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Exercise Regime


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Peter, you have inspired me to get more exercise.

This afternoon, after a series of online meetings from morning through lunchtime and beyond I actually got on my bicycle for the first time since we’ll before lockdown. I really enjoyed the ride along our MK redways. Went north and then along a route which follows the old Wolverton to Newport Pagnell railway line as far as where it crosses the canal, then returned along the linear parkland that borders the canal.

Such a lovely day too.

I left my phone at home though, so no photos.

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Guest Jayfire
On 30/03/2021 at 17:29, MauriceMynah said:

In what seemed to be very slow motion, I went flying. Lying full length on the road was

Thats one hell of a speed hump :default_norty:

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9 hours ago, LizG said:

Peter - Are your woods Blean Woods if so the butterflies are pretty famous! 

No, I would need to drive to get to Blean woods, as they are several miles from me (with several very steep long hills between) these are the woods that were part of the barracks at canterbury, if you look at early maps My house is situated on one of the old rifle ranges, they were used for training soldiers, and you can see areas where trenchworks and emplacements have been dug, also some evidence of bomb craters. as woods go they are quite open in some areas, with heath land as well as woodland. I have yet to see many butterflies, though I do see rabbits.

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attached is a snip from google maps, showing the woodland, my house is near the home marker bottom left, and the pond as you see is about half way along the woods. I do have to say that at the east end of the pond, where it shows a path, the slope is steeper than the stairs at home, the land literally rises about 20m in the space of 20m, so at the moment I have avoided progress further in that direction. there is plenty more to explore, and I have yet to learn enough landmarks to not get myself lost, even navigating by the sun, if you get one path out, it can take you quite a way off your planned route, not a problem on the way out, but when you miss the right path on the way home it can add a detour.


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Sunny days are okay as you can follow the direction of the sun even under trees. Cloudy days are worse as you can completely loose your bearings. Invest in a new phone as Mr Google can help you even with data usage off!!!

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well today I think I can say I am starting to feel the benefits of all this exercise, I had a 2 mile stroll today, heading past the pond and up the easy route to the top, I avoided the hard route and did a big circular walk back past the trenchworks where I stopped to get a few pictures, a bit colder today but the walk kept me warm, tee shirt and shorts weather.

I arrived home feeling less washed out than previous days and the sit down and recover time seems to be getting shorter.











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I’m keeping up too, though not going quite so far. Had a cycle around Willen Lake about an hour ago. 
I thought getting a bit of exercise would make me sleep like a log, but last night I didn’t manage to drop off until 3am, and then I woke at 7.30. On the other hand, although lack of sleep normally wipes me out the following day, I actually feel okay today. Maybe that fresh air is energising.


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well I have made it to day 5, and i estimate I have covered about 10 miles in these walks so far, today I was exploring some of the smaller paths, I found this wonderful tree house that someone had fun building, then carried on via some of the smaller paths to the pond, where I found Mrs Duck shepherding her brood around in one corner. then i headed back, by different routes to those previously used, where I found some nice trees to photograph, not sure whether this was an oak that was blasted by lightning, but it looked good. then it was time to head back home, 1 hours walk.











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There’s an oak similar to that one near us. Middle completely rotted away, most of the tree broke off last Spring and is lying on the ground, apart from one branch that was still bearing leaves last year. I must go and check whether it’s budding.

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Those picture of Grendel's appear to show old practice trenches left over by the army.

Back in the 90s Ynsmons trip along the old Newport Pagnell line, he would have come across 5 Rough Collies and a Border Collie as we walked our mob. We tended to walk the loop of the canal round top top of MK before using the NP line back to complete the loop.

Today don't we don't have a special exercise walk, we just have another Border Collie, he tells you when to go for a walk. 

He's now sat on my lap giving the hint it's time to go out for his morning short walk.


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Day 7 and in two minds whether to go for a walk as I had spent all morning moving large lumps of iron around as I fitted the legs to a lathe bed, I had to use the engine hoist to lift the lathe bed high enough, as it was slightly more than I could lift, 5 foot of cast iron 10" wide and 8" deep, good and solid, 1919 engineering.

Anyway I took the plunge and did a 2 mile walk as well, so I have been well and truly exercised today


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days 8 and 9 not missed a day yet, today was a bit cold, so I actually wore a fleece with my shorts and tee shirt, Glad I did because today there were a couple of short snow flurries while I was out, so today I clocked up 18 miles in total since I started exercising.

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