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Potter Heigham Bridge


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I was not aware that Potter Heigham Bridge was Built i Around in 1385 blimey but for Road Traffic  weight Car's only? Will that be Sinking down towards the River ? As I believe it should only be used for Pedestrians and Cyclist only crossing to and from Latham's and Pub plus Herbert Woods Boat yard.and Villages

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I'm pretty sure it's being used within its limits. Traffic would be halted otherwise. 

It's worth remembering too that it was the ONLY road traffic structure crossing over the Thurne anywhere for hundreds of years before the A149 was built which is, for the most part, a following of the railway line, long since lost. 


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Used to take the weight of a Bristol VR double decker back in my college days. I would guesstimate at max capacity you would have 5 tons of passengers plus driver... I mean bus. Realistically it was 2 passengers at 7am on a winters morning! Not sure what the builders were planning on hauling over it but seems to have stood the test of time!

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No idea if it was full  before it...


The draft agreement to replace the railway bridge was 1963,  the old railway bridge was demolished in 1968... So the concrete thing will have been built soon after..

That graph doesn't include the fact the south and east of England is sinking and has been since the last Ice age by about 0.6mm a year, or about 8 or 9 inches since the bridge was built...

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