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A much better day out there today. We loved our stop at North Cove many years ago. Have only ever made a lunch stop at Worlingham. Will be interested to hear how you like it for overnight. 

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3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Didn't travel far today. Worlingham Staithe was free, so we bagsied a spot. Another boat turned up whilst we were sorting our ropes. So that's the staithe full up. That was lucky!

And the sun is shining brightly. 



This picture just about sums Broadland up for me. Gorgeous boat on a beautiful river on a summers day x

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2 hours ago, SwanR said:

Will be interested to hear how you like it for overnight. 

We have done an overnighter at Worlingham last year, or it might have been the year before. Very peaceful anyway. The boat that joined us left before 5, so we now have the mooring to ourselves.

Graham is busy. He's a man on a mission...spent most of the afternoon sanding down various bits of wood trim, currently varnishing.

Me...sitting in a folding chair on the hardstanding beside the quay heading just chillin'.


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3 hours ago, SwanR said:

 . . . . .Will be interested to hear how you like it for overnight. 

We’ve stopped at Worlingham overnight before now.  It’s not as good as North Cove imho, particularly during the fishing season.  There is easy vehicular access to Worlingham and it is popular with fishermen (and women).  The night we were there, a group turned up for an overnight fishing session and weren’t particularly quiet or respectful of us moored there.  We were made to feel ‘in their way.’  They were so close to our boat fore and aft, I almost asked if they wanted to fish from the bow.

Im fairly certain that North Cove is more difficult to access as some of the bank is owned or leased to an angling club.

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14 hours ago, Mouldy said:

There is easy vehicular access to Worlingham and it is popular with fishermen (and women).  The night we were there, a group turned up for an overnight fishing session and weren’t particularly quiet or respectful of us moored there.

You're telling me. I was awake early this morning, having turned in particularly early yesterday evening, and a car drew up on the bank about 5am. The guy chatted with someone (presumably on his phone?) for about half an hour before leaving. He obviously wasn't fishing, so why was he there?

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Got in on the Staithe at Rockland St Mary. On electric for the first time this trip (apart from when on our home mooring). Only one other boat here.

On the way we thought the southern rivers are exceptionally quiet for May. More like March really. There wasn't much that went passed us yesterday afternoon when we were moored at Worlingham either. The number of boats we passed today on both rivers and the New Cut was probably not much more than ten. Maybe the Silvercraft fleet having moved up north makes the difference?

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25 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Maybe the Silvercraft fleet having moved up north makes the difference?

Probably only a marginal difference I think. They only had 20 boats and although they were well booked some of them would have gone north anyway. 

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3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Just had an excellent and very keenly priced lunch in the New Inn. Highly recommended!

Agreed!  Their ciabatta based lunches are excellent and really good value.  We went there a few weeks ago and had home made fish finger ciabattas, served with fries and a side salad.  Really tasty! 😁

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3 hours ago, kpnut said:

I bet it was going great guns in this wind! 

We saw it turning from a distance, then when we got closer it stopped! (We thought 'sods law', as Harry was planning to video it.) Luckily it started up again just before we went past. 

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8 hours ago, Broads01 said:

Probably only a marginal difference I think. They only had 20 boats and although they were well booked some of them would have gone north anyway. 

Certainly making a difference to Beccles Yacht Station. Every weekend there would be half a dozen or so of Silverline's finest spread out along the quayhead but, this season, almost nothing. 

That Silverline fleet heading north is maybe more noticeable because they were so distinctive but their absence on the southern rivers is most definately being felt. 


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10 hours ago, JanetAnne said:

Certainly making a difference to Beccles Yacht Station. Every weekend there would be half a dozen or so of Silverline's finest spread out along the quayhead but, this season, almost nothing. 

That Silverline fleet heading north is maybe more noticeable because they were so distinctive but their absence on the southern rivers is most definately being felt. 


Most definitely. And it's just a real shame that the options for hiring on the South are now pretty much just Pacific or NYA.

Nothing wrong with either of those yards, of course, but Silverline were slightly more mainstream and a sort of middle ground between the two.

There's Broom I suppose, but...... meh.

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We very much enjoyed our lunch at Shiki in Tombland (opposite to the Cathedral). We both had bento. You choose a main and side dish and it comes with rice, a bowl of miso soup and a little side salad, also a little dish of marinaded jellyfish salad.


I chose pork in a ginger and spring onion sauce as my main, Harry had breaded pork with teriyaki sauce. For sides I had sushi and Harry sashimi, though we did swaps.

My dish ...





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After overnighting at Bramerton we are well on our way this morning, having just passed the Beauchamp Arms on our way to Hardley Cross. We thought that would be a good place to stop for a dog run and brunch before making our way back north this afternoon. The Aweigh App is forecasting slack water at Yarmouth for about 4.15. 

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1 hour ago, Lulu said:

We may see you later. We are at the entrance of Upton Dyke :)

You may well do, unless there is a tempting space at Stokesby (unlikely). We'll give a beep and wave 👋.

You have scotched our plans though. The end of Upton Dyke seemed a handy place to stop. Are you likely to have any idea early evening of whether there might be any space on the Staithe?


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