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What's going on in Broadland public toilets


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When I think that the Duke of York can spend £22,000 a week on a chalet for a holiday, and then went and bought a Chalet for god knows how many million,  it puts into prospective the problem with this country , the haves and the have a darn sight less..      May be our tax could be better spent and then we would still be able to afford loos for the ordinary folk of this world.   We are not going forward we seem to be going two steps forward and four back each time.

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Unfortunately, each sucsessive government makes sure politicians are well kept, be they government or their opposition, they always look after themselves first, then set policies that make joe public skint, unless you`re one of the super rich like some in the world of sport and entertainment, then they look after them too. As for the working man, it seems every time you try to improve your life, and not be a burden to the state, you`re penalised very heavily to pay for the lazy scum of life, AND to keep the super rich in supreme comfort.


Strikes me there`s a major flaw in officialdom somewhere?.

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In "another place" there is a thread running that I don't fully understand.

The implication is that Great Yarmouth council is closing some of it's public conveniences. There seems to be a bit of a leap of faith in saying that the Thurne and Acle will be on the hit list or that it has already been.

Is there any confirmation of this? 

Whilst I'm reluctant to highlight  the other forum, I do believe it a topic to get an airing here as well.


(May I point out to those unaware, that I use the term "another place" or "The other place" with full respect and that it is I believe, the expression used in the houses of lords and commons when referring to each other.) 

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I actually posted a link a few days ago. The report does include Broadland 'bog's but I suppose most 'stinkies' are suitable equipped. On the other hand us 'wafis' are glad of a civilised lavatory rather than a bucket for 'number two's', helps stop our boats being 'stinkies'. 

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It's all going to Hull in a handcart imho.


On one hand we have the BA promoting the area, re-branding the Broads as a National Park - thereby increasing visitor numbers they state

(Which is NOT thier 'Part-of-Ship' i.e terms of reference or responsibility)


On the other hand when all these increased visitors come to visit be it on land or water, they have nowhere to 'Spend a penny' or deposit their lolly wrappers


Methinks the BA and councils need to start conversing. introducing left hand to right hand and get on the same damn hymn sheet :mad:




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I was wondering whether there might be another toilet in Acle town centre and if perhaps the article was referring to that one. Anyway, according to this link:




there is another public loo in Acle "Located in the centre of Acle beside bus shelter outside pub". Lets hope they are referring to that one as whether your stinkie has a stinkie on board or not, landside facilties are always preferable to me for you know what!




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Having read this thread about counsellors closing public toilets, to save money! I just hope that none of them get caught short when visiting the areas that they were responsible for closing them. 

They would be better upgrading them and charging 20p for the use of, as what seems to be happening to a lot of towns around the uk.


How about these for example. These are at Rothsay on the Isle of Bute. They were open in Victorian times and have been restored, apparently, when these were built, there were no ladies toilets on the site, until the 1950s As well as still being in use, ladies are allowed to go in for a look when no one is inside, whilst the attendant keeps guard at the entrance. The last two photos are me and Wendy when we visited last year on a Heritage Holidays Coach Holiday.







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