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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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Grace x  -  Is it The Good, Bad and the Ugly? 

It most certainly is!   :default_icon_kiss:  Well done :default_beerchug:

It drives MrsG and daughter mad every time it comes on at Wroxham approaching the bridge from either side.  They have threatened to hide the CD - I have beaten em to it

It is also used at PHB but infuriatingly nowadays very rarely





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you can see from the tide mark on the bridge just how low the water level was below normal there, a good 10"

Peter - You should know better than to fall into that trap.  Its been so long now since the Blessed Authority ceased maintaining the Lower Bure coincidentally when they came into being that nowadays folk are thinking the current high water levels are 'Normal' they certainly are not.  That video / photo - the water levels were still higher than it should be at low water.  I was taking Broom Admirals through PHB (Along with my dearly departed Dad) regularly in the 60's to early 80's and they need 7ft2".  Nowadays I can't get 'B.A' through and she 'only' needs 6ft5" or 6ft4" if I'm being really brave


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‘We’ ?

Ref the 1mm per year - is that the country or East Anglia? And where’s that info came from?

A four inch sea level rise should therefore still give an airdraft at PHB at average low water of about 7ft compared to mid eighties 

I wish, not to mention the worsening issues at Wroxham and Ludham bridges 


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Geographical Survey. It is called Isostatic Rebound. The earths plates sorting themselves out due to the ice melting from the last Ice Age. Mainland Britain is sinking in the South East as the North West rises.

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