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Tarpaulin Repair

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I visited the Owl on Saturday morning and was very disappointed to find this:

I managed to crawl underneath it to get into the boat and get the pump so it's just about OK for now. Has anyone any recommendations for repairing these tarpaulins? I've found this at Screwfix:https://www.screwfix.com/p/everbuild-dpm-polythene-joint-tape-black-20m-x-75mm/713fr

Cheers, Floyd.


cover tear1.jpg

cover tear2.jpg

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With respect, Tape wont last longer than 5 mins, You can take it into a trimmer and get it patched (Maybe while you wait as many are looking for work this time of the year) but they may not do it if its UV damaged and not sewable (Looking at pictures, I'd be a tad worried it is).  Even with a repaired or new canopy though you need to resolve the problem of the water sitting there as it will just tear again, it really needs a canopy pole  (and the right pole as so its designed not to fall over: https://www.marinesuperstore.com/deck-hardware/other-rope-hardware/trem-telescopic-awning-support)  placed in the right position and reinforcement sections sown in. 

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Thanks for all the replies so far guys.

Yes Jaws, I think it may well be a bit UV damaged but I'm hoping I can another summer out of it until I can get the boat to a stage where either I don't need a waterproof cover, or I love it so much I'll pay for a new one.:default_biggrin:

I discovered this problem of the water pooling as soon as I bought the boat and installed supports forward of the main saloon. It's been fine for the last 12 months but I think it happened this time because at the last visit on New Years Eve, the top of the roof was wet and I struggled to get full tension in the cover. Then we had a nasty spell of bad down poors and once a pool starts thats it. I think if it doesn't pool again soon I should get away with it until next visit because the tear is in a part with no stress. 

I was wondering if anyone has tried the T-Rex Waterproof tape? It's expensive but Screwfix don't stock it although they do stock two other T-Rex tapes. They do the Everbuild stuff instead.


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I think the everbuild stuff is their own brand stuff and if it's anything like their gaffa tape its pretty unsticky, Gurellia tape is pretty good though, But none of these will really stick to the material as the material will have bits of moss and moisture making a slippy slimy non stick surface, if not and depending on the fabric it may/will have waterproofing which is like silicon based so it will just peel off, you may get the tape to stick to itself so if you put on the inside of the fabric and the outside it may hold together via the strands of thread but guarantee it wont stick is just a waste of money. I guess you could try a proper fabric repair tape (https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/15893071/mcnett-tenacious-tape-15893071) but sugguest you try to clean the fabric and maybe even sand lightly with sandpaper first

But I used to see these every day when I was at Trimnet.. Best way is just to get it patched properly with Fabric (Should only cost like £40 a patch) but either way you will need to put a good support pole in (and tie it in so it dont fall over/move)  as it's own weight makes it sag and a little bit of rain is all it needs.

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9 hours ago, annv said:

Hi Get a telescopic support pole from Bailey & Stone stick a velcro tape on top and cover they will supply these this will stop it slipping/moving in wind but still removable when on board. John

Thanks John. Sometimes the answer is right under one's nose isn't it? I have a couple of those telescopic poles, they say they are for holding up cupboard units for installation. I broke one trying to lift the Owl's canopy with it! Still works though and would do the job nicely. I also have another one of those Aldi "workmates" I could use. There's a good downpoor forecast this week so we'll see if it pools again easily. If it does then I'll definitely be installing one or the other.

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If you are considering replacing the cover in the near future just keep patching it with Gorilla tape and save your pennies for a new cover. By the looks of your cover it is badly affected by UV and it is possible that if a proper patch was sewn on, the cover would rip again where the stitches are. 

Obviously, as stated in previous posts you will have to support the area that fills with water.










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Thanks Mark, I like the dustbin idea but it would have to be something like a wheely bin to get the whole cover in! It fills the area next to the rear cabin on deck when folded up.

Minigem. I agree, and I'm going to look for something like the iron on stuff they use for lorry tarps as I wouldn't trust new sewing. Although the present Mrs Raser has 8 sewing machines! Don't ask.

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16 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

I'm a thinking the present Mrs Raser  has a problem, has she spoken with the doctor?


The problem is they are small enough to have more than one. Likewise, I don't know a motorcycle enthusiast who only has one; it's usually about 8 on average. Says me who used to have 4 cars!

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15 minutes ago, floydraser said:

My Brother in Law is clearing out his shed of old motorbikes I'll see if I can tempt anyone here. There's an Austin 1100 in there somewhere too!

An Austin 1100 eh? That could come and live next to my Austin Allegro!

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8 hours ago, floydraser said:

Didn't you ever learn then?:default_biggrin::default_biggrin:

It put me off of those, surely! :default_laugh:. It was my one and only 1100, the rest were Fords, a couple of Montegos, 3 Rovers and a few odd-bods. All were complete rust-buckets. Then I discovered Volvos. 3 in 25 years, and not a sniff of rust on any of them.

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