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Everything posted by BrundallNavy

  1. This has been up for sale for sometime, it was sold last year but I think the sale fell through. Tim I think was going to do a couple of days a week to make the mouldings. Hope if it's sold it continues it would be a shame to lose a valuable broads asset. Doug.
  2. My first time was 1972 aboard Wood Annenome from The Norfolk Education Sailing centre at Ludham, 1973 to 1976 as Skipper also on Wood Annenome. My introduction to alcohol was at the age of 16 in the Lion inn at Thurne with the Lady Yacht club, now that was a baptism of fire. Doug.
  3. Note to self, must have a word with Clive about changing the door code. All that slobber on the walkways one could easily slip and fall in the water. Doug.
  4. I went for an MV airo in the end as its a dedicated marine heater and smaller in size than the equivalent Webasto. I looked at the Planar but the kit came with a lot of stuff I didn't need and without stuff I did, but the time I added it all up about £150 difference. Doug.
  5. I. Had to get it to cheer me up after enduring open wallet surgery for a new diesel heater for Nipper, why are they twice as much as for a van !!! Doug.
  6. I think it will be a while until I start racing I still can't work out which is left or right as it keeps changing Doug.
  7. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I have gone and bought a PLASTIC boat. Ok at least this one has a rag and stick but it is indeed all plastic not a scrap of Mahogany anywhere. Im a bit of a novice when it comes to handling boats of this type so if you see me stuck in the reeds please don't be afraid to pull me out. Doug.
  8. We were. Out at the weekend and could not find any post working, most seemed to be taped up but the ones at Ranworth are still missing. The dinghy dyke and the mooring to the far side are also out of use as are the mooring at Woodbastwick nature reserve. Doug.
  9. This was our first weekend on Nipper this year and it turned out to be more than eventful. Friday afternoon, after enduring Griffs joke along with a nice cup of coffee we departed the wet shed, 2 mins later we are back in the wet shed as we had no forward drive under 4000 rpm. A loose clip on the throttle cable allowing the outer sheath to move was quickly sorted. No electric posts in use at Irstead so we pressed on to Ranworth, 8ft at Ludham saw us squeeze under with the roof up. Arrived at Ranworth and stern moored in the side dyke. The moorings to the port side of the dinghy dyke are shut off with key heading work going on. On with the webasto as no electric available only to find it making a screaming noise then stopped completely due to a seized motor. Off to the pub for a meal and to warm up. Saturday morning sunny but very windy ( it always is when we visit Boulters) into Boulters to get a gas bottle and an adaptor for the new temp sensor. Was fun getting out of the yard but managed it somehow and off to Wroxham. Lots of hire boats about. Arrived at wroxham and showing 6-6 ft on the gauge so we again squeeze under and moor up. A trip to Roy's to buy a phone charger as we had both left ours at home then set off for Belaugh. Never having stopped here before we moored at the church moorings., time to walk the dogs but I need the loo first, when I came out Oby had climbed on my bunk and wee'd on my quilt. Great.!!! Sunday again was sunny but again very windy, Wroxham again 6-6ft as we went under Hele felt something hit her on the back of the neck, a family were standing on the foot bridge feeding the swans and had thrown 3 handfuls of bird food right on top of the boat. Back in the wet shed at around 1500 despite the Hiccups a good weekend afloat. Doug.
  10. Does any one know if there are any electric post working at the moment. Doug.
  11. You won't have time for any more cream cakes then. Doug.
  12. You can download an app called Mobdro and watch it for free. Doug.
  13. Much better without Chris Evans, a better reasonable priced car too. As for the format " if it ain't broke" Doug.
  14. Years of windsurfing has left me with lower back problems. I thought I would go back to dinghy sailing after windsurfing for more than an hour left me hardly able to stand so choose the Contender, and that nearly killed me. First a broken arm then 8 stitches to my head, I finally gave it up when I left the transon behind on a sand bank at Christchurch when I forgot to take the lifting rudder with me on one of the travellers series. Finally saw sense and bought a yacht. Doug.
  15. I believe the most points held by a motorist currently driving is 62. Must have had a good solicitor. Doug.
  16. What No Janet Anne at Beccles this year.??? Doug.
  17. Nipper 2016 £258 2017 £269 N Nipper 2016 £49 2017 £40 Total 2017 £309 up £2 from last year not bad really. Doug.
  18. Thanks Geoff I will give both methods a try. Tried the omelette and it worked great. Keep up the blogs. Doug.
  19. Interesting to note the difference in the price of the Hearts, Southgates and Woods ones. Doug.
  20. BrundallNavy


    My neighbour in the wet shed went out today but only got as far as the Sutton turning due to the river covered in ice. Showing 8 degrees on the car temp gauge but does not seem anything like that outside. Doug.
  21. Enjoyed the blog Jeff, any chance of showing us how you cook your rice as I remember it was very good. Doug.
  22. As a child, one year when we had a hard freeze I walked from Barton Turf Staithe out to the broad and round the island at the Irstead end. The broad was packed with people ice skating but sadly we don't get many cold spells nowadays. Doug.
  23. Have a look at his website, prices are normally posted together with a photo. Doug.
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