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World Cup Final '66 England V West Germany


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I can remember the moment when we scored precisely - I was standing on Earls Court Underground station with hundreds listening to some bloke relaying the game from his trannie. The bizarre thing was no one was getting on Tubes in case they missed it!!!!

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I was just six. We were fortunate in that we did have one of the rare village TV’s in our house. A large longe (ex farmhouse) full. Lots of Chaps and cigarette smoke. Mum serving the men. Me on Dads knee. Every time England scored or nearly scored I ended up on the carpet. That’s all I remember 


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I was fifteen at the time, I never liked football at school and could not see the fascination of watching it being played. On the day of the match myself and a mate went into Sheffield to a Cinema to watch a film, from our point of view it was  more entertaining.



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My father had a ticket he went, I watched it on tv.

However the one overriding thing on my mind  was counting the days down to my 17th the following month. My birthday present had been bought as a reward for my exam results. NUR 542 D a Triumph Herald convertible.

My birthday was on a Friday and following  4 hours exam tuition on each day for four days I passed my test on the following Tuesday.

On November the 5th I gave my best friend Stuart a lift to a bonfire party, it was his first date with this most beautiful girl called Judith.


The rest as they say is history!



Yes, 1966 was a very special year for me. This picture of Judith was one of a series taken a couple of months later in January 1967 for her 16th birthday.

I just cannot come to terms, or get my head round, as they say, that these photos are now approaching 54 years old.



Stuart and I are still firm friends. He was living in Denver when Judith died and was my middle of the night crutch being all those hours behind. 

I spoke to him a few weeks ago, he has inherited his parents place in the Cotswolds and is over here. Back then we had a huge circle of friends of both sexes but he always jokes that I stole "The Pick of the Litter" from him.

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Compared to others how sad is my memory of the 1966 World Cup final.

I went to my girl friend’s (Now Mrs B) as usual on a Saturday. Her dad worked on Saturdays, and she (Mrs B) and her Mum went into the city shopping.

So I settled down to watch the game, after about 80 minutes the telly “blew up “ so I missed the end.

And yes I got blamed for the breakdown ☹️☹️

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I was 11 years old at the time.What a great game,our tv was black and white.After the match we played the game between  houses  scoring  the winning goals. Then later when I met Marina and we married. Mother in law being a Berliner coming to England  in 1947/8.Her uncle used to come over to visit every  so often.Often the talk would  turn to the match.Of course we would pull he's leg about us beating West Germany. Think they got there own back on us over the years.

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We were on WR on the South Rivers. We had no radio but on Sunday we went down the Chet and moored in the basin, called in the shop there and read the newspaper headlines

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