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When Is It Too Late.....


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...to wish somebody a Happy New Year?

I had somebody do it to me yesterday. YESTERDAY - the 8th of January!!!

Their excuse was that they hadn't seen me since the 1st. (Poor excuse if you ask me)

That got me wondering.

If I dont see a fellow boater until say, the 15th August is it still acceptable to do the whole HNY thing? I suppose, for me and the boater, the 15th August WILL be a New Year for us. A new year of saying hello and meeting up. 

But doing it as a new year for everyone I meet for the first time in 2023 would be a nightmare of remembering and confusion for all concerned.

So - my question is - Up to what date in 2023 is it still acceptable to wish someone a HNY?

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Well, the lads who are working on our back garden returned this morning for the first time since the Friday before Christmas.  I wished them HNY, which I thought was appropriate under the circumstances, but I think that’ll be it, unless anyone greets me with the same sentiment.

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