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Overnight Mooring At Private Boat Yards

Dave Beard

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Hi all does anyone know if it is possible to moor overnight in private boat yards, providing they have the space 

and i expect for a fee and if so do you just navigate in and try and find someone or contact them before arrival?

And if you have done this before your thoughts will be appreciated.

Kind Regards

Dave Beard

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Some yards do have visitor moorings, but I would always call ahead to reserve or enquire about a visitor mooring.

You need to remember that although a berth may be empty, the berth holder may return at any time and expect to be able to moor back in their berth. It's not just a vase of them mooring elsewhere in the basin because they will want to see their boat back in its normal mooring before heading home, which in some cases could be a number of hours drive away.

You also need to bear in mind that some marinas have locked gates to get out of the marina, and or access gates onto the pontoons or access ways to the berths. You may well find yourself in a marina where once you have exited the mooring area you are unable to return to your boat.

Most marinas will have signs at the entrance saying private, berth holders only, so it would be wrong to ignore those signs unless you have rang ahead and made arrangements.

Tingdene at Brundall have I think 2 visitor mooring berths, but again I would book ahead.

St Olaves Marina has a visitor mooring on the riverfront of The Waveney at St Olaves, but I know it is fenced off from the main marina and you would need to exit the gate from the mooring and also an access card to exit the marina itself. There is a phone number on the visitor mooring sign, so again ring ahead.

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2 minutes ago, Dave Beard said:

I've just realised i have worded this all wrong i meant Hire boat yards not (private boat yards}

look forward to your new response.

Most hire boat yards will let you moor up overnight in their marinas, as long as it's not on their change over days!  As to overnight fees, I think that depends on the yard :default_unsure:


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7 minutes ago, CeePee1952 said:

Most hire boat yards will let you moor up overnight in their marinas, as long as it's not on their change over days!  As to overnight fees, I think that depends on the yard :default_unsure:


There should be no charges for mooring overnight in another hire yard, as long as the yard in question is a member of the Broads Hire Boat Federation (or whatever they’re called now).  As stated, you pr won’t be welcomed if you moor on a changeover day, though.


Charges are usually applied to private craft mooring in a hire yard, sometimes even for a couple of hours during the day, never mind overnight!

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21 hours ago, Dave Beard said:

I've just realised i have worded this all wrong i meant Hire boat yards not (private boat yards}

look forward to your new response.

Hi Dave. Not sure if you mean mooring a private boat or hire boat?

Generally if a private boat you can't moor in a hire fleet yard. Although I have found Richardson's at Stalham very helpful when I've phoned in advance.


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1 hour ago, PaulN said:

Generally if a private boat you can't moor in a hire fleet yard. Although I have found Richardson's at Stalham very helpful when I've phoned in advance

As mentioned, we also found Richardson's helpful. Barnes Brinkcraft will also allow a private boat to moor in their 'new bit'. It does cost an arm and a leg though. We paid £7 just to moor up for a couple of hours so that Graham could visit Roy's DIY. As you can imagine, they charge a lot more for overnight. There is electric to plug into though. I've read on another thread that Herbert Woods also allow private boats to moor, again for a fee.

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There should be no charges for mooring overnight in another hire yard, as long as the yard in question is a member of the Broads Hire Boat Federation (or whatever they’re called now)

Most boat yards are members of the Broads Hire Boat Federation or British Marine in order to qualify for Q A B S.  Mandatory requirement for hireboat licensing following an announcement by the Broads Authority.

All hireboat businesses have to register for an initial QAB assessment from 01 April 2023.

Other factors may have to be taken into consideration during November of this year.

Times they are a changing.


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