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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. They're either braver than me or That boat looks perilously unstable... almost as if it's been photoshopped.
  2. Drat it, Howard, that's yesterday, today and tomorrow... I wish I'd known earlier.... We called in at the Ferry last week and I don't recollect seeing any advertisements then.
  3. We keep Friday Girl in Brundall, where the water is brackish at worst and possibly nearly freshwater. Hence we don't bother with antifouling are all. She gets either a Summer Scrub (calm down, JanetAnne) or, on alternate years, is taken out for a few months to dry out on the hard. We do find a thin coating of slime but this quickly washes off. I've personally not noticed any degradation in performance as a result of not bothering about water level weed growth, other than to take a brush to her occasionally.
  4. Gosh, Carol, you really don't do things by half, do you?
  5. You've certainly had a lovely last couple of days, Ray! We look forward to hearing all about it.
  6. Being as cynical as Peter I'd also wonder how long they'd last before they were nicked?
  7. Blimey, Peter, by the time the average helm has read all that he's probably already hit what he was intending to warn! (Our pipsqueak horn is mounted under the dashboard and doesnt even disturb a sleping dog laid next to it......)
  8. Which one do you mean? If we moor at the Yacht Station we use the Ravensmere Fish & Chip Shop next to the Royal Oak on Ravensmere but if we moor on the floating pontoon outside the Lido we go to the Beccles Fish Bar on Smallgate.
  9. Welcome aboard the good ship NBN, Steve & Sue.
  10. Sorry we can't make it, Robin, it would have been nice to meet Mum.
  11. It's a phrase that was mainly used by freight pilos, Rod, but now adopted by all. I like yours, too! Posted 1 hour ago by macroft1 SLF - Self Loading Freight?? Spot on!
  12. I've just read that link, Ian, and I truly do despair.... I was fortunate enough, until late in my career, to mainly deal with freight which neither talks back nor is selfish and stupid..... SLF is a whole different ball game...
  13. Absolutely! Nice to hear some good news (for a change!)
  14. I think that the only problem with that idea, Robin, is that Geoffrey wouldn't have a clue who he was getting and might even put himself at some risk?
  15. A warm "Welcome Aboard" the good ship NBN, John.
  16. I thought it was DT's he meant... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delirium_tremens
  17. Ian, words just totally fail me... I nearly resorted to swearing but substituted "totally"! They are just both plain selfish and stupid. Ray summed it up.
  18. But what was the average weekly wage then, Alan?
  19. I guess if they had their laptops or handbags out when it happened they might have thought it was OK to do so. Hopefully they didn't stop to open the overhead lockers...... Let's just be happy it didn't take place a minute later.
  20. We love toasting on our log burner at home in the Winter, Geoffrey.
  21. It's not looking good for Boeing 777's... http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/09/british-airways-plane-catches-fire-at-las-vegas-airport
  22. Stuart, good morning. Would you let me have a link to this holiday, please? Thanks.
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