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Carried Away By A Moonlight Shadow...


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5 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Our next week on Moonlight Shadow isn't until the first week of February. Seems ages away!

That’ll come quickly. With Christmas organisation followed by New Year, I always find the period November-January goes fast. By the time February gets here, the days will just be beginning to lengthen noticeably. 

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Just caught up with your tale and very enjoyable is was, thank you

I must do another next year when we are back on the Broads

I was a bit concerned with the lack of pubs featured!  :default_icon_e_surprised:

My adventures tend tell to be more on the lines of The Nogs and Jay!   :default_drinks:

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Can only speak about July when we were up there, all the pubs we used (and there were a few) had good covid precautions (some better than others) the weather was better so outside was our preference

The best (and I'm very biased) was The Surlingham Ferry, where even before these latest restrictions were in place were doing table service.

Could become your local being only short cruise from your home mooring!  :default_biggrin:


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On 04/10/2020 at 18:53, YnysMon said:

 I spent ages today trying to sort my collected photos into some sort of order by putting date and time in the file names. I must be mad...should stick to one camera!

Hi Helen. I love your tales and photos! Thank you.

A tip here. We bring back hundreds and hundreds of photos PLUS hours of video from various trips (mainly from the USA more recently, not The Broads for a long while, unfortunately. Still hoping for a 3 week trip on Swan Roamer next May!) taken on up to 6 devices! I eventually edit them into reasonably watchable videos, with the days' stills summing up each day. To do this more easily, I too change file names to incorporate the date.

The first thing to remember for my tip is that, if you use Windows to Copy photos, it changes the date to the current day (the key one for me is the "Modified" date), so I use a free app called, Safecopy which gives the options to keep dates as they were when copying. (It is intensely annoying that Windows knows best to change the dates on my photos!!).

Then I use another free app called Bulk Rename Utility to standardise file names, starting with the a name to identify the event and year, then MMDDHHMMSS using the "Autodate" facility. The app looks complicated but once you get used to it, it's very powerful..... Thousands can be renamed at once. But make sure you keep the originals too (I store my SD cards safely away now they're much cheaper).  It has saved me weeks of work and all my holiday pics and videos are now quite well organised in appropriate directories and backed up to ONEDRIVE. Hope this helps. (it sounds more complicated than it is!). Stay safe and keep writing!!

Here's an example.


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Thanks for the tip. I’ve been pasting the times into the file names, in a similar format that that you’ve used in your example. which is rather laborious, so I’ll search out that Bulk Rename utility that you mention. 

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If you right-click on the top bar in explorer (where it says "Name", "Date", "Type" etc.) then you can choose to add "Date taken".  This date/time should not change if you copy or move the files.


This assumes that your camera writes the "Date taken" in the first place, but I know that the cameras you have mentioned do so!  By clicking on this column heading you may then sort ascending or descending as required.


You can see above that I made an edit to file 2517, which is saved as "IMG_2517 (2)" but the "Date taken" is unchanged.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I have a piece of news!

Graham and I have unexpectedly secured an extra week on Moonlight Shadow for next week. Although we are pleased about this, I do feel slightly guilty that we are benefitting from someone else's misfortune. The couple whose allocation it was have had to give up their week due to the new restrictions that have been placed on certain areas. At least with the pervious lockdown we were all in the same boat. (Um...maybe that's an unfortunate choice of phrase when we weren't allowed on our boats!) This time it feels so unfair, with some people able to travel and others not.

I shall post the usual holiday tale, unless cases in Milton Keynes start to rise this week and we unexpectedly end down in a higher tier.



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Guest Jayfire
4 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Graham and I have unexpectedly secured an extra week on Moonlight Shadow for next week.

I may or may not have been on the rivers this weekend Helen.

I may or may not be on the rivers next week too :default_smiley-angelic002:

Have a great week

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On 07/10/2020 at 22:31, Jonathan said:


If you right-click on the top bar in explorer (where it says "Name", "Date", "Type" etc.) then you can choose to add "Date taken".  This date/time should not change if you copy or move the files.

Just wanted to express my thanks. This tip worked a treat. I was able to combine photos taken last Friday from three different sources and sort them in no time at all. :default_arms:

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I'm starting to think we a jinxed. We had storm Ciara for the beginning our February week on MS, then high winds the middle weekend of our September break, and now they are forecasting winds of over 40mph for this weekend.

At least it should settle down for the latter part of our week.

I don't mind that much, to be honest. Just being on MS = unwind time.

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I would like to apologise for the weather; it was me what jinxed it. In another conversation somewhere I mentioned the forecast was looking nice for Friday and Saturday. That was because we were planning to come over. I did say I may have just jinxed it and I clearly had. :default_icon_mad: Sorry.

Mind you, the last couple of times I have come over, the forecast has been completely wrong so you never know, there may be a heatwave. :default_icon_bowdown:

I pity any first timers who may be out this weekend too. 

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