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News On Pozzick and Seren


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They know the drill, Simon. 

I saw a video of a gundog trainer feeding all his dogs, about 10 of them, out in the yard. One cocker spaniel collected up every bowl after they’d all finished and took them to the big sink in the corner of the yard. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit late posting this. We had a lovely day out with the boys and the dogs to Stoke Bruerne in Northamptonshire yesterday. It was absolutely chucking it down as we drove there but by the time we'd had a look around the canal museum the sun was starting to come out 

We had a good pub lunch in The boat Inn then took the dogs on a walk down the towpath as far as the bottom lock and back. An ice cream, including a doggie ice cream completed the day. 



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  • 1 month later...

Graham and Seren are out at agility classes this morning, so Alec thought he’d take Pozzie out for a walk. They only got as far as the park when Poz decided he didn’t want to go any farther. Alec thought he’d run with him on the lead, letting Poz set the direction. He ran straight home.

He’s not a happy bunny when both Graham and Seren go out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The agility classes that Seren goes to had a party afternoon today. We had planned to go together with both dogs. However, I really struggled this morning. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous but managed to struggle through playing organ (badly...lots of wrong notes) through two church services. I decided I couldn't face the party though, and Graham decided he couldn't take two dogs, so it was Pozzick's turn 

Graham reports he did really well. He got a clear round badge for having a go at agility. Got two second badges for best sob story for rescue dogs and best looking male. 

Sounds like they had fun. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m up early this morning. Mainly because I got up to go to the loo with the first feint light of dawn and I spotted our bedroom door was open, and no sign of Pozzick (he sleeps in our room). That woke me up properly!

Luckily, my son Alec heard him open our door a few hours earlier and came down to investigate. It turned out that Seren, who sleeps in the lounge in her crate, wanted to go out as she had the runs. Poor Alec can’t have had much sleep as she needed to go out more than once. So, good boy Pozzie for being tuned in with Seren. 

He is very attached to Seren. It’s so funny when we go for walks. If he gets left behind (normally because he stops for a squirt) he can’t wait to catch up with her. It’s the only time he really pulls hard on the lead. If he gets ahead, he’ll wait for her to catch up.

Anyway, I’ve sent Alec back to bed to catch up on his sleep as he has an online interview this afternoon. 

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  • 2 months later...

A few photos and a video of Pozzie and Seren from our trip to Graham's Dad in Anglesey these last few days. Thank goodness we were able to unwind taking the dogs for walks, as it's been a bit stressful. I won't include the photos I took of the maggotty meals that had been cooked and then forgotten about. The number of flies in the house was incredible.  :default_sad:

We mostly took the dogs to Penrhos beach for walks, as that was handy for the Travelodge we were staying in. We've decided we can't bear to stay in Graham's Dad's house any longer. Isn't that awful!





Holyhead 'Mountain' (it's only about 700').



Eek - the flies!





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1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

We've decided we can't bear to stay in Graham's Dad's house any longer. Isn't that awful!

You are doing a sterling job trying to support him. Don’t even give guilt any chance of taking hold. 

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