just lately that I've read some threads and thought I might make a comment but held back because of the tone of some of the posts. I'm not afraid of a nasty comment, I would hold my own with a dignified response as best I could but at the end of the day there is no need for nastiness, we're all grown ups (I use that description loosely :default_biggrin:) but some of the comments on here I would expect better from my kids in the school playground

I've just read through the DIY SOS Forum style thread and it made me realise what an absolutely lovely bunch of people we have on here. the good far out weighs the bad, let's keep it up and keep it friendly I reckon

Like my Dad has always said "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"

Have a lovely weekend everyone






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I agree Grace.  You hit the nail on the head,  school children.  Not PC but they need a clip around the ears

If the comic who posted " good riddance" had made it clear that it was intended as a joke then fine.  If it is a question of oh dear should not have said that and then make out it is a joke  - the saying. " don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining" comes to mind.

JohnK stay please.








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The shame of it is that John is an able and pleasant communicator. Times when I considered him a tad naive in matters concerning the BA but he is never afraid to state his opinion yet always willing to ask questions. Unlike some he does it in a manner that ruffles few feathers and causes no offence so why this unfortunate turn of affairs is something of a mystery to me. Anyone who has experience of forums will, I suspect, agree with me when I say that I think a thick skin is a prerequisite of membership. Not always a barrier to what people say, very often as to how it is said/written.

Then there are people who take a delight in creating discontent, no names, obviously, but we have one member who dives between forums, seemingly only posting when he can make mischief, but why? His idea of fun I suppose. However John is not of that ilk. We often disagreed but I found his manner in dealing with that a real bonus, I shall miss him. I really don't think that he'll find the grass greener elsewhere, perhaps it's just that forums are not really for him.

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It is sad if people wish to go I for one will stay come what may.I have said many times.The purpose of a forum is to at times  debate and do so in a grown up fashion.Its also true lately there at times been a worrying trend to take times personally.My advice to those that wish to leave,take a step back and take time before leaving.

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21 hours ago, batrabill said:

I never liked you, good riddance. 

I have not been on line since yesterday morning (perhaps just as well) but as soon as I read this just now, my reaction was fury and I almost reported it. Luckily I read the rest of the thread first.

This is a perfect example of the need to ensure, before making a joke in writing, that it is going to be taken as such.

John K, will look you up in Potter next week as planned.

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6 minutes ago, batrabill said:

JohnK knew it was a joke from the get-go. I knew he was leaving and I know why. 

Maybe to do this ,, ( joke) ,, would have helped , after all how was anyone else supposed to know it was a joke ? I sure didn't sound like one  , I always try to remember the joke word in brackets , that way people know its ment in jest .

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1 hour ago, Gracie said:

I'm sorry you're leaving JohnK, it's not nice when members feel the need to go.

There are times just lately that I've read some threads and thought I might make a comment but held back because of the tone of some of the posts. I'm not afraid of a nasty comment, I would hold my own with a dignified response as best I could but at the end of the day there is no need for nastiness, we're all grown ups (I use that description loosely :default_biggrin:) but some of the comments on here I would expect better from my kids in the school playground

I've just read through the DIY SOS Forum style thread and it made me realise what an absolutely lovely bunch of people we have on here. the good far out weighs the bad, let's keep it up and keep it friendly I reckon

Like my Dad has always said "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all"

Have a lovely weekend everyone


Oh shut up Grace (joke)

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