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Flags Of Convenience


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Doing the maths at 2.60 per hour over 24hrs for an 8 hour shift it equates to around £7.80 per hour.  I don’t  know what the working hours or job role the 2.60 per hour is actually for but this is less than UK minimum wage however its dressed up.  If its supposed to be Officers pay its an absolute disgrace!


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1 hour ago, TeamElla said:

Anyone interested might want to research why there is one Irish Ferry running out of Dover now instead of where it used to be based (and what they are paying the crew on board!)

TeamElla if you have a look on Irish ferries website they explain there new route out of Dover what started last year 


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2 hours ago, dnks34 said:

Doing the maths at 2.60 per hour over 24hrs for an 8 hour shift it equates to around £7.80 per hour.  I don’t  know what the working hours or job role the 2.60 per hour is actually for but this is less than UK minimum wage however its dressed up.  If its supposed to be Officers pay its an absolute disgrace!


You can manipulate figures any way you like. 

So how about this for an example. 

The going rate for a Ferry Captain is around 70k pa so I doubt any agency Captains would be working for much less. 

Ferries work 365 days of the year so that equates to around £191 per day. 

A Captains duty hours are 24 hours a day so that equates to just under £8 per hour. 

Below minimum wage Yes? 

But then they generally work a 1 on 1 off work rota so they are actually only working 6 months of the year so effectively they are paid £16 per hour which is more than minimum wage. 

Also they have to sleep sometimes as well so they are getting paid £16 an hour to sleep. 

I could continue along this route but I think you can see where I am going with this. 

My point being that you cannot realistically measure seafarers pay on a hourly rate like you can a shore job. 

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My point being that you cannot realistically measure seafarers pay on a hourly rate like you can a shore job

Agreed, even more so in the RN.  We were paid a daily rate, a day being classed as 23 x Hrs and 59 minutes - You were allowed 1 x minute a day for private prayer apparently, I never ever heard of anyone actually claiming or trying this one on

Some days you would be turned to for a minimum of 12 x Hrs in 4 x Hrs stints, never getting more than 4 x Hrs straight uninterrupted sleep either.  We were paid 365 days a year be it onboard or ashore.  We never much moaned about the daily rates of pay or the conditions either, it was more of a vocation than a job


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Never really understood the logic behind that system Griff. 

When us MN worked back to back watches we used to do 6 on 6 off, 6 to 12 and 12 to 6. It meant that you could get into a regular sleep pattern even if the hours were arduous. eg 0000 to 0600, the doom watch, would get you finished at 0600 in time for some breakfast then bed, get up around 1100 grab some lunch and back on watch at 1200, off at 1800 have some dinner and a few hours social time before turning in again around 2100 ish to grab a few zzz before going back on watch at 2400.

The 6 to 12 was much easier and involved an afternoon nap. 

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5 hours ago, TeamElla said:

Anyone interested might want to research why there is one Irish Ferry running out of Dover now instead of where it used to be based (and what they are paying the crew on board!)

There are now two Irish ferries The Isle of Innisfree and the Isle of Innismore  Plus DFDS with the Cotes des Dunes and Cotes d Opal doing Dover Dunkirk.

So Dover should have seven ferries plying the channel.

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41 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Attention Moderators please can you not remove any more threads please..

This has to be one of the most interesting threads in along time with fantastic facts about Maritime past and present.. 

Please continue Gentlemen sorry for the interruption.. 

It is the unnecessary acrimony between some members that I find disturbing.

Who instigates this dilemma. You decide. It can divide a forum. Sometimes moderation is not the solution, but it can provide a period of reflection and prevent a situation escalating into that irretrievable place where people are told that they have to leave, resign, or heaven forbid when thier emotions run high, they go.......for ever.

Nobody wants that.  And that is the unique strength of this forum. Friendly Forum, no not allways, but it is a caring forum.


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4 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Sadly  it's not always a friendly forum. Seems my post was not suitable for this forum. 

I just want long standing  members to stay and not feel they don't want to remain. 

No doubt  this will be removed. 

Sorry Ian. I do not understand.  To which post are you referring? Why would, or should, your post be removed.


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5 hours ago, ModeratorTeam said:

Some posts have been hidden whilst the mod team discuss the content, this includes posts that quote hidden posts.

discussions are in progress, while we discuss, certain posts and  those that quote them have been hidden.

the problem is that certain topics generate widely different viewpoints that can be firmly felt by their supporters, and if care isnt taken, things can get out of hand, tempers fray and then we do have problems as Wussername has so succinctly pointed out.

please be patient with us, these things take time, I have literally only just managed to find the time to read the forum, and really I should be sleeping ready for a 5am start.

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9 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Flags of convenience  

You may be right mate. I do not know.

Anyway, it is late. I'm off to bed.

I have wound the cat up and put the clock out.

Night night, sweet repose, half the bed, and all the clothes.


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If members didn't break the Terms of service we wouldn't need a moderation team.


If a member baits or insults another, the post may be hidden while the mod team discuss it.

A great, factual post can be ruined by the addition of a 'snide' comment, this can be made worse by the recipient responding.

If a member quotes from a post that is subsequently hidden, the new post will also be hidden.

Since being asked to take over responsibility for the forum,

I have been suprised by the amount of admin needed to keep this forum running,

I have been disappointed by the amount of work the moderation team have to do to try and keep members within the agreed guidelines that make this a friendly forum.

They are accused of over moderating and under moderating,

I am disappointed that some members think the rules don't apply to them, they do.

If the Mods feel the need to hide a post or posts to discuss them, please resist the urge to keep stirring the pot and questioning the action.

I am determined that the hard work undertaken by previous Admins and moderators to make this the friendly forum will not be thrown away so please, all members, treat each other with respect.

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What I would like to know is that many ships are registered at Nassau .. 
Do they ever have to report back to that port in anytime .?

For an example, do they have to sail back to Nassau every 6 months or yearly or is just your registered here and no you don’t have to ever come here..? 


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43 minutes ago, andyg said:

Can't beat a Sunday afternoon battle of forum ego lol..another storm in a tea cup. Now where did I throw my Teddy 🧸 😫 

After all I have contributed to this forum, I never thought to be accused of that.  Perhaps you did not read the personal abuse that was directed at me, before it was moderated.

The funny thing is that, as the OP of the thread, no information I have actually posted on the subject has been criticised. Yet I am accused of looking up long words and pretending to know about ships.

Not acceptable and not necessary.

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I haven't accused you of anything Vaughan absolutely no idea where you got that from. An off the cuff remark as to how these contentious threads end up. Someone puffs there chest up and off we go. It happens quite regularly on here. I very much enjoy your contributions  like most of us. I won't apologise for finding it funny and for me it's all a bit school playground at times. You know the old I know better then you blur blur blur. If that's not allowed then bar me off the forum, I'm cool with that. But it certainly wasn't aimed directly at you.. 

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