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Water Rail Out And About - Aug 2021


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,it's a 3 cylinder Nanni 390, 21 hp, I believe direct drive.

Today was a slow cruise upriver, taki g in the sights, 2 kingfishers sighted, both of which departed too quickly to get   a picture.

Up to the locks where there was a lovely wherry moored up, also the .moorings were full of smaller dailies, round togeldeston staithe, once again my favourite mooring was occupied, old NYX was spotted here too then back downstream to the quay heading by the logs to moor up for the day.

Battery checked after 3 hours gentle.cruising, 13V on a 3 hour trip.n

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The trouble with doing a few tweaks at once with the batteries/alternator/charging is that you never know which tweak has fixed the problem :default_laugh:

I would put my money on the loose alternator belt being the problem. That said we always used to charge phones, laptops, cameras, etc when we were on the move with the boat. Made sense to do that while the engine was running and the alternator generating. 

We try to do the same with the van and charge stuff up while we are driving.

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If it's the place I think Grendel is referring to, it's part way back down river toward Beccles. There's a stretch on the eastern bank that was previously very overgrown with overhanging trees that now has new key heading and a lot of large logs left on the bank from when they cleared the area. I presume the area is still clear, as we haven't been that way since we were on Water Rail last summer. 

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Well apart from all the other boats stopping at this in official mooring, and all the canoes and paddle boards, I popped around the corner and had a swim, other than that it was a bacon butty for lunch, and generally just relaxing. The battery issue seems to have resolved to a power hungry 12v to 19.5v laptop power adaptor, still eating power when plugged in but not being used, the easy answer is only to plug it in when in use, or when under way.

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7 minutes ago, vanessan said:

That’s better, thank you. Next question, any access for walks?

The OS app shows the Angles way about half a mile from that mooring, but no official walks along that bank. The mooring looks to be unofficial and any paths leading away from it to The Angles way would be as well. Having said that the path looks reasonable from what I can see using the serial view, but would depend on whether you met a friendly, or unfriendly farmer on the way!

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Last morning on the boat, out was up early to start packing, coffee to start with, which was when I found the milk was on the turn, clothes all packed, vacuum bagged into the carry all, then it was time to find all the bits and pieces dotted around the boat and pack them into the folding crates,

Breakfast comes next, what needs using up in the fridge, so 4 rashers of bacon, 4 eggs and bread, scrambled egg and bacon on toast then, with a slice of cheese thrown in for good measure.

next it's cleaning through, cleaning the bacon spatter off the cooker and surroundings, washing up, and then I can think about heading back to oulton, pack the car and head for home until my next trip.

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well i am home, I have been mugged by the cats, and found the dishwasher full of dirty crockery as I obviously forgot to switch it on with the breakfast things in it before I left.

to continue my story, this morning, not long after I had left my overnight mooring, I was just coming up to a couple of paddle boards on my port, and a fisherman in a canoe on my starboard, as I approached there was a splash from the direction of the fisherman, I took a guess he had just released a monster fish, as I came level it was obvious that the canoe had flipped depositing said fisherman in the drink, I asked if he needed assistance to which he responded in the affirmative, ok now how to approach without using the spinning mincing item under the boat, I turned wel away and aimed the nose of the boat in between two bushes alongside the fisherman, this allowed him to grab the side of the boat and use the chine and side rails for leverage get himself into Water Rail, from here we could then right the capsized canoe, he then got back into the canoe and we tied a forward mooring rope to his canoe, and then headed off in a slow reverse upriver to retrieve the seat and paddle from his canoe, once these were retrieved he was happy to carry on under his own steam, while he hunted for his rods and tackle that were nowhere to be seen, I had performed my good deed for the day and rescued the poor chap, apparently he had reached for something without thinking, overreached and overbalanced the craft, he was furious at himself, I do hope he found his missing tackle and rods

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