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Kicking Off At Cantley


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I have a sneaking suspicion but have no intention of mentioning it on a forum, pm, or otherwise, it simply aint my business it's someone elses personal issues.

Good luck to the person, I hope they get the help they clearly need, and well done to all involved.

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Whilst I agree with some of the sentiments regarding attacks on any emergency service people, unless anyone has access to the persons psychiatric reports we MUST refrain from personal attacks and comments.

Mental health is a huge issue at the moment and I can say from experience, it is largely untreated and the services provided are inadequate or non existent.


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I'm sure this guy will now be offered all the help he needs. Going forward, once sorted, he would make a well qualified volunteer for others with similar problems.

However, any shortcomings in mental health treatment are not helped by those who abuse the system. A similar effect by those who refuse to have a covid jab taking up NHS time. I'm afraid there are far too many people using mental health along with their rights to be believed, to get benefits and/or other advantages. Unfortunately, I know someone who once a year goes for an assessment and has been heard to say, "I'll have to go and pretend to be slightly mad again." An actual boast about how he avoids work. Doctors don't have the right to call anyone a liar even if they know it. I don't know what the solution is but just as with panic buying etc, the fault is not all with the authorities.

Along with everything else, it's more difficult to get treatment for anything at the moment.

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14 minutes ago, floydraser said:

 . . . . . . . . . . Along with everything else, it's more difficult to get treatment for anything at the moment.

Hmm, you can say that again.  Within the past ten minutes I’ve had a text message from our local medical centre saying that they can only offer telephone appointments for acute needs due to staff shortages.

One particular consequence springs to mind following that:  certain conditions cannot be diagnosed over the phone and this will probably force people who need to see a doctor to crowd casualty departments in nearby hospitals.

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10 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

Whilst I agree with some of the sentiments regarding attacks on any emergency service people, unless anyone has access to the persons psychiatric reports we MUST refrain from personal attacks and comments.

Mental health is a huge issue at the moment and I can say from experience, it is largely untreated and the services provided are inadequate or non existent.


Please note we have locked the thread pending moderator discussions regarding just how far we should allow speculation to go before we take action following the warning highlighted above.

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