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We use to go to Macdonalds every sat for dinner when our kids were younger. It would be the only fast food we'd have all week and a treat. My wife was very strict with the children's diets back then. As we've got older we find we can't eat the stuff anymore our digestive systems can't cope with it. Our grandchildren are a different matter tho, they love the stuff and often persuade me to sneak off and have one while nans not about lol.. I do like their coffee and the odd Mc flurry it has to be said. But if ever I'm in Cromer the crab will always get my vote over a box of nuggets, don't think the kidds would agree tho. 

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Guest Jayfire
1 hour ago, hazelgirl said:

I sorry but Maccy's breakfast has to be done when you feel a bit iffy from the night before :default_norty:

If you're out long enough for the kebab shop to have closed, Mickey D's was a suitable alternative at 6am :default_drinks:

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7 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

If you're out long enough for the kebab shop to have closed, Mickey D's was a suitable alternative at 6am :default_drinks:

I'm sorry to say that's it's been a very very long time since I was out that late, very much past those days :default_eusa_naughty:

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10 minutes ago, hazelgirl said:

I'm sorry to say that's it's been a very very long time since I was out that late, very much past those days :default_eusa_naughty:

You need to keep practising, I seem to remember leaving a certain broadland pub on my mums 80th birthday wondering why it seemed light, then realised it was the sun coming up, my mum was doing fine, mind you she'd been snoozing most of the afternoon.

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4 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

You need to keep practising, I seem to remember leaving a certain broadland pub on my mums 80th birthday wondering why it seemed light, then realised it was the sun coming up, my mum was doing fine, mind you she'd been snoozing most of the afternoon.

Noooooo now I'm in my late 30's the hangovers are just too much to handle, I'm now all for starting early and finishing early to give myself the best chance of not losing the day after, I fail most of the time :default_norty:

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Guest Jayfire
32 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

You only get a hangover if you sober up, that's the secret.

Maybe one day I'll test this theory of yours.

Then again....:default_drinks:

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I have never been in a Mc Donalds, I don't think I would know how to order etc, think its to late to start now, I am however, well aware of their littering policy, made obvious when I drive to work.

The best hangover cure on earth is a whole Bakewell Pudding, handy when you live in walking distance to Bakewell.

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20 minutes ago, Victoryv said:

The best hangover cure on earth is a whole Bakewell Pudding,

agree david,only trouble was last time I had one day before the vampire took blood for my diabetic review, blood level was 25 hospital was panicking and rang me direct wanted me to go straight to A&E for tests

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The youngest step daughter will not eat anything that looks like meat but will eat a Mcdonalds!

I have never tried one or been in one of their establishments.

I prefer my fast food to be served after a nice glass of wine, on a white china plate.

Then when the blushing fillet steak has been eaten somebody takes the plate away.



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1 hour ago, ZimbiIV said:

To finish it would have to be cheese board with a LBV port.

Then a simple coffee with a Grand Marnier on the side.

God I'm hungry now.


I have been known to have cheese & crackers rather than a pudding. You can keep the spirits but my mate Chris would agree to a small port.

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Just been looking at the map - looks like a drive to/through job. Its a bit up from the station so away from the main town. Don't suppose I'll be tempted to stagger in after a visit to the Red Lion :default_drinks: 

I suspect it will do very well though. 

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I'm proud to say that I still haven't been into Roy's McDonalds since we moved up here. Been tempted a couple of times but ... not enough to venture in and stand inside with masked up socially distanced youths and workmen ... yes that does seem to be the typical McD's customers around here out of season!

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13 minutes ago, SwanR said:

yes that does seem to be the typical McD's customers around here out of season!

Plus me and Mrs Nog a couple of times. We've been there in winter nursing a hangover. I wouldn't fancy going in during the summer though! :default_icon_e_surprised:

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8 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

Just been looking at the map - looks like a drive to/through job. Its a bit up from the station so away from the main town. Don't suppose I'll be tempted to stagger in after a visit to the Red Lion :default_drinks: 

I suspect it will do very well though. 

It is in what was the far too large Co-Op car park. It is a big one drive thro and sit down, perhaps one day!

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22 hours ago, hazelgirl said:

I sorry but Maccy's breakfast has to be done when you feel a bit iffy from the night before :default_norty:

Probably count on one hand the amount of Macdonald's burgers i've had, but I did try the breakfast at the one in Roy's when early morning shopping from the moorings in Hoveton. It did the trick even if it didn't in any way really resemble the real thing - I did struggle to work out the difference between the hash brown and the sausage pattie.

When, many years ago, I used to work late into the evening I would pop to Macdonald's which was the only place open within a reasonable distance and have their veggie burger, which was quite tasty. Many years later a Macdonald's opened near to where I live, but they had stopped doing the veggie burger - haven't been in the place since.

p.s. I am partial to the occasional burger from Burger King but their places are like hen's teeth.

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