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Down The Back Of The Sofa?


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7 minutes ago, Paul said:

I seem to be missing a thread, has it slipped down the back of the sofa?

So am I. I’ll have my walk later, when I take the pooch for her afternoon constitutional.  I’ve tried to tell her that she can only go out once a day, instead of three times, but she’s having difficulty understanding the concept!!

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5 minutes ago, finny said:

Honestly its beyond a joke on here sometimes 


I feel our moderators do a good job generally, and if that thread broke a TOS I'm happy to learn why, but as far as I can see it did not, and might offer useful advice for somebody thinking of visiting a nearby country park or similar to get their exercise this weekend, not to mention shopping. 

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35 minutes ago, floydraser said:

I thought it was getting quite political.

Must have been something I said.  Fishing from a motorised boat is permitted, even though the anglers concerned would probably have food and drink on board (picnic?), when having a walk around a lake holding a cup of tea isn’t.

Apologies for droning on, but the inconsistencies in the application of the guidelines make me seethe.

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Let’s make this very clear. The moderators do a very difficult job and they do it exceptionally well. The TOS are their guidelines as well as inputs from the committee and the timing of when to stop something before it gets out of hand. We tread a fine line.

therefore I will not tolerate anything said against them or their actions on open forum. If there is it will be deleted, if it is repeated members will find themselves on preauthorisation etc etc.

please help them to help you and keep your frustrations off the posts.


Edited by Maxwellian
Predictive assistance errors
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47 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Must have been something I said.  Fishing from a motorised boat is permitted, even though the anglers concerned would probably have food and drink on board (picnic?), when having a walk around a lake holding a cup of tea isn’t.

Apologies for droning on, but the inconsistencies in the application of the guidelines make me seethe.

When over 1,000 people are dying every day I wonder about argueing about any kind of recreational activity? 

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I can't agree more floydraser, which has been my point all along

this is likely to be my dying breath here, so please stay safe, do the right thing, and let's all get through. 

Edited by Maxwellian
Edited to correct as per subsequent post.
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You wont believe this but I was approached to be a moderator (many years ago) :default_rofl:

I wouldn't do it for all the beer in Humpty Dumpty. Not being a sycophant by any means but these folks do a very good and difficult job. Bit of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. I missed this thread but guess it got political. We all feel very strongly about what's going on at the moment and rightly so. But there is an old pub saying - don't talk about politics or religion - difficult at the moment I know but not much to talk about Broads related stuff. 

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I agree Mr N. You would make an excellent pesky mod though. I was approached too a couple of years ago, good lordy I'd be banning everyone and deleting threads all over the place, it would be utter chaos, we wouldn't have a ruddy forum left :default_biggrin:

I think they do a brilliant job and if anyone thinks they can do it better, put your money where your mouth is :default_biggrin: x

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I wasnt ever going to divulge  this, but I was a moderator until I started my new job and couldn’t commit to it any longer as it does take up a considerable amount of time.  As a mod you have to read through each and every post and I will freely admit, it can become a real chore, especially when threads just go on and on in a rinse and repeat way.  

What goes on behind the scenes was a real eyeopener. It can be lot of work at times. The mods often have different opinions too as they discuss whatever has been reported. I can assure you, it its done with the utmost consideration. When comments or threads have been hidden, believe me, this is not done lightly.  It can take time for threads or comments to be unhidden.  This is because not everyone is glued to the forum every minute of the day and the mods wait until the majority have been able to give their input before a final decision is made.

i for one would not want this forum without moderators.   Thank you guys for all that you do. 

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Guest Jayfire

I know the mods/management always manage to deal with me and my nonsense with such respect and subtlety, so they get a thumbs up from me :default_smiley-angelic002:

I know G must be sick to the back teeth of me by now :default_party0010:

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10 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

I missed this thread but guess it got political.

That's the problem Nog, no it didn't. I'm informed it was closed because "it might have got political" when many other threads which "might have got political" still exist. What's more it carried information which might have been very relevant to people on this forum. It's the double standards that I can't accept. Sadly it seems some faces fit, others don't. Mine obviously no longer does, nor do the others who have pm'd me over the last few hours. 

C'est la vie. 

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9 minutes ago, Paul said:

That's the problem Nog, no it didn't. I'm informed it was closed because "it might have got political" when many other threads which "might have got political" still exist. What's more it carried information which might have been very relevant to people on this forum. It's the double standards that I can't accept. Sadly it seems some faces fit, others don't. Mine obviously no longer does, nor do the others who have pm'd me over the last few hours. 

C'est la vie. 

Well there's a difference of opinion then Paul because I thought it was getting political. But then every thread which gets into the finer points of the Covid guidance/law is teetering on the edge of being political when it starts anyway, as it all originates from the government!

I also think the amount of passion being displayed sometimes shows that some people are dealing with this situation better than others. 

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Guest Jayfire
28 minutes ago, Meantime said:

She loves you really

I know :default_norty:

28 minutes ago, Meantime said:

oooh! :default_icon_redface: unless you mean The G, then probably best you mention :594c04f07a501_default_AnimatedGifCats(124):

I mentioned :594c04f07a501_default_AnimatedGifCats(124): on here once before, the thread went right downhill. By me :default_norty:

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