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Are there any ‘silver boaters’ who feel that it’s just too much to manage a boat on their own now and would welcome an assisted cruise with a group of like minded Broaders ?



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Are you talking - Waveney Stardust or Nancy Oldfeld for example.   These are predominately for people with disabilities but can also be used by able bodied folk with one of your party say using a wheelchair.    Good old day out they provide with all facilities on board for a very minimal cost to the individual.



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You can book day sails with both Wherry Trusts, Hunters have various activities and then there are always the Thames Sailing Barges, mostly out of Maldon but also Ipswich and Brightlingsea.

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Are you talking - Waveney Stardust or Nancy Oldfeld for example.   These are predominately for people with disabilities but can also be used by able bodied folk with one of your party say using a wheelchair.    Good old day out they provide with all facilities on board for a very minimal cost to the individual.

I’m thinking of older ones like me (66 )who haven’t got the confidence to hire on their own but are quite able to help with a group of others.

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4 hours ago, SteveDuk said:

That's sort of what I had in mind here https://www.facebook.com/groups/170393677234349/


That's a good initiative Steve and something I've thought about.

Now I'm not rich and pretty much give up everything else to own a boat but I often find myself thinking how lucky I am to have one and wouldn't it be great to share it with some others who are a little less fortunate.

Take some people out for the day or  an overnight stay somewhere, they could choose the itinerary. I'd do that to give pleasure to others.

Now the but......what has stopped me so far, complete strangers on my boat, not that I mind strangers and will happily chat to anyone. For one it is the toilet hygiene. I'm sure everyone can relate to this. I have entered the marina toilets (in fact any public toilets) and been disgusted that anyone can leave them, shall we say, untidy. I just can't understand how anyone would expect someone else to tidy up after their visit to Trap 1, but they do. If they are that disrespectful what else will they disrespect.

That's what has stopped me doing it. If I could guarantee respectful people  I'd do it, however, I'm not sure it's possible.


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I see where you are coming from.  Sometimes when I'm onboard 'B.A' on my todd for a weekend I get to thinking - All this boat, all 40ft of her, five cabins, all the amenities afloat one needs am I being selfish?  Sometimes I will admit that I am, but I paid for and sacrificed to have that option.  Also just sometimes, just sometimes it is nice to be afloat just me and Macie dog.

By biggest concern where 'Strangers' onboard is concerned is - Will they respect 'B.A' sufficiently and treat her with due care?

Also it is not fair for me to force strangers upon MrsG when we are afloat either

However sometimes I do get proper generous and charity minded.  It's happened before and It'll happen again this year.

September we are due to attend a black tie charity ball event - 'CALM' in Peterborough. Last time I did this 'B.A' won about £1200 for a kids cancer charity.   I have put forward to the chief organiser that they can add 'B.A' into the auction. That means the winning bidder will get 'B.A; from a Thursday teatime through to Monday teatime for up to six crew PLUS myself as skipper.  I will pay for getting mysen to 'B.A' and back, diesel used over the four days, pump out, bedding etc and three days loss of earnings.   The crew will be responsible for their spends / Food / Drink and mooring fees. 

So it's gonna cost me personally - That I can live with as it is for charity and I like to help out now and again.

My biggest fear is greeting up to six strangers onboard that take her for granted, abuse 'B.A' and turn me into a dogs boddy.  Hopefully my welcome aboard brief will put paid to any of that behaviour before we slip and proceed.  If not - Well they have been previously advised  . . . . . .


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Agreed.  I'm prepared to take that risk when giving to charity, tis always a sacrifice if not always in monetary terms

Apart from the 'Meet your match' - Don't understand that one, I'm not in any sort of competition

Although - I already have - My match is called MrsG


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Griff, you are doing what I am thinking....or maybe I'm thinking what you are doing, anyways, my boat has not had anywhere near the TLC you have put into yours, so I know how you're feeling. In your position I'd be following people around with a catlle prod in case they  looked like they might be thinking of making a negative comment about the boat. Take that you ungrateful xxxx

Seriously though, your charity thing is just one thing I'd like to consider, hats off to you and a good cause.

Strange thing is though I'm torn between auction which raises money for a charity but means the winners obviously have some bucks, or find a way of just sharing with people who could never win an auction. Tricky

I'm old enough to know if I don't do it I'll regret it and if I do I'll regret it.

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There is a great deal of pleasure to be had in sharing your boat. My Chloe Jane is off on adventures at the hands of others on a number of occasions this season and it will be nice to see her used and enjoyed at times when I don't need her.

At the end of the day she survived 30 years in hire through the height of the hire boat industry so is well up for the much calmer 21st century navigation! 

As far as sharing the loo goes, a brush and appropriate cleaner left in a strategic place may save embarrassment, if not just cross the perpetrator off your Christmas card list. 


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Strange thing is though I'm torn between auction which raises money for a charity but means the winners obviously have some bucks, or find a way of just sharing with people who could never win an auction. Tricky

Agreed, but sometimes the winners club together to outbid the opposition, I've seen it happen.  Being able to take strangers for a trip down the river is truly magical.  Sometimes I don't know who is enjoying it the most, me or them!  The real pleasure though, the best ever,  is children.  No end of times allowing kids onboard for a look round, to see their faces is priceless.  I've gone on to say to Mums and Dads, sommat like, have you got half an hour to spare?  Right then, off we go and have taken a 'strange'  family for a short river trip and back, ensuring I get the young ones on the helm - They love it.  I've done this plenty of times and never had a problem or issues.

Staying onboard overnight for long weekends however can throw up all sort of horror scenarios as previously mentioned in this thread.  For us, so far good apart from just the once years ago when one of 'B.A's restoration crew invited a couple onboard for a weekend afloat.  Their hygienic habits were not the best plus beds unmade, curtains not drawn, gear left out and not stowed, by the end of the trip I was pulling my hair out as they just could not seem to take onboard any subtle hints from me - My fault as I'm not good at that, so back to straight Yorkshire speak - That worked and must have put them off for good as they have never been back onboard since - Result !

As far as sharing the loo goes, a brush and appropriate cleaner left in a strategic place may save embarrassment, if not just cross the perpetrator off your Christmas card list. 

I go one further than that and just tell them straight - "There is a loo brush in the heads, go and apply it's design features immediately"  That does work and has indeed embarrassed crews members - Tough

I've tried before now to 'Lend Out' 'B.A' to friends (Not for financial gain of course) but those that I have offered her to have never taken me up on the offer. (You know who you are).   My Lad has taken her out with his own crew before now a few times without issues - I think he is the only 'Skipper' to date that has done so other than one of the owners.  It'll happen soon though.  On our Annual Lads Week, we rotate who is skippering 'B.A' one of the skippers that happily manages a Jewel of Light will 'Get his turn' and be skippering 'B.A' for the week whether he likes it or not.  Myself, Howard and Robin will sit back and watch his terror - Cruel / nasty lot that we are :default_norty:


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Not Mrs G. We all know our limits!!!

my comment was in reference to this  -

“Hopefully my welcome aboard brief will put paid to any of that behaviour before we slip and proceed.  If not - Well they have been previously advised”

so 4-6 blokes causing a little mischief. How does this work?  I’ve seen lots of films, but none with a northern tiler in them?

and griff I’m not having a dig, but reality is part of life. 

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so 4-6 blokes causing a little mischief. How does this work?  I’ve seen lots of films, but none with a northern tiler in them?

Mischief / High spirits I can live with and no doubt partake myself on the odd / rare occasion - I have no beef with crews onboard 'B.A' doing that.  Remember that super cringeworthy green mankini incident between Acle and Thurne?  I'll never forget it, it still makes me go hide behind the nearest wall even now.  Howard suffered more than I did as he was on the helm - I was very brave and went and hid mysen away from others eyes.  But it was a real laugh and no harm done

What I won't put up with is disrespecting 'B.A' that is,  not looking after her / tidying up / getting her in a mess / damage or excessive wear and tear, casing issues for other families afloat - That's what I was referring to with regards to 'Previously Advised'

What 4-6 blokes do causing mischief onboard other craft - not my concern / responsibility - Thank goodness


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