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Everything posted by VetChugger

  1. I think I would take a more circumspect view of this until more details and clearer responses from both the government and the RNLI themselves. This report originates from the mail! If the mail told me there were seven days next week I would count them on a calander first!
  2. Too true! Beware rampaging snowbirds!!
  3. I suspect most surviving independent butchers will be of a good standard nowadays. They have to be to compete.
  4. That's what I was meaning by "MTB"!
  5. That MTB is lurking at the back!
  6. For future reference keep an eye on both Lidl and Aldi, at least once a year they have a week of camping and caravan tackle and this includes their own branded portapotti's at a very good price. These actually are rebranded thetfords and serve admirably as a complete set of spares and a "reserve" tank although a tad smaller than standard.
  7. Where abouts in the civillised world did you encounter this brew??
  8. Idle near Bradford was the home of the well regarded hifi manufacturers Leak! No doubt about the humour possibilities there!
  9. One of the CTEK range would likely suit and they are well regarded. This one for example! https://www.gaelforcemarine.co.uk/en/GB/CTEK-M100-7A-12V-Marine-Battery-Charger/m-4332.aspx?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping - UK - Brand - New&utm_term=4578022832538641&utm_content=Ad Group %231 Obviously available from lots of other suppliers!
  10. Yard is still there, visited earlier this summer and they still have boats to hire. Nice spot to sit and sip and watch the river!
  11. grand stretch of river as well!! http://www.yorkmarine.co.uk/
  12. Likely worth trying Jon Heward at Wayford Marine Services as well. He tends to hoard bits!
  13. Not my night tonight! Wrong again! It was Ronaldo in t'other place! A good source for humour but sadly departed this world.
  14. I remember the name as well. I suspect it was in t'other place though!
  15. Whereabouts is all this taking place?? Don't need a postcode! Just a general idea where you are?? Sorry, reading back I see down Surrey way.
  16. The tree that looks a lot like a weeping willow looks very familiar to me. There used to be a very "green" old Norman moored nearby if I recall correctly. I keep thinking past Beccles towards Geldeston but .........
  17. Always seems to convey a threatening and intimidating air to me. What have they got to hide? I'm another who dislikes them intensely.
  18. Not exactly the brightest of ideas but that is up to you obviously! Eddy is right about the three way fridges, you can only use the "room sealed" variety of which there are very few. The Waeco/Isotherm/Shoreline are the way to go and be safe!
  19. Another for Craftinsure. They are underwritten by Zurich who also underwrite N&G.
  20. My Old Man, god rest his soul, bought a Cossack which was the "Lada" of motorbikes in that it was the Russian version of the older BMW R71 and sidecar which was a German military bike. To say it made a throaty racket was an understatement! It served its purpose admirably as I recall and didn't seem to break down as such although it was regularly in bits in the kitchen and garden. Used to love going out on it mostly in the sidecar with my brother but occasionally on the pillion for a treat.
  21. "Dawn Star" looks to be a peach of a boat! Looks magnificent. A huge credit to her owners, well done indeed!
  22. I had an early Citroën Xantia 1.9TD and I loved it. The hydroelastic suspension still amazed folk if I pulled up alongside, switched of and the car sank! Obviously the reverse also amused folk. It was a lively enough performer but its top quality was the ride comfort, especially for passengers. Did lots of miles and spent quite a while with a mate in Pyrenees Atalantique. Made me popular a Yorkshire man coming to France in a Xantia. Loved the bars over there and had a right royal time. The only problem I ever had with the car was down to a 60p plastic clip the gave way. This clip held the car body down on the chassis at the rear at the limit of the suspension. The back end came up and bounced around like a superball whilst driving. Looked like a drag racing convert! Didn't think much of the follow up C5 so went for a Skoda VRS (the first version) which was a lively drive!
  23. I was meaning downstream of Beauchamp rather than up stream which appears in the top one.
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