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Going Back To Hiring Old Days


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Just now, grendel said:

I have been abroad just a few times, and i never enjoyed myself as much as i have on the broads.

Me too, with the exception of 2 school trips skiing in Switzerland which I loved, in part because I'm not naturally sporty but took to skiing like a duck to water for some reason.

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I like going abroad I like flying.

I HATE airports!

A 2 hour flight to Jersey took 6 hours from leaving home to getting to the hotel.

That's why the last few trips abroad have been on cruises, usually from Tyne Dock 3/4 hour drive 1/2 wait before onboard having a drink waiting for the luggage to arrive in the cabin.

And I don't need to find then moor the thing.

We are desperate to get to our boat, I won't complain about mooring again.



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I’m so glad we took the kids on camping and self catering trips to France and Germany when they were school age...travelling broadens the mind. I still think so, even though we have chosen not to renew our passports over the last five years. Also, when we were younger Graham and I enjoyed travelling by train through Europe. 

However, we now find travelling any distance, either by train and boat, or by plane, a bit too stressful. Holiday in Norfolk is ideal, with a short drive home at the end.

Different things suit different people. Also, we have found that what we ‘like’ changes as we pass though different phases of our lives. 

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Hi all  as to the Day Boats are now coming back on the Broads would that kick start things even thou No Pubs or Restaurants  are open at this time just Cafes for takeaway's  Will Roy's  of Wroxham still be there? As it has been there for Years as other to other big Major stores  are now struggling . One other note when will we see the full Cruising Boating active's back that should help on employment and Tourism for the whole of Norfolk once again even thou things won't be  the same again for some time to come I think?   

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Andrew - don’t forget that Roy’s serves a whole community. Wroxham, Hoveton and all the surrounding areas. Whilst boating crews provide extra sales for them, I doubt they are anywhere near reliant on them. 
Many are pinning their hopes on the 4 July for a full return to boats etc but it rests in the Government’s hands of course. 

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