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Worth a mention (Vulcan's last shows)

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Last year I want to the Farnbough airshow.As always great,at one point I went to see the American force found display/stand.I was talking to one of the pilots,something I try to do one I can.The arrows were in the middle of there display, I said they are pretty good,he repleyed not bad!What a understatement.

Some years ago we were on the cut heading for Reedham.About half way across when the arrows appeared in formation, we were the only boat in view,I waved,the two wing men dipped in wings.

For sure that made not my day but year.

For me I think it's great airshows across the country,as often as possible is a good thing.


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This is the most excellent Vulcan display that I've seen since the 70's.   :bow :bow :bow


I'm sure Martin Withers, DFC, RAF (Ret'd) , (Black Bucc1) wouldn't have put on this sort of display nowadays if it wasn't so near the end of the Vulcan's flying life. Heavens knows what the CAA thought about it!   :clap :clap :clap


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There was a program on TV last night about the Delta bombers, very interesting with their part in the Cold War...

And the reason for the Vulcan changing colour from Anti Flash White to Camoflage.

It was the only Delta bomber that could operate at low level.....



Edited to add....

According to the program, it was the first Bomber to do a barrel roll, the test pilot was told off, as this sort of stunt was not acceptable for a Bomber, but left to the high spirits of fighter pilots..




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Most beautiful aircraft ever built (Imho).   Have seen her twice this year, once at Cosford and more recently at Yeovilton.  The last time we will be going to these airshows me thinks!


Have you seen the film of her coming in the approach at RIAT this year, ,very low over some cars before deploying her tail chute.  Must have been quite something for the gongoozlers who were there rather than pay for their entrance fees!


One good thing though.  At least she will be kept undercover when she retires, not like the Concorde at Bristol that has just been left deteriorating outside waiting for decisions about her future.



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I was told by 'someone in the know' that the reason Vulcan is doing more during her displays is because the air frame life is no longer an issue because its her last season flying. Up to now air frame stresses have been kept to the minimum possible whilst still allowing the plane to be seen in her true glory. Now the frame life is determined the pilots are able to enjoy her somewhat more than in the past.


Of course that may well all be bull seeings as my source is something to do with Spitfires... ;)

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Wow that was some display John by the Vulcan.  We kinda take her for granted seeing as we are only a spit from her base here at Finningley and see her regularly - We don't get to see the chute as Finningley runway is long enough for her not to have to deploy it.

I attended a ball in the hanger with the vulcan earlier this year and met Martin Withers - that was some evening.


I just kinda know (Hope) that on her last display she will barrel roll fully and sod the CAA, in your film clip she was inverted - not the first time I've seen her do that.


Magnificent aircraft




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Hockham Admiral,

 The general consensus on the day was that this was the best display the Vulcan has done since her return. As has already been said, maybe because she's retiring at the end of the flying season.  In fact the Vulcan display was voted the best display of the three days by FRIAT. Unfortunately, the pilot, Kev Rumens, who did the display on the saturday, [which l think is the one shown on here] was called into the tower and given a 'telling off' and someone else flew her on the sunday.

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Lincan, hi and a very warm Welcome Aboard the friendly Forum.

I'm only surprised that he still has a licence! Back in the 70'

s I displayed the Buccaneer and I might have got away with that take-off!

I displayed the Shorts Belfast at Yeovilton in the 90's but

I did climb to 100 feet before I banked to 60 Degrees!

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Hockham Admiral,

Thanks for your welcome, sounds like you have many interesting stories to tell.  While your video is an excellent one, with good close-ups, just what happens after take off is not so clear [ the slight 'sideways slide'!]  

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Hello Lincan,

Welcome to the NBN the friendly forum from Tan & myself.

The last time I saw the Vulcan was at Bowness on Windermere, we were on the bank near to the bandstand, it banked with the bomb bay doors open. a great sight and fantastic sound




Last time I saw it was at last years airshow......................and will see it again this August for the last time Bank holiday week



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