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Everything posted by BrundallNavy

  1. Before parting with your hard earned I would check that spares are freely available and take into account cost. An auto inflate can go off when stored on board on its own. I had two Crewsaver jackets that needed new arming cartridges and bottles but it worked out cheaper to actually buy two new ones. Doug.
  2. The pictures don't show up on my iPad , so cannot help, don't forget only 3 days before the big reveal. Doug.
  3. Sorry to hear about your dad Tim, hopefully you mange to get someone to see sense. Best wishes, Doug.
  4. I think last weekends GP sums it up very nicely, even going 6 secs a lap slower the pack still could not catch him. Hamilton's chance of the title went out of the window when Verstappen spun on the first lap. Let's hope the changes to the cars next year mixes things up. Doug.
  5. Enjoyed the first episode but not so much the second, too much ego for my liking. Doug.
  6. So they have valued the boats at £750000 or have I missed something. Doug.
  7. Looks like I am now surplus to requirements, Great job Tim, mine a glass of red. Doug
  8. We stayed on the boat last night and due to the Wabasto deciding to give up and not play ball we had no heating. Even with two fluffy Bichon's taking refuge under the duvet it was bloody cold. This morning we had some ice on the deck and I don't think the temperature got above 6 degrees all day. Doug.
  9. My other half hated my Blackbird as the seat was to long making her slide up and down every time I braked. She did however liked the BMW as it had a heated seat and great for long distances but it had to go as it was just too big to ride to work. Doug.
  10. As I have probably more varnish to do than most people, I use Ravalak thinned with natural turps for the first 3 coats then a light rub back followed by 3 coats of Brava then rubbed back with 600 grit then one last coat of Brava thinned with owatrol.your welcome to come and look at my heads floor to see the results. Ravalak is a great varnish and very easy to apply but does not have enough uv for use outside ok inside. Do not be tempted to use G4 as a base coat that was common a few years ago as it will peal and turn yellow. Ravalak is around £20 and Brava around £30 a tin. Doug.
  11. I thought my sander will be getting quite a bit of use in the near future, and a jigsaw that will hopefully cut a stright line. Doug.
  12. Finally had some good news, the hire yard insurance company has agreed a cash settlement, I struggled to get someone who was able to carry out the repair this side of Christmas at a reasonable price so along with a boatbuilding friend of mine we came up with a figure we thought about right and they agreed without hesitation. i have already repaired the window hopper and replaced the glass made some new toerails so we can now repair the cabin side with some old Mahogany donated by a fellow Formurite. i also have a chance to try out my new toys that are masquerading as a coffee table at present.
  13. I thought she was built at Herbert Woods. Doug.
  14. Hi Charlie, Did your dad manage to sort out the steering problem, I think he was waiting parts when we saw him. Doug.
  15. Well we are now back home after a fantastic weekend. Great bunch of people some really lovely boats and good weather what more could you want. Many thanks JA it's in he diary for next year. Doug and Hele.
  16. We came past at around 12-30 today and the area up to the day boat zone was jam packed with boats moored stern on, many over 40 ft, Horning was very busy in general with lots of people looking to stop for lunch it's a shame the Woodbastwick moorings are now sitting empty along with The island opposite the public Staithe. Doug.
  17. Many happy returns from the crew of Nipper. Have a drink on me. Doug.
  18. Well after much deliberation I have worked out how to repair Nipper's cabin side and keep the colour. I have found a company in Norwich that can do a vinyl wrap in any colour so if I send them a photo of the cabin side they will produce a wrap to match, it comes in two finishes semi or full gloss so if I go for full gloss I can hang up my varnish brushes for good. I just need to nail a bit of plywood in the whole and its job done. Doug.
  19. Now moored next to them in Norwich, not supprizingly they haven't said hello.! Doug.
  20. Thanks for your kind words, I'm still boiling inside but cannot undue the damage. it was a hire boat from a well know yard but don't want to mention any names until I have spoken to someone in authority as the reply I got today was the office is closed call back tomorrow. I am more than capable of doing the repair but it's having the time and place to due it. The hire boat had already made two attempts to moor up and hit another boat before he went down towards the bridge to turn round, he then went past the empty spot before trying to reverse in only to find his bow taken round by the tide, he had not much of an option as to wait for me to pass he would have still hit me but by applying full power it pinned me against the steel pilling. The mud weight did hang over the front on a bow roller which is now badly damaged. We do have a witness and the BA staff were fantastic but no apologies. We have also found Nipper's Nipper now has a hole where it looks like a bolt head from the pilling has punched through. A great start to our week down south but got to try and not let it get me down. Doug.
  21. Thank you all for your kind words, I just hope it doesn't rain this week or my beds going to get wet. Doug.
  22. No mud weight. They tried to reverse in to a spot in Great Yarmouth yacht station and when the tide took the bow round to 45 degrees he panicked and hit full forward. Doug.
  23. Don't you just hate it when uninvited guest try to drop in.
  24. It was nice to see the Broads Beat Officers out on Barton today checking fishing licences and giving the odd speeder a ticking off. Doug.
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