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Nude Cruises


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I've just spent a fair while searching for a pic I took in Holland back in '87. An all girl-crewed Dutch Barge, all completely starkers and not at all embarrassed by the multitude of onlookers they attracted as they came into Enkhuizen marina.


I actually asked them if I might take the pic (of the lovely barge, of course!) and they were happy to stand and wave for me.....    :angel: :angel: :angel:

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When we had our boat in Greece you often saw boats with nude people on board and some you rather hadn't .

I remember one time when moored at Parga, we decided to walk back along the beach as the harbour is at the opersite end to the town. The boat was moored bow to the beach and I was able to climb onto the foredeck but Hele couldn't quite pull herself up so she decided to just strip off and pass me her clothes and swim round to the ladder at the stern. What she didn't realise was the people on the boat next to us were sat in the cockpit having a drink. I took a while to find a towel much to her annoyance.


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We are going to try a nude night cruise to see how it works out, if it go's well then it will be full time nude cruise, not only will it save us money on clothing but I see several other advantages, I'll have a built in boat hook, Judi has a couple of spare fenders, we will have somewhere to park our bikes, I can draw strategic points in Judi's wrinkles so I have a map of the Broads, and I'll be a reminder to all the females out there not to forget to buy that Chicken for dinner,,



Trussed you...

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It is at this point and in this thread I should make mention of my idea for a t-shirt design...for copyright reasons of course. You see I thought with all the snobbery that abounds in 'some' boating circles, not ours I hasten to add, I thought of a t-shirt image and slogan for the wooden boat community.


A simple blue t-shirt embossed with the image of a salty old sea dog behind a traditional wooden ships wheel, his hands at 5 to 1 with the 12 o'clock spoke of the ships wheel obviously somewhat larger than the others...so you know when you are at 'midships' naturally. I thought a simple decorative slogan beneath the image of 'GOT WOOD?' would help other wooden boat enthusiasts identify each other.


i wonder if it 'wood' catch on?

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