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Ludham Bridge Boatyard.....


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Hi Jason,


I've only ever spoken to you once directly on the NBN when you were on at some silly hour of the morning, but I'm sorry to hear of your circumstances and I sincerely wish you and yours all the best. It takes a strong man to make tough decisions when times call for it.


I don't know what else to say except God Bless.

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Hi Jason,


i`ve never had any dealings with you or the folks at the yard, but have heard nothing but excellent reviews of your services and skill levels. It`s always a great shame to lose a small family buisness, so i hope someone somewhere will be able to take the yard over as an operational concern, as nobody would be happy to hear all the lads losing jobs.


I wish both you and Sonia all the best, and if we`re stopping at Ludham whuile on Lightning in May June, i`l be sure to come and say hello.


I can imagine it must have been a hard decision, but hopefully the right one, and that both you and Sonia can enjoy a much less stressful life, which will hopefully see you both in better health.


Also, please keep posting on the forum, as i`m sure people will always be pleased to hear from you, and keep in touch.



Sincerest regards and best wishes .......................... Neil.

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Once again thank you for you kind posts & comments........i will click the "like this" button as soon as i can tomorrow but ive used my quota today! (Photo for Alan - JawsOrca for info)

My apologies, but i just don't know what will happen at LB in the future.......

Unfortunately, like many areas of the broads the flood defence line was moved back away from the edge of the river i.e. Its now behind the boatyard site......This causes major issues with the legalities regards to liability & responsibilities with the site, especially as its still technically the LB parish staithe.......!!

This swap/change has basically allowed the authorities to legally pass on their responsibility on to whoever! Any new business at this site will now need to continue dealing with this issue, but I'm exhausted trying,,!! So even if i was 100% fit, i just can't see a future there....

We looked at various options of leaving the staff to run it etc but you then still need someone to sort the admin etc and its just not profitable enough.....lts just a small business, several local yard owners even commented that we did extremely well employing as many staff as we did, so we tried our best to make it work but health is just more important.

During the last 6/7 years we have had approximately 20 odd 'pointless' meetings on site with the EA, including various letters from the Chairman (Lord Finsbury) plus the local MP etc. Whilst still trying to run a small business, we also had to deal with letters to & from Parish councils, plus various government authorities including Internal Drainage Board, EDF Energy & my favourite one, the BA!

However, despite all of this and several 'promises' from some important people (some in writing) NOTHING was ever done to improve the site, or provide ideas to help longterm or at least assist with the navigation issues.

Even last week Griff (Broad Ambition) had to stop work several times to help hirers navigate the bridge........and protect customers boats etc....During the boating season all the staff can be out helping hirers for most of the day!! This is all unproductive time that can not be recovered.........

But it is great fun!!! :-) Next year i'm positive we will miss this as its a very addictive & enjoyable place to be on a summers weekend!!!


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(Should be all fixed for you Jason.. You should be able to click the like unlimited now, Sorry about that, Sincere regards, Alan cheers)

Thank you, i was like a man possessed with the "like this" button!! :-) thank you !

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Hi Jason, sorry to hear such sad news. Thoughts are with you, will be different going under the bridge knowing you will not be there to help out. Not that we ever needed it of course, but have seen some strange boating crafts as we have gone through on windy days.

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It's the end of an era for Brilliant and her crew. So much quality skilled work, such great friendship, so many cups of tea, and setting the world to rights. We will miss LBBY sorely, but the friendships will go on. Thanks for everything!

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"We shall see more going very soon. At least one more will be lost this year with the likelihood of at least one other in the next 12 months."


I'm surprised no-one has picked up on this. I for one hope that this is wrong but I suspect not. Hoping that all  boatyards/hire companies have a good 2015 season.


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Whilst it is indeed a great loss to the Broads system to lose an independent boatyard, it is without doubt, given the circumstances you find yourselves in, the correct decision, no matter how hard that decision may have been.


Your struggles with life's jobsworths are well documented here and on other forums - lesser folk would have thrown in the towel many moons ago - it speaks volumes that you have percevered and kept your heads held high.


I sincerely hope you have longevity to enjoy your deserved free time, and that the time you and your dear lady wife have together provides lots of quality moments without life's daily struggles in business to conquer.


I've never needed to use LBBY, being a hirer not an owner, but do not underestimate the contribution boatyards and folk such as yourselves contribute.


All the best for the future, and for the remaining time at Ludham Bridge.



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BAs vision of Ludham Bridge in years to come, dejavu. No moorings, no boatyard, no shop.


Jason's expertise and his boatyard will be a great loss to the Broads, but your BA vision seems unduly pessimistic.


This Google streetview of the other side of the bridge shows the very recent extensive improvements there, the new quay headed BA moorings along the West bank, and the new EA piling along the East bank.


I was also under the impression that Graham's shop, the Restaurant, and the other businesses in Robert Paul's  boatyard are not under any threat.


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It now looks like George and Jason2 will be taking over at LBBy.


I'm well pleased for them and wish them well.


It goes without saying they will have the support of 'B.A' and her crew




Great news, good wishes to all concerned

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That is good news :) I'll try and stop off and make use of their services this year even if it's just a pump out or a drop of fuel. 




:clap :clap   That`s actually a very well put post Alan. Iyou might say "even if it`s just a pump out or a drop of fuel", but if enough of us on the forum were to stop off for just a pump out or fuel, it could mean the difference between an excellent indipendant yard surviving or going under. A simple post such as yours makes people sit up and think. It did to me anyway.

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