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The old "New Content" button

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Those of you that want to see the "New content" button (top right) to contain what it used to show which included; New posts and post I've already seen, here's how you do it:

1, Log in

2, Click: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/discover/8/

3, Click the greyed out tick beside "Everything"

That will now (hopefully) stick. (Should work on a mobile/tablet device too (See below though) ).



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Hi Ray, 

You may want to refresh it.. (Sorry I'm not a apple (fan) expert (or whatever apple calls them ;) ) I think this feature only happened after a bug release last night. I just check and it appears to work on all formats so try to refresh the page. 

Fingers crossed!


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10 minutes ago, Hockham Admiral said:

Alan, brill! It certainly works well on my Galaxy Tablet. 

A pity you have to go to Activity, My Activity  and then Everything but it does work... at last!

Not sure what you mean there John,

If you do this it should replace your new content button with this.. I think on the tablets (and phones) this button looks like a newspaper and is beside the magnifying glass.. (top right). 

Edit: Pic attached


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I think John may have added the stream to his streams so is accessing it via activity my activity and then everything. When you click on a topic it defaults back to the unread items stream. It is important to make sure you click on the greyed out tick next to everything to make it the default stream, it then replaces the unread items button with an everything button. Seems to work for me.

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Works for me. It says "Everything" next to the icon on Safari on a Mac. Thanks Alan. :wave

And pleased to report that overnight Emoticons are now also back to having the correct button and the Link button is correct as well. :dance

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11 minutes ago, kfurbank said:

On a PC with IE you get the word Everything next to that button, rather than unread items. On smaller displays you only get the icon but it has the functionality of the old star icon.

Keith I called it everyone to make it clearer that people are using this (other than the system one). You can make your own though using the "Customise this stream". ;)cheers 

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19 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

Grace. Stop it please :)

Much more of this and Alan will not be able to get through the doors on his boat, and the doors at the back already open quite wide.

Lol... being in IT I very rarely receive praise..(we are the forgotten soldiers lol) So no Gracie ignore them keep it coming lol :angel:

(No glad it's helping people...)


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Ok then........Not only is Jaws easy on the eye, he is a lovely person, sexy, brainy, got lovely feet (oops, sorry that's Dave), owns a very nice Boat, writes brilliant holiday blogs and apparently is quite good with computers aswell, which makes him a bit of a geek, but what a geek :naughty: :dance

Grace :kiss

p.s The things a girl has to do to get a cruise on Orca :rolleyes: lol

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My opinion is that this forum update is a step backwards. The loss of the New Content button as was and creation of the "streams" make for keeping up to date with changes tedious. I find the stream display overly complicated; is there really a need to read the content on this page which makes the page and therefore your ability to scan the content far more of a chore. 

Sorry if I am the only one who thinks this, but it seems like change for the sake of change. To me, this no improvement; the New Content button did not need "fixing".

I appreciate that this may be part of a wider software update and difficult or impossible to change. 

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if you do a customized stream, then set it as your default it acts as a new content button,goto edit this stream, click on customise, pick everything, then save, then make it your default,you name it what you want  say..."mine" and then it,ll be at the top right, you could even name it "new content!!

there..........clear as mud but it works!!:taunt:

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