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Captain Tom.

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I know Tom's appeared in other posts,but thought may be a good idea to start a post,just on Tom.As I speak,06.26 The Total for he's 100 laps is close to 12 million. He is indeed a bright light in such dark times. Speaking for myself,he helps to make  me feel more hopeful. He should  reach 100 laps by 08.30 today.Sure the total will go higher.Lets send him a birthday card for the 30th.When this madness ends and we look back,there will be many bad memories, those that shine bright will be all those across the board in the NHS,care and key workers.Captain Tom will figure large in our memories .

A big thank you one and all you are our heroes. Good on you Tom .

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I note that there are calls for Capt. Tom  to be knighted - very appropriate, I have been thinking recently that when they are looking to compile the next list of honour recipients instead of looking at show business personalities, sportsman and  the like they should look instead at the ordinary  men and women who are putting their lives on the line on a daily basis for the benefit of us all. That would make the honours creditable again instead of the farce it has become.



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5 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

His total has gone over the £12 million mark this morning.  Fantastic achievement 


Brilliant.  It would be rather nice if he could carry on until he's raised the other £338 Million :default_norty:

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Any money raised for charity has to be praised. When you think big ones such as Children in need,comic relief  etc.Lots of promotion, lots of stars raise large amounts  of cash.Captain Tom on his own raising so much is amazing. And it's still going  up.He does deserve an honor for what he has achieved. Yes some well known celebs are honoured for opening the door.

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When you think,some high profile fund raising. For example Children in need comic relief raise about twice that amount  which is great.Tom on he's own almost 100 raising  a huge amount  of money is truly outstanding. I would for once say well done to tv highlighting he's story,in doing so helping him to raise more.Well done Tom.

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Without the TV coverage he would have probably made a few grand and would have been no less a hero for what he's doing but the TV has latched on to a good news story that is much needed right now and it's snowballed from there.

It is just the sort of story that everyone needs to cheer them up and must give the NHS workers such a lift when it must be very mentally stressful.

Downside being all the other charities will probably miss out on similar amounts as it's all gone to this one, I bet justgiving are making a packet out of it too, they are after all an IT company not a charity organisation.

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To carry on Smoggy's  point, I feel a little bit sorry for Captain Tom. I may be wrong but I think he wanted to make a private gesture to the NHS but it's been a bit hijacked by the TV. On the one hand, he has lost the privacy of the gesture, whilst on the other he has accidently raised an absolute fortune.

There have been calls for his being mentioned in the honours list. Once again, whilst those calls have been well meant, and an honour well deserved, I do wonder if he would actually want what could be interpreted as a "reward" for his efforts.

I hope he can return to his private life as soon as possible, but only if that is what he wants. 

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5 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

The CEO of the RNLI was paid £195k for 2018.  2019 - basic salary of £160k.

Why does the CEO of a charity need such a huge wage?  That's an awful lot of donations just to keep the CEO paid


That isn't quite as outrageous as it first sounds Griff.

The CEO is in charge of an institution worth millions of pounds. He is, in reality, in charge of an investment company. His salary will be in keeping (and competitive) with any other CEO of an entity of that calibre.

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The CEO is in charge of an institution worth millions of pounds. He is, in reality, in charge of an investment company. His salary will be in keeping (and competitive) with any other CEO of an entity of that calibre.

I understand your point but in no way agree with it.  That's the type of excuse these organisations always trot out, trying to justify sky high wages when they are funded by donations. 

The RNLI also has 54 staff that are paid more than £60k per year.  I wonder just how much those lifeboat crews get 'Paid' ?


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1 hour ago, vanessan said:

I’m sure I have read somewhere that JustGiving are not taking anything this time and have actually donated as well. I’ll check on it. 

They were initially charging 15% but have since said they will not be charging a platform fee and now there is a dropdown menu where you are asked to contribute a small amount of your choosing to help keep the platform afloat so they can help other good causes. Just giving as a platform are not a charity, but the platform supports many charities on raising money. They are also regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

To carry on Smoggy's  point, I feel a little bit sorry for Captain Tom. I may be wrong but I think he wanted to make a private gesture to the NHS but it's been a bit hijacked by the TV. On the one hand, he has lost the privacy of the gesture, whilst on the other he has accidently raised an absolute fortune.

There have been calls for his being mentioned in the honours list. Once again, whilst those calls have been well meant, and an honour well deserved, I do wonder if he would actually want what could be interpreted as a "reward" for his efforts.

I hope he can return to his private life as soon as possible, but only if that is what he wants. 

Whilst I applaud the huge amount of money raised by Captain Tom Moore, I also cannot help but be worried about the media circus that has now been allowed into his garden. All day yesterday he was doing interview after interview. He had a guard of honour yesterday morning to witness him reaching the 100 laps. All off course following social distancing, but as has already been mentioned, no one can be 100% sure that 2 metres is far enough. How many people have now been in that garden? Yesterday they showed another clip with a fire engine, police and other services there for the clap for the NHS. There must have been a good 30 or 40 people. The risk to his personal health needs to be considered.

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I believe it's this weekend that folk need to buy his charity record to give it a chance of being no.1 for his 100th, I know it was there last week but for his 100th would be well deserved, I bought it twice despite having no desire to listen to it.

And it's only a quid, itunes or amazon.

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